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    Mr. Top Ten Intelligent Hardware in 2014, I was born, who is you optimistic?


    Intelligent hardware in Google Glass, 2012 origin, 2013 brew, burst in 2014, in 2014, Lei Cocao's small inventory of Smart2014, surrounding intelligent hardware industry events, products, companies, characters and phenomena, "Mr. Top Ten Intelligent Hardware" contains the characters we believe that in 2014, they have a wave of smart hardware industry, and they have a radioplavé, some are full of controversy, but in the intelligent hardware industry must be "Somebody", not "" Mr. Intelligent Hardware. 1. Xiaomore: Define China's intelligent hardware industry After Ma Yun, no horse cloud; there is no legend in the Internet. Only Lei Jun changed an angle, from smartphone, successfully established a hard-hardware combined digital empire, saying that it is not exaggerated in writing a new business myth. A series of actions, open, ecological, expansion, and tentiens, and fleeing are intelligent hardware. From smart TV to smart routers to smart bracelets to the smart camera to smart XX, Xiaomi is smart to intelligently think about everything. Despite the controversy due to factors such as the product, low-cost competition, investment strategy, etc., but no one can deny that Lei Jun is defining China's hardware industry, especially the intelligent hardware industry. Today, the history is written by the winner. We have no reason to do not choose Lei Jun as a 2014 intelligent hardware. 2, wheat, Li Xiaoliang: South China Shenzhen gold gold representative characters In a strict sense, wheat opens did not take the success of people. In 2014, the investment in the first round of 5 million yuan was now capital prosperity, and the huge Internet circle of the bubble is not something big. Li Xiaoliang's team of Maikai has several products. Lemon electronic said that the Cuptime Smart Water Cup has been named in the industry, and it has been prominent in crowdfunding results and double eleven sales. It is expected that Cuptime shipments will not be less than 200,000 in 2014. A (set), the entire company achieves no less than 100 million yuan. More importantly, Li Xiaoliang is one of the very typical gold prizers in the intelligent hardware: I have worked in the work of home appliances, and I finally decided to do my own products. In order to get closer to the supply chain, I decided to have hardware Hollywood named Shenzhen. Li Xiaoliang, is a typical entrepreneurial path in the intelligent hardware tide. 3, Cote, Core City, Kang Jingwei: Armsmanship Trend IPO Established three-year electronic component e-commerce code, officially launched the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 8, and the market value of approximately US $ 71 million. Using emerging channels such as WeChat, O2O and other fashionable services and marketing models, Cotton Core City copies Jingdong's model to component e-commerce and succeed. The association with intelligent hardware lies in that Cotton Core City is arsers in the entire industry, because all intelligent hardware can't escape various components, similar arms dealers have MXCHIP and other players. They have another name to send a water. Before any industry, the water delivery person will grab the opportunity, they have no compensation, such as the mobile Internet market to successfully apply the market. All in all, if the intelligent hardware is to succeed, the arms operators are not active, they are a very important force, they will naturally obtain the corresponding value. The hard egg brand of Cotton Core City promotes the development of intelligent hardware through the entrepreneurial competition, project incubation. Based on this, Kang Jingwei's greater stability of smart hardware in 2014 was Mr. Intelligent Hardware. 4, Daxin Wang Wei: low-key Shenzhen Tuhao is China's Apple Because the end of 2013, 10 Mercedes-Benz as the year-end award, DJI (Daxin Innovation) fame. This makes of unmanned business companies that include Christ Anderson (long tail theory, with "long tail" and "free" and "Yucai"), have become oligarchs in the unmanned aerial vehicle field. Yes, flight imaging system providers. DJI is moving from the industry to mass consumption and kills the country from the overseas market. DJI has been relatively cold to the media, and a US financial media has been interviewed by DJI through Lei Technology. The other party is too lazy. The industry conference in China's Science and Technology Media is invited by Wang Wei, and people will not be at all. Behind the high cooling is the solid, the latest generation of Inspire 1 is amazing. Wang Wei, who graduated from Hong Kong University, represents a lot of hardware entrepreneurs: low-key pragmatic, sulking. However, we choose Mr. Wang Wei for hardware, the core reason is that DJI is just a name, it is true innovation, and in the hardware, the original product is not numbered, and it is more innovative. 5,360 Shen Haiyi: Product Internet Player's Trader In addition to Sohu, the Internet giants have begun to enter intelligent hardware. There are a few ideas: one is to do products; one is to do platforms, data clouds or marketing platforms, and of course, there is also a way of playing thinking. 360 ideas have been clear, do their own single product, from portable wifi to the router to the loss guards to the home camera to children's watches. Although I have encountered some pits but also the more the battle, the more you do it, and I will join hands with Cool to set up a joint venture. In addition, the 360 ​​"Internet Hardware Free" sent is younger. 360 President, Shenhai, Shenhai, a smart hardware business trader, published a lot of intelligent hardware in 2014. He believes that intelligence, connection, plus new business model, will swallow the entire world, will Change our world. It is because of the intelligent hardware is sure to be optimistic, and there are many real knowledge, and we will participate in it. We choose him for the intelligent hardware, representing the Internet players of their own products. 6, Le Shi Jia Yueping: After stirring your smart TV? Smart TV is a relatively mature field in intelligent hardware. Because of the existence of just needed, the two categories of the box and TV just needed to receive the market, and the annual shipments of star products have reached millions and millions. LeTV is the most active Internet player in smart TV, let traditional TV manufacturers have alliance with Internet giants under anxiety. After the TV, LeTV tried to enter a new field such as parent-child hardware. Due to well-known reasons, LeTV 2014 is relatively high, and Jia Yueping's personal walking will lead to external speculation. In fact, it is not just Jia Yueping, many OTT boxes, doing film and television content, 2014 is and cherished and cherished. Fortunately, Jia Yueping came over, whether it is a personal problem or a common problem of industry, it seems that it is in danger. Choose to pay tribute to all the hardware of intelligent hardware! 7, Tieman Lao Wang: Constantly moving forward in question Toleoman calculates the opposite textbook in the intelligent hardware entrepreneurial tide: because of a few beautiful design pictures, playing a hot crowd on the WeChat friends. However, since the trial new technology encountered a problem with a good product rate in the supply chain, it did not ship it. The Tieman team and the founder of the founder have also suffered a lot of non-discussions. However, Toleum and Lao Wang have launched a refund of refunds under the pressure of public opinion; on the other hand, the product development speed is accelerated. On November 18th, the second generation of T-Fire Metal smart watches in Tieman logs in to Jingdong, and the total amount of crowds has exceeded millions. In order to avoid jumps, send products directly before crowding Send to Jingdong warehouse. Choosing Mr. Old Well, Mr. Intelligent Hardware, is that the pit encountered by Tanoman is the common phenomenon of the intelligent hardware industry. For a while, the crowdfunding and jumping tickets almost equalize the waiting for the waiting, and the Tieman can be said to be a first-skeeping. Did not give up, and finally bring the second generation of products to everyone. 8, too fire bird Ray Haibo: Smart hardware? Ray Haibo has created visual China and completed its listing in China and became the first Internet cultural and creative enterprise in China. In 2014, "Taulian" - China's first social creative e-commerce and innovative product incubation accelerator is committed to promoting China's innovative design brand hatching and product transactions. Its target product is a well-known quirky in the United States, but it has not been traded directly, but cooperates with the Taobao crowdfunding platform, the project of Tahuni's platform accounts for a support amount of Taobao. Ray Haibo pointed out that Tahunbo Biopgrass, Taihu Birds should hatch a bunch of intelligent hardware, and help them more brought users more demand, use public bags in capital, research and development, sales, etc. to help intelligent hardware, currently Toohmore is currently incubating with a 55 ° cup of explosive products in the product. Ray Haibo is becoming a smart hardware. 9, Broadlink Liu Zongru: Dare to be angry and dare to pick millet Broadlink released a DNA platform in 2014. To help the smart hardware team interconnect, LINKED by Broadlink, and Broadlink also released a lot of smart hardware items, including sockets, remote controls, speakers, etc., Boradlink and Shenzhen Ou Ruibo Yide South, became a smart home two new stars. However, Broadlink founder Liu Zongru, is more known to the complaint of Xiaomi, just like Huang Zhang's story: the sweetness before and after investment, to the end of the two parties, the negotiations, and become enemies from friends. After Liu Zongru, there is constant entrepreneur to jump out of the Chinese hardware big crocodile, Liu Zongru is also not covering the dissatisfaction with Xiaomi, every time a friend is a circle, seeing to be with Xiaomi to the end. Intelligent hardware tide is getting up, between different players, there is a collision with friction, but only different voices, the maintenance of rights, will make this industry healthy development. The winner writes a history of history, so the sound is more important. 10, China Chuangke: Intelligent Hardware Lifetime Achievement Award Different from Kickstarter and Indiegogo's large number of projects (Maker), China Chuangke did not born too many commercialization projects. Although China has dozens of Corporate space, more is more interesting aggregation, education learning, and the road to Chuangchang is not smooth. There seems to have always had a smoked hurdle between Corporate and entrepreneurship. However, after smart hardware enters the creative driver from the industrial driver, after 3D printing, the open source hardware is increasingly important in 3D printing, the open source hardware is increasingly important, and the wenthouse group still has the opportunity to be intelligent. Hardware trends find your location. They are Mr. Intelligent Hardware. Related Reading: Linux users, do you really understand the open source hardware? Famous hacker design open source hardware notebook and publish hardware circuit diagram Don't look at the Raspberry Pavilion to play 16 interesting projects Demyst that you have to know the nine core chips of wearable equipment 2014 Open Source Review: It is no longer "New Pack of the Emperor" Longxin 1C open source motherboard starts successfully pushes a number of open source hardware such as home wireless gateway 3D printer Only the button size development board Intel Curie, you have never been seen! Long-term knowledge! Longxin also started playing "open source" Linux-based 10 large automatic robot Raspberry Piece is coming! CREATOR C120 card microcomputer appeared in CES 2014 China's top ten most attention intelligent hardware SBC60A5- 英 蓓 特 特 作 作 作 作 作 作 Looking back, see those worst gadgets in 2014. The future is beautiful! 2015 DIY is the most expected hardware Intel EDISON Development Module At first experience: Hardware entrepreneurship is simple?





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