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    6L6 single-ended amplifier production record ----- 6L6 Vacuum Tube Amplifier


    "The emotional story that happened again, such as" Meteor ", and they showed the most beautiful side in front of him. If the ghost disappeared in the endless horizon, he did not leave a trace." As long as you have had enough, Why do you have to care for a long time! "This is" Star ", I left the school before I left the school. I didn't say it, turned to drive ,,,,,. The original love is so fragile, one word, one sentence is enough to taste a lifetime. Love is like a broken bile duct, the filaments have disappeared. "Once has" just a strong excuse, "long long long" is just a distant legend. I know that more nostalgia also escapes the rush of the years. Maybe, there is In the days of life, only the life of the machine is the best way to emotion. With the sad mood, I found a classic 6SN7SRPP push 6L6 single-end circuit diagram in the altar, take the voltage amplifier and low, good Advantage. After verifying the feasibility of the circuit with its own meager knowledge, it will be customized in the merchant, and the primary input 225V, the secondary output voltage is multi-group tap output, a set of 250V, one Group 300V, current 150mA; filament is divided into three groups 6, 3V, each set of 2.5A filament current output. After a week, the custom transformer came, the merchant's overall workmanship and materials are very in place, Zii silicon steel sheet It seems that it is like a "meteor" that occasionally allocated in the night sky, it seems to be in the darkness, it seems to be predictive. In order to ensure the cleanliness of the power supply, the high pressure has also used a medium h value. American second-hand choke, parameter 10H160MA. Filter capacitor preferred American antique sp, I hope SP unique efforts can reduce the low-frequency short-frequency insufficient single-ended, transformer, choke, output transformer, potentiometer, resistance, 6SN7, 6L6, filter capacitor, connection wires, etc. necessary materials, all are ready, and the rest is to start. Listening to friends said that love a person must have a touching process, so love can show a long-lasting vitality. I am weak, I will verify it. I thought, in fact, a machine is also like an interpretation of an unforgettable love, every step is deeply mysterious. Follow the work, but between love and work, I am willing to choose the latter. Without love, do you have inspiration? I think it is just the opposite. At least you can now concentrate on considering every detail of making machines, and then think of her charming smile and temptation. Formally start in a wind and sunny day. In the design of the casing, the machine layout uses longitudinal arrangement, front panel and rear panels to fill, neutralize the nature of the rigidity. After selecting the shape of the cabinet, the next position is arranged on the casing in the position of the part. First fix each of the holders, then install parts of transformers, capacitors, chokes. After installing all exposed parts, the remaining work is to carry out internal wiring. The wire of the internal connection can be selected according to the personal hobby. The cable between the single copper as the point and the point is a good choice. Transformer high-voltage output directly access a large eight foot hot tube 6AX5GT for full-wave rectification, the tube filament voltage 6.3V, up to 1.2A filament current, the thick anode material looks full of confidence, investigating the electrical parameters, The maximum rectifier output current of more than 300 MA is sufficient to meet the use of the whole machine. The first level capacitor selection 450V10UF's new old ancient Dongjun capacitor is first-level filtering. Single-ended power filter is not easy to generate communication. In the case of good grounding, many students have brought the converged sound to the filter capacitance, but the capacity of human becomes has not been able to achieve the effect. Why? This issue will state behind the article. Next, enter a 450V40 + 40uf antique lettering new SP capacitor after 10 hours of the United States, this place, one side, one side, as a 2W100K diarrhea-based resistance as a high-pressure filter capacitor voltage diarrhea, maintenance, and avoid electric shock opportunity. On the other hand, the power supply is then re-across the secondary filter of 15h, as the power source of the voltage amplifies, and is required to access a capacitor as a radio capacitance. The capacitor can be selected according to the individual's auditory hobby. What to remember is that the capacitance capacity is not too big, 5--10uf is ok. The resistance is selected for a variety of high-precision noise, and the power tube cathode resistor is 340 o'clock, the cathode current is 45-55 mA. Cathodic capacitor selection TCC subsidiary 50V 250UF, the temperature coefficient is up to 100 degrees C, this capacitor is a bigger, even in a 12 yuan, a JS purchased by the material network, the actual use sound is good, the most important thing is very good. . Just like the girlfriend around, each is beautiful ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . hehe! Of course, from another perspective, even the brand-name capacitance is like a beautiful woman, vanity is greatly satisfied. For 10,000 steps, even if the quality is general, it is a famous brand after all! Even if it is 10,000 bad, there is also a reason to say that it is not a cathode capacitor, and it is definitely nothing to do. The input capacitor selects the disassembly WE 250V0.25UF light yellow packaging film capacitance, and the error is 0.5%. When you look at the error value, you know that this is a precision instrument-level capacitor. This kind of size is not large, but the capacitance is very heavy, the feeling of putting it is very good, JS tells that this is the legendary best antique Western electro-filled capacitor, with amazing unique. As for the sound performance, it is desirable to look at each person's device. The capacitor is used in low frequency and high frequency in the input, and many "professional" audio capacitors are not more than it, but in the intermediate frequency, if the listening habits of the puppets are a bit awkward, the feeling is not enough, even if it is even The power amplification of the circuit uses the VITAMINQ capacitor to make a sense of hearing in the neutral band. Fortunately, this time the match is successful, the full-range segment sounds relatively balanced, rare is the taste of the overall music. Every time I listen to some chathey, I always want to fantasize that my girlfriend can sing around. Hey,,,! At the critical moment, you always have a native. Emotional business is too low, why can it become a big device! The power tube uses the 6L6 of the gourd, which is more attractive than 6L6 in other forms of packages. The shape of the pipe is different, and the material is different from the different tones. Like women encountered in a lifetime, there is gentle, passionate, infatuated, negative heart ,,,,,,. I don't think, if there is a perfect woman in my life, then I will always wait for her ,,,,,,. Dream is always a dream, in fact, this woman has this woman! But the pipe is different, as long as there is rice, how good the pipe will appear in front of your eyes. But, unfortunately! Women are not the same! The importance of output transformers is uncomfortable. In order to get a good overall effect, the couple of gold purchases the output transformer used in the brand-name commercial machine. One penny, this is heavy, the output transformer is heavy, work, and the exterior are really awkward. But what is the actual performance? ! I don't dare to say it is very good, but at least it is worth the money. At this link, many students will have a thought that I want to enter Fifi: the test waveform of the machine is released. In fact, I also thought of it, but at this time, there is always a big teachings in the altar: "It is not very important to measure the good and bad waveform of a machine. It is important that the sound from the machine can resonate with you. Yes, that is enough. " Kao! The famous high person is famous! Every time I think, I will win the idea of ​​publishing the waveform! The volume control potentiometer uses the ALPS and 100K. RCA plugs to potentiometer, potentiometer to input tube gate input signal connection selected US STREETWIRES ZERONOISE silver noise-free audio cable, the line thread is less than the feet of seven-legged, the inner core is more than 10 more Small silver wire consisting, bend, straightened, easy to connect. The front and rear, more than 20 hours, the performance of the human voice, the transparency, etc. are still going. The SRPP circuit is very simple. After the machine circuit is connected, it is connected to the monitoring voltmeter and current table, and then check the line correctly. Find out the tube that acts as cannon as a machine from the treasure chest to connect the load. Open the power switch, all the pipes suddenly lit up, and the warm rays seem to feel that tomorrow's love is full of hope. After 1 minute, the gant hit dog-like smell did not smell the strange taste, the heart is essay, and quickly read the digital display of the following voltage and current table. Voltage, current data and theoretical calculated value are different, successful, even successful! The joy of the mood quickly drowned all the unpleasant things. The heart of the madbeat is suppressed, and the ear is listening to the reaction of the speaker, God! Communicate, there is communication! That bursts stimulated the ears, which was irritated. Which one is wrong? Those twisted a tissue potentiometer and there is no change in voices. kindness! The ground wire and signal channel connections are correct, and this communication sound that changes with the potentiometer rotation should be caused by the power filtering of not clean or poor sensation. This problem is good, increase filter capacity capacity and adjust the associated connection. Hands with heart, take a vertical package 450V68UF USA large D capacitor plus welded to the last level enhancement filtering function. Re-opening the machine audition, the exchange of exchanges has been reduced before the capacitor is not added, and the total amount of capacity received with 68uF is small. According to theory, there are more than 10 hg in the previous stage, and the capacity of 68uf should be disappeared if the capacity of 68uf is in the case of the drug. But now still appears, it seems a bit complicated. But the complex problem is not as complex, and you can give up easily! Through analysis, it is found that the input circuit and the power cord are closely close. There may be induction phenomena; the AC power wire wiring is close to the voltage amplifier gate, and the electromagnetic field interference generated by the filament leads cannot be ignored. After you find instructions, adjust the input signal line and the AC filament routing of each tube, away from the gate. Open the opportunity to listen again, this sound is much smaller than the last time, but the exchange is still obvious, it seems that the real cause of the problem has been found. Where is the problem? If you compare the predecessor as a girl, the post is a young woman. Since ancient girls are more troublesome than a young woman, is it difficult after the post-level? ! I don't even accept it. Leaders have said: "We have to face all the difficulties, and can solve it in time, and you can't solve the conditions to create conditions." Even again, once again, the potentiometer, signal line shielding, communication filament, raising the wire potential, the center of the filament, the center of the tank, the node ground, etc. Check, but did not find something wrong. This time is the volate of the ditch, in the face of the exchange of exchanges, and even if it is even cold. When people are in the most vulnerable, they always want someone to talk to their hearts, but now there is no. Sometimes, I really don't know how to face the days without my girlfriend, passion and hope, what is the meaning of life? ! But sadness is always hurt, people, still have to live to face tomorrow's life. I remember that my girlfriend has said: "Love a person will love him, don't always hang the other party's shortcomings, you must be more comfortable to each other. If you can't break through, then it will be a very sad thing." Yes! It's really good. During these words, the Diy career is attached to the sea, and the direction of the sea is clear. Not? A part, a wire will produce different effects on different systems, it is good, and the people said. If we pursue a realm of no standard sound effects, we have unbelieveable costs in the spirit, and in the end, what did we get? ! What did you lose? ! When you go without the way, should we go to an inclination? ! I dare not go deep into the way. Sometimes, the sound of the machine that has been drafted from the hard DIY is not recognized by others in a certain aspect, and it has been amended and modified. In fact, you have to be a good time to be the best relief. I often see that I heard some uncle's uncle, Aber's title, the title of the silver ear, the drill, and listened to the evaluation of the sound of the sound with the unimaginable vocabulary, and even this skill. All right. Perhaps the young people who were even after eighty, the HZ value and skills heard were not as high as many seniors. Sometimes it is also very inferior, but more is a boring idea: the ear is more than them, even the XING function is better than them! hehe,,,! Fortunately, one is stronger than them, I have a content. If the sound of the sound is burned, it is always a "middle word". I feel that playing sound is really good! It's just a job in neutral stand. In the face of the exchange of exchanges, there is no way to go, and I will not be able to solve the resolution. It is a psychicity that Xiaomi, who is fascinating to the company. "How is it, is it sick?" Xiaomi asked. "Nothing, thinking about something boring" "Go to dinner together?" Xiaomi sent an invitation. You! I want to eat every day, I am not intended. Doll. "Okay! You have a custom place to inform me, by the way," "" The boss is on the business! Does he tell you? ". "Oh, didn't talk to me. He didn't take you?! No wonder, please have a good heart today! Oh ,,,!". "You hate it ,,,,,, I will go to drive, and wait for you downstairs." After 15 minutes, our figure appeared in the Western restaurant in the five-star hotel in this city. The Western Restaurant Manager is also a sound enthusiast, because the work on the work is very familiar. Unfortunately, he can't see his figure today, maybe it's not going to work! The beautiful leader came over with a charming smile and greeted, commanding the sermon to settle up everything. Even if you sit down, you can eat food when you don't do it. Xiao honey eating a bullish and said that the girl had a girl, saying that the wonderfulness was still sent out of the silver bell, and the guests were attracted by the guests. Oh,,, the little girl is really able to do it, eat and entertain. After 45 minutes, Xiaomi finally stopped. I have to ask "Eat it? Let's come again." "Don't eat it! Capacity is smaller than you." "Who said, don't you eat every time, how can you eat so little today!" "Hey! What did you say? What is the size of?" I suddenly remembered what, the machine's communication sound is not rectified What is the length of the first level capacitance capacity after tube rectification? ! This problem has not been noticed. "I am coming to send me back to dormitory, fast, fast, fast." "What? Isn't it said that you will go to KTV?" "" "" "First sent me back and said!" Back to the dormitory, in the first time, plug it with the solder iron to change the first grade filter capacitor from 10uf to 22UF. Open the machine power switch and try again, no soundsound? I didn't feel relieved to see the speaker terminal behind the machine, it is connected. Use the ear to listen to the speaker ,,,,. Haha ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The speaker is only a little bit of noise generated by a little bit. That night, I was very happy to play in KTV, and a group of people sings a lot of wine ,,,,,,. Maybe, this is the fun of DIY! ("





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