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    Based on spectrum monitoring and management of real-time spectrum analyzer modular


    "First, introduction As the spectrum analysis and management expands to update and more challenging new areas, the traditional desktop spectrum analyzer is increasing: it is difficult to adapt to the model that is extremely focused on the external application. In addition, the traditional spectrometer is due to the cost of all the functions, which causes the cost of the traditional spectrum to deploy in the application of the traditional spectrum, because such applications require a lot of economic analysis. Monitor remote equipment or signal information. This white paper showed a new program to have these challenges. This set of plans maximizes the ability of portable spectrum, which has scalable open source software, which can be very easy to use laptop through the API, complete control analyzer, not only reduced overall The cost also maximizes flexibility. Be Second, the trend and drivers of spectrum management The demand for high performance spectrum analyzers is not limited to traditional laboratory or known controllable environments. From a broad industrial field to very professional applications, high-end spectrum analyzers have become a necessity to support remote control deployment of various field tests. Be Communication facility The surge in global wireless devices and applications makes wireless spectrum allocation and management, facing major challenges, capacity and bandwidth increases, while the frequency interval between the equipment and devices is getting smaller. As communication and commercial wireless systems are more and more crowded, they want to succeed, can monitor management, solve problems, and protect radio frequency spectrum. It is especially important. To achieve these purposes, you can use two different solutions to achieve RF frequency spectrum analysis and management. The first solution is to discover and analyze signals by an external field engineer / technician to support installation, monitoring, and troubleshooting. The second solution is to return data, analyze and alarm to the control center in the field deployment of remotely controlled economic signal detection systems. In communication construction, due to the number of devices required, these detection systems must have enough economics and must be designed to be remotely fully controlled, such as restart, system recovery, and software upgrades, rather than need specialized technology. Person supported outside field. Quality assurance and customer outside service Increased use of the system of the spectrum resource, it will cause interference to other wireless applications, which will require equipment manufacturers, installers and service staff to discover, analyze, diagnose, and correct signal issues or interference in various field environments. Problem. When the quality engineer is in a vendor, the portable spectrum instrument will be very important when you need to evaluate the signal performance of different production line products. Customer Service and Quality Assurance Sections also often need to capture data from outside the field to the centralized control center to make additional real-time analysis, or recording RF data to the hard disk of the external computer, it is convenient to return or systematically trend analysis. In quality assurance or customer service, network control capacity and can integrate external field analyzers and backend analysis resources, which is not only important to solve instant problems, but also to identify potential problems, avoiding economic losses caused by large-scale corrective measures. It is very important. Government, management institutions and hidden spectrum management applications Most countries will regard wireless spectrum resources as national property. In fact, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) method pointed out that "sovereignty of each government has its telecommunications." The government is responsible for allocation, adjusting and monitoring wireless spectrum; identifying and resolving interference; mediation between different spectrum resource users; optimizing the overall use of available spectrum and coordinating the spectrum problem with other countries on the boundary. Today, globalization and increasingly crowded wireless environments, effective government spectrum control is especially important for international spectrum management, but it is also very difficult. The government needs to have an outfield spectrum analysis and the excellence of remote control deployment, to capture violation signals, solve disputes, and foresee issues. Government spectral control includes an important specialized area, which is to deploy some hidden detection points to obtain signal information in the field. For these applications, the spectrum analysis system requires remote control flexibility on the hardware, and the entire system requires good scalability. Depending on the deployment scenario, the remote hidden signal analysis system may require a separate long run and a response to the software defined by each unique environment. For example, a remote spectrum analysis system may need to scan the judgment signal on some specific frequency points, and then do RF recording or data acquisition according to the specified criteria. Some concealment programs do even need remote control software to identify some related frequency points, modulation, and / or signal activities to trigger records or analysis of remote computing platforms. RF data acquisition and radio frequency data record All of the above applications, continuous data acquisition and RF data recording are important. It is worth a special lifting because when you consider the scalability of the spectrum analyzer, the function of collecting RF data in real time to the hard disk is a very important factor. Depending on the spectrum, the data size of the desired acquisition or record will require a completely different hardware performance. Real-time regulation and digitization I / Q data are very challenging for spectrum gauges, and remote systems require capacity to transfer sufficient high-rate data to support continuous acquisition. In addition, the amount of data that needs to be stored locally determines the size and type of memory, and the demand for the acquisition of the control center will continue to affect remote computing and network interface specifications. The next section we will discuss that this hardware specification depends on the application is a variety of hardware specifications, and the traditional desktop spectrum instrument is difficult to adapt. Be Third, the limitations of traditional desktop spectrum gauges Expensive & scalability Traditional desktop spectrum analyzers designed all the features needed to design in a chassis, which means that such a spectrometer integrates customer-customized FPGAs and other support features such as displays, CPUs, memory, data storage, and inputs. Output interface, etc. The result is that such a complete spectrum analyzer is usually at the price of $ 15,000 to $ 40,000. In addition to the expensive price, traditional desktop spectrum is not good in hardware scalability. Once the initial configuration is selected, the desktop spectrum system is usually difficult to add memory, upgrade the CPU, change the network interface or other hardware. Change. Designed not catering portability or application flexibility Traditional high-performance spectrum gauges have gradually evolved into only in the laboratory environment, so they are more suitable for their fixed places, not suitable as an external field application. Traditional high-end spectrals are typically equipped with dedicated computer resources and special special software programs to optimize end-to-end processes within the control settings. If you use traditional design methods, all features are designed in a box and can achieve flexibility in portable and external applications, which will be considered in performance, characteristics, and practicality. For example, most portable and hand-held spectrum have only limited pre-configured measurement options, rather than true fully set spectrum analysis systems. In addition, these simplified version of the traditional desktop analyzer lacks configurable, network capabilities, and software adaptability to support the dynamic characteristics of external analysis and spectrum management. These drawbacks are particularly prominent in doing interference diagnosis, spectrum resource planning, radio frequency acquisition, and special hidden signal monitoring applications. The system designed in accordance with the conventional desktop spectrum instrument is still relatively expensive, and lacks the performance and flexibility required to be in the field analysis. Worse, with the continuous change of field spectrum management and new challenges, these expensive functionally cured desktop spectrums are likely to be replaced or upgraded, dealing with new communication protocols and application needs. Be Fourth, an open wireless signal spectrum analysis system plan Architectural philosophy: Optimization rather than replication Based on the traditional desktop spectrometer design, Signal Hound has fundamentally changed the high cost and flexibility of the high-performance spectrum analytics system by changing the basic design architecture and overall system. The USB3.0 interface connects a compact high-performance spectrum to the host. With the flexible spectrum analysis software, this open solution allows the entire system to make a variety of desired optimizations. As you want to discuss later, this makes all system configurations in performance, features and costs. Be Be Get maximum balance, and software, hardware is easy to upgrade to adapt to new needs, without need to replace the entire system; Performance For any spectrometer, the required accuracy of the desired frequency range, resolution bandwidth, scanning speed, and can complete the test or analysis task, which is a necessary condition. The first generation of BB60A has been well received in the market. Now the Signal Hound BB series enters the second generation, and the application in the actual application also proves that the BB series is completely competent. The new BB60C product is better than the BB60A: the SFDR typical value increases by 20dB, and the full-band noise cut is to provide temperature expansion model (-40 ° C to + 65 ° C), and extend I / Q data bandwidth to 250kHz to 27MHz variable. The BB60C provides a 27MHz instantaneous bandwidth and a scanning speed of 24 GHz / s. Through 75% Four Fourier Change (FFT) overlap, seamless spectrum analysis is achieved throughout the 27M instantaneous bandwidth, which means that each digital sampling point will be included in 4 FFTs, In this mode of operation, as long as the signal amplitude is sufficient, any short signal falling within the instantaneous bandwidth is displayed. If you need to display the maximum amplitude, this signal must be able to complete the FFT, for 631kHz resolution bandwidth, which will require 4US, so even if the pulse of 1us, the amplitude display is attenuated 2 to 3 dB. Be Be Be Be Be BB60C specification Be Be Be Be Be Be Frequency range Be Be Be Be 9kHz - 6GHZ Be Be Be Be Be Be Real-time bandwidth Be Be Be Be 25k-27m Be Be Be Be Be Be RBW Be Be Be Be 10Hz-10MHz Be Be Be Be Be Be Scan rate Be Be Be Be 24GHz / S Be Be Be Be Be Be Danl Be Be Be Be -158DBM / Hz + 1.1DB / GHz (> 10MHz) Be Be Be Be Be Be Residual response: reference level ≤ -50dBm, 0dB attenuation Be Be Be Be -106dBM (> 500kHz) Be Be Be Be Be Be Dispersive and mirror inhibitionThe typical application scenario can put it and the connected PC in an IP67 type (water-proof and dust-proof) chassis, mounted to the pole or under the roof, or put the PC and BB60C in the building of the building, small Space, or wiring box. If it is a mobile external technician, you can also wrap the system to a packed briefcase class, which is convenient to set up the system quickly, can be used anywhere, or simply put the BB60C in the computer or The back of the tablet. Connection The system can be connected to the network or backend resources through the PC's Ethernet port to support full range of communication, data upload, software update, and other system management tasks. To the BB60C, any computer with Intel VPRO technology, whether high-performance desktop compact NUC, the entire system, can achieve remote management, including boot and system operation. Intel's VPRO technology allows Ethernet ports that are always powered, even if the computer is turned off, this makes the following functions can be performed through the network: - Remote restart computer - boot or shutdown - Remote management software upgrade (including restart operation) - Remote implementation system recovery when computer or BB60C crash or lock Extensibility An important change pattern in the Signal Hound scheme is based on Windows-based open source spectrum analysis software, which allows engineers to quickly use all of the features of BB60C. Integrated software supports traditional control methods, such as frequency sweep, center frequency point, start and cutoff frequency, resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, reference, configurable traces, and frequency standard. Use OpenGL to balance the modern computer GPU acceleration feature to enrich the 2D and 3D spectrum waterfall maps and real-time glow mode, increase user experience, and make signal identification make it easier. Mature API combines open source standard spectrum analysis software, allowing users to develop their own programs and spectrum to implement the desired features together, so that customers can make customers convenient to expand system capabilities. Detailed documentation describes the API written by C / C ++, which can be triggered, and log signals, real-time analysis, and data acquisitions. Programperskers can use open source software to customize the development program, or fully develop their own procedures. Be 5. Benefits and cases in practical applications The modular scheme of the customer experience reaction Signal Hound is mainly advantageous in two aspects: 1) Reduce costs and 2) the expandable ability that is not previously achievable. Most users like these two benefits very much. Reduce spectral analysis cost For many companies, it is a sufficient reason to reduce the cost of each spectrometer to 5 to 10 times. A set of systems with $ 15- $ 40K with a single system of $ 15- $ 40K with a single system of $ 15- $ 40K is very striking. In fact, some companies have begun to account for this account, and only one traditional desktop spectrometer with the same capital expenditure, but if you buy BB60C, you can put it on your entire laboratory or production line floor. As a return, they will get a very high return on investment, and products that are not outdated, you can update the spectrometer module by upgrading software, or change your computer configuration (hard drive size, network interface speed, etc.) when any needs. For remote deployment scenarios, the cost of deploying remote systems in the field is possible, and the price of traditional desktop spectrum vessels is to prevent direct reasons for this deployment. This means that communication service providers can put this high-performance embedded spectrum management system in their infrastructure, eliminating the cost and time delay of technicians to open the engineering vehicle, and simultaneously improve service reliability Sex and customer satisfaction. Extensibility of the module This new open spectrum analysis system also breaks the traditional program in another direction, which provides a platform for extended scalability to design customer-tailored spectrum analysis applications. On the basis of self-contained basic analysis software, some special applications can easily expand their unique needs. Since the API has a detailed document, C / C ++ can be programmed, so the software engineers familiar with industry standards can be easily designed, deployed and maintaining the custom function of the form. Scalability is very important in rapidly changing wireless communications, because the current company deployed remote control scenarios need to be easily updated remotely to meet new needs in the future to meet new needs. Software customization is a very important consideration for designing special spectrum analysis capabilities, deploying hidden signal analysis platforms and government spectrum monitoring planning systems in the field. In these examples, spectrum analysis procedures often need to discover, analyze and "hunt" the signals of special interested interests with some complicated algorithms, which requires the software on remote computers to integrate with spectrum analysis. . Written in the last Nowadays, global dispersion, a variety of signal management needs have made it difficult for the past traditional desktop spectrum instruments, and the spectrum management applications have been far from the laboratory, and the traditional laboratory equipment is being thrown behind. These applications urgently need a new spectrum analysis system design. As the advantages of the Signal Hound BB series, this new design is optimized for front-end spectrum analysis and radio frequency acquisition function, and the standard Windows PC environment can be combined with economical spectrum modules, combined into a set of non-desktop. Economic solution. It can eventually make any existing spectrum management applications, only a small part of the cost in the traditional spectrum analyzer, can transition to this new program platform. Be About SIGNAL HOUND Signal Hound is built in 1996 in 1996. The company's philosophy is to provide customers with high-quality economical second-hand test measuring equipment to keep the company grow and form a loyal customer. In 2006, TEP expanded their focus, began to design and produce refurbished tools for color LCD displays to solve the problem of aging HP8566A, 8566B and 8568A, 8568B spectrum instrument, while TEP started to provide HP / Atilent steps Repair service of the inset mortus. In 2007, TEP design and produced another LCD display renovation tool to support the HP / Agilent 8560 series spectrometer. At that year, TEP began to decide to play its own advantages, providing repair services for Agilent's spectrum, index mesh, and signal sources. TEP's maintenance part has been widely recognized in the world-class level in the field of radio frequency and microwave test. In 2009, TEP decided to develop a compact and lightweight economic spectrum instrument. The goal is to achieve the current market in the market. The USB-SA44B spectrum instrument was introduced in February 2010, allowing TEP to achieve this goal, also marked the birth of this product line of Signal Hound. In April 2014, TEP began to officially in Signal R & D design and production of HOUND independent operation test equipment. The latest revolutionary product of Signal Hound is BB60C, which was posted in June 2014, his predecessor is a real-time spectrum analyzer-BB60A that is highly received by the market. Be Be Signal Hound China Agent: Shenzhen Guodao Electronics Co., Ltd. Electronic test and measurement and environmental testing equipment integrated supplier Shenzhen Longhua New District Meilong Road Huangjia Mei Yonguan A805 Tel: 0755-85261178 E-mail: [email protected] Realistic innovation explores unknown service future " Be Be Be Be -50dbc Be Be Be Be Be Be Working environment Be Be Be Be 0-65 ° C; option-40 to 65 ° C Be Be Be Be For some difficult external spectrum analysis, such as intermittent interference searches, such systems will be a good choice. The conventional spectrometer can only display an interference signal falling within the RBW, making it difficult to identify and quantify interference. A real-time spectral instrument such as BB60C, can handle thousands of resolution bandwidths simultaneously, making the interference search simple. Identifying and analyzing the frequency hopping spreading signal is also a challenge for the traditional spectral meter, as the traditional spectrum can only capture a small portion in the frequency hopping signal. The BB60C can simultaneously analyze the entire ISM band from 902MHz to 928MHz, and can also be scanned from 2400 MHz to 2475MHz within about 4 ms, which will greatly simplify the analysis process of frequency hopping signals. This can be seen from the Bluetooth signal map received from the following BB60C. Be Be Economy The second important goal of this solution is to provide an overall economic system overall solution to break the price barriers of traditional desktop spectrum analyzers, thereby creating new opportunities for more field applications, deploying more economical remote scenarios. The BB60C is connected to the computer, complete signal processing with the computer, which eliminates a large piece of cost (and profit) in the traditional spectrometer. The design of the traditional spectrum system is depends on the FPGA customized in the instrument to complete the signal processing, which greatly increases the cost. The FPGAs that are sufficient to complete the signal processing task require a cost of $ 250- $ 1000, while in the system to increase at least 400%, which will enable the desktop spectrum to increase the price of $ 4000. Additional hardware peripherals also increase the overall cost, such as a display, power supply, processor, keyboard, and internal memory. In system cost, manufacturers also need to share the high cost of skilled FPGA engineers, develop, support and upgrade signal processing algorithms. All these factors allow the price of traditional desktop spectrum up to $ 15,000- $ 40,000, but still need to implement and report automatic test tasks with your computer interface. In contrast, the Signal Hound is below $ 3,000, which includes a mature API and an open source spectrum analysis software. As long as you use the appropriate Windows version of the PC, install the application software, it is a complete set of schemes to deploy. Availability and portability The BB60C compact design is convenient to carry, with a net weight of only 0.5kg, size 219mm x 81mm x 30mm. Since it is taken from the computer from the computer through the USB3.0 interface, there is no need for additional power and power cords, which greatly reduces space and accessories. BB60C is designed for flexibly deployment





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