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    Britain wants to make the most expensive nuclear power plant comment: no Chinese technology is difficult


    "Since Month, in 1995, the British first new nuclear reactor in Hinkley Point C nuclear power station became a nightmare, and its cost is rising, or it will be twice the 2012 London Olympics. In addition, UK Consumers are not very phlegm, but the project is still going on. According to foreign media reports, the Hinkley Point, the Hinkley Point, the UK Sincst Coast is the largest construction site in Europe. At 430 acres of land, it is a towering crane and a bright yellow excavator. This is also the first new nuclear power plant in the UK since 1995. When the final is completed, Hinkeley Nuclear Power Station will become the world's most expensive power station. The advancement of the entire project requires overcoming financial, political, and technical many difficulties. Xinkeley Nuclear Power Station was proposed as early as nearly forty years ago, but progress is abnormal, and it is a ruthless opposition from politicians, scholars and economists. Some of the critics of this project questioned whether the nuclear reactor of the Hutkeley C nuclear power station can run. This new design has been a lot of controversy in the construction process, and there is no precedent in successful operation in other places in the world. Some experts believe that this nuclear power plant is not impossible to build. Paul Dorfman from the UCL Energy Institute said: "Compared to nuclear power plants in Finland and France, the cost of spending and time cost of this nuclear power plant is more than three times ... this is a destined failure reactor. Project. " Diagram: Hinkeley A nuclear power plant control room, it started in 1965 Others also point the spear to the cost. At present, the total estimation of the C nuclear power plant in Hinkeley is 20.3 billion pounds, which is twice as much as the London Olympics. In order to pay this fee, the British government has signed a complex financial agreement with the French Power Company (EDF, 83% of the French Energy Market) and China Guangnian Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (CGN). Based on this contract, British electric consumers will pay hundreds of millions of dollars within 35 years. According to EDF, Gérardmagnin said that French companies believe that the Kernel Nuclear Power Station is "a way to revive the French nuclear industry through the British funds." He added: "We can't sure to 2060 or 2065, the British will not be willing to pay for the French nuclear industry." Many British observers believe that this transaction is also "bad transaction" for French power companies, quite ridiculous. The professor of Steve Thomas, which Greenwich University engaged in energy policies pointed out. Even if the inside of EDF is not very satisfied with this transaction. In the fall of 2016, the company's financial officers and Manan were resigned before the end of the EDF Board of Directors. "Hinkeley C nuclear power plant project is still very dangerous," Manan told me. He has completed the ability of French Power Company to complete the project before the deadline of the 2025 deadline, "Why are we going to this point?" Maglin asked. "This is the structure of a paper house." Of course, it is not everyone who has lost confidence in this item. When John Hutton served as a business secretary in 2008, he announced that the government will encourage nuclear reactors "safety and affordable" development. At that time, he insisted that these factories will be completed in "2020", and will not take a penny subsidy from the British government. So far, although the commitment earlier has been broken, Herton is still lobbying: "We are not just establishing a power station," he told me, "We are creating history." But ironically, when the Hinley C nuclear power station finally started to run, it may have been out. With the decline in renewable energy costs and popularization, nuclear power is facing survival issues around the world. In front of the UK Oil Company, Tom Burke, a Professor Tom Burke, a Professor of the Imperial University: "Mathematically, the nuclear energy is no longer meaningful." Diagram: Quantock hilhouses from Somerset The story of Hinkeley C-Nuclear Power is a series of decisions made by dozens of people in decades. These decisions may be isolated, but it has developed to today, but it has led to almost incredible policies and ambitions. Commitment to make a break, the policy is adopted, then overturned and then adopted. The only remaining is expelled, but the cost is already soaring. However, if there is so many people believe that the C nuclear power plant in Hinkeley is fundamentally deficient, the problem still exists: how we do it, every year, a hundred billion in a project that seems to be more and more promising. ? After the 1987 election, the British government led by Mrs. Thatcher launched the entire power market privatization plan. However, in this month, it will cause many problems in the sale of 30 nuclear power plants in the UK. At that time, the civil servants participated in the power market privatization were all the operational risks of the first-generation nuclear power plant and a huge cost of cost. Of course, the government's policy documents can investigate and make optimistic predictions on related numbers, but will not distort the facts for the prospectus of potential investors with financial information. A former civil servant said: "The government document is a matter, but if these numbers have misleading in the prospectus, they are criminal offenses. To tell the truth, this is completely unlike government documents. For us, everyone Is a considerable moment. " By 1989, the UK's nuclear department clearly won't be privatized - no business is willing to bear huge financial and operating risks. Chris Huhne, Chris Huhne, told me: "The retirement cost of nuclear power plant is incredible." In the 50 to the 1960s, they built the nuclear power plant as a pyramid of the Lao Lao. This means that we will never peel off the nuclear power plant. " In 1990, with the promotion of the power market priority, the UK's nuclear power plant was transferred to state companies. At that time, the government has begun to build a Sizewell B nuclear power plant on the Saffo coastline. And Hilli nuclear power plants are the next next list. Six years later, the old-generation nuclear power plant was turned into another state-owned company, and a new private company named BBT was taken over the British eight modern nuclear power plants. Since the UK energy company took over the assets that the government has built, it announced that they agreed to build a plan of Nuclear Power Station in Hibley. Take over the existing nuclear power plant has certain financial significance, but the contracting new nuclear power plant needs an incredible investment, but there is no financial significance for the company, and the existing nuclear power station will run to the end of the design life. But shortly after privatization in 1996, British energy companies began to encounter financial problems. By 2002, this newly established private company fell into a chaotic that eventually requested the government to provide 3 billion pounds of assistance. If the concept of "too big and can't fall" is a typical feature of the British banking industry, then it is also the case for nuclear power services. During the Second Commission in Blair, the Cabinet Office is responsible for reviewing the British energy industry. When the agency issued a report in February 2002, the information passed was very clear: the cost and risk of building new nuclear power plants should be left to private enterprises. Gordon Mackerron, a Professor of the University of Sussex (University of Sussex), said: "Although the nuclear industry should not be ignored, it is economically incompetent." Diagram: Concrete mixing station of Hindle C nuclear power station, taken in September 2016 By the end of 2003, all government policies showed that Hinkeley C nuclear power plants will never be built, and any other nuclear power plants have no prospects. Everything seems to indicate that the nuclear energy is not a future in the UK - that is why the government comes with a big turn of one hundred and eightyth after three years, so many bystanders are surprised. McCon told me: "Despite no obvious signs, but in 2006, the government's position was completely reversed. Nuclear energy became very beneficial, very important and very economical." One thing that happened in these years is the nuclear industry's propaganda offensive. Dozens of speakers have been sent to the entire industry, including the former energy minister Brian Wilson and other politicians drive the idea of ​​"nuclear revival" in the UK. Andrew Stirling, Professor of Scientific and Technical Policy, Sussex, said that from 2003 to 2006, "a large-scale nucleophilic lobbying and corresponding public relations activities continued to today." By media and advertising promotion, the previous key information is completely overthrown. Renewable energy is intermittent and is not reliable. The import of overseas natural gas is too much affected by foreign policy. "Green Environmental Protection" nuclear energy is the only feasibility of completing the target of carbon dioxide emission reduction. Keith Parker, the CEO of the Nuclear Industry Federation (NIA), said that the British election becomes the focus of all parties. He frank: "This gives us a good opportunity to improve the image of nuclear power." In the months before the election, the Boermall Army Navy Club and Anne Female Wangmen's St. Stephen Club. A series of talks. Industry leaders and experts gather together to explain the benefits of nuclear energy to politicians and energy reporters. In July 2006, the government and the previous position of one hundred and eighty-year-old turns, released a new policy document called "The Energy Challenge". The document claims that it is necessary to establish a new nuclear power plant to help UK reduce carbon dioxide emissions and ensure future uninterrupted energy supply. Illustration: Hinkeley A nuclear power plant and B nuclear power station in Somerset area To this end, the green peace organization has put forward legal proceedings, claiming that the consultation behind the government decision is not perfect. The judge of the main trial case also also made the plaintiff and decided in February 2007 that the program had "misleading" and "serious defects" and "procedures unfair". The Blair Government accepted a ruling, but said "this will not affect policy". Andrew Stirling believes that the government's heavy enthusiasm has a vital, but it is impossible to disclose: there is no civilian nuclear industry, the country cannot maintain military nuclear capacity. In other words, there is no new nuclear power plant, there is no future of nuclear weapons. Sterling told me: "The country currently studying a large-scale civilian new energy plan is an economical country of nuclear submarines, or it is necessary to build a nuclear submarine." Building a nuclear submarine is a very complex project. It requires the corresponding mechanism memory (INSTITIONAL MEMORY) and technical expertise, and these knowledge is particularly easy to disappear without practical. From a certain extent, this is also the product of the civil nuclear industry. If you continue to build a new nuclear power plant, then the technology and nuclear blow capability required by the army will continue. Sterling told me: "It seems that the government is deliberately creating an environment conducive to nuclear power, and it is also conducive to the military security department." In May 2007, the government has published documents entitled "Meeting Energy Challenge: Energy White Paper", reaffirming the enthusiasm of nuclear energy, and claims a major change in nuclear power economy. " Compared with the late 1980s, the government claimed that now is now in contact with "some energy companies that have interested in investing in new nuclear power plants." In June 2007, Gordon Brown took over the government from the Blair to the nuclear industry's policy tilted. In fact, the new Prime Minister's brother Andrew was the communication director of French Power Company (EDF), although the spokesperson of Gordon Brown told me that the Prime Minister did not discuss with Andrew Brown at any time. Policy. In January 2008, the boots finally landed. The new generation of nuclear power plants in the UK have been formally supported by the government. Herton pointed out: "This is one of the most exciting days in my minister career. For a long time, all ministers have been doing a lot of important things, but there may be such moments in the counseling career, when you are quiet Think: 'In fact this will have an intergeneration effect. This will even affect this country after 50, 60, and 70 years later. " The first one is the Hinkel C nuclear power station. Just when the Hibley C nuclear power plant project is going to horses, the financial crisis has built. Hutton told me: "The financial crisis has changed everything." "I have previously expressed interest in the new nuclear power plant to provide funds for E.ON and Centrica and other private companies to withdraw." If the British government wants to continue to advance the project, he will pay for the nuclear power plant itself. This completely departs from the previous policy, ie private enterprises will undertake the development costs and risks of nuclear power stations. Molly Scott Cato, Southwest England, southwestern, said: "People reached a consistency based on a foundation, and then go to another basis." Despite the chaos, the British government is still determined to continue to promote the Nuclear power plant project. Herton said: "You must find a different route. The key to this complex issue is that the company is saved by the government in 2002, and there are many best places to build new nuclear power plants. If the government wants To build a nuclear power plant private company, you must sell the British energy company to one of the companies. British Energy Considering Different Acquisitions in 2008, French Power Company has the highest enthusiasm. A senior government is said, "Once, we tried to make Centrica and the UK energy company. But soon, I will realize that this will be asked to rely on two drunks. And French power company is the best. After the private sector lost interest in the private sector, the government suddenly found the disadvantaged position of negotiations because there was no alternative plan. Mackerron said: "They may not foresee only one French power company intention. So in some cases, they are a bit too much." In September 2008, British energy companies were sold to French power companies. French Power Company conducted a long-term and difficult negotiation with the civil servants of British Energy Co., Ltd., and also had the failure of bidding. The French company pays 12.5 billion pounds take over 8 British nuclear power plants. It also announced its plan to develop 4 new nuclear power plants. Looking now, French power companies are not like a knight that came to save the land. The company's market value has fallen by more than 150 billion euros (13.2 billion pounds) in 2008 to Today's 30 billion euros (26 billion pounds), and the French nuclear industry is facing a survival crisis. Since there are many 58 nuclear reactors in France to be built in the 1970s, it is now close to its service life. The retirement cost of the entire French nuclear industry is not only severely underestimated, but also no new nuclear power plant. At present, nuclear power business accounts for FranceAbout 75% of electricity, so the possibility of energy shortages is increasing. To make matters worse, the first seat to try new nuclear power stations EDF to build over the years become an increasingly embarrassing situation. Flamanville on the north coast of France (Flamanville) nuclear power plant since 2007, has been troubled start to invest over budget. It is now expected to cost 10.5 billion euros (9.2 billion pounds), essentially flat with the Hinckley Point nuclear power plant, three times the original estimate. In addition, the reactor Flamanville nuclear power plant is also used in the new pressurized reactor (EPR), the same trouble with Hinckley Point nuclear power plant project. Last year, resigned from the French energy company directors Magnin told me that the company believes Hinckley angle C nuclear power station to prove that "the French nuclear energy company and is still viable in the 21st century" is essential. He added: "If their normal operation, this could be a good thing but once unable to advance, then prove that we have lost.." French power company in October 2013 and reached the UK financial transactions will continue to blood transfusion for the project - with Magnin's words, which is equivalent to the British taxpayer to finance France's energy demand, which is still the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant project one of the factors most controversial. Taking into account its commitment to the construction of Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, the government has no choice but to put forward all kinds of suggestions and let the EDF. The British government and the French energy company ensures Hinkley Point nuclear power plant 35-year agreement to run a fixed price. In 2012, the electricity price agreement (known as the "strike price") was set at GBP per megawatt hour (MWh) 92.5, then fluctuate with inflation. (Roughly equivalent to one hour 330 the power used when a family MW.) This means that if the price of the country if less than £ 92.50 per megawatt hour, Electricite de France, where consumers get from additional subsidies, as "complementary" to make up the funding gap. It will be added to electricity bills across the country, meaning that even if you do not draw power from the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, you still need to pay to the French power company. The current UK electricity wholesale price is £ 40 per MWh. If there is no inflation since 2012, so that every electricity consumer will be required per MWh of power for the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant produced an extra £ 52.50. However, since the agreement price indexed to inflation, the exercise price has risen since 2012. (If the EDF is on schedule in Suffolk Seville develop another new reactors, prices will drop 3 pounds.) In short, the government did not subsidize EDF taxpayers' money, but by letting consumers pay for electricity to reach an agreement. In view of almost every British taxpayer is electricity consumers, the difference is called metaphysics. "When the exercise price is set very high price. They signed a contract at the time of foam happen," an analyst at equity research firm AlphaValue Juan Rodriguez (Juan Rodriguez) said, "This is for EDF to He said that the sum of a great deal. "By contrast, commercial, and industrial strategy of the Ministry of energy believes that" the government negotiated a competitive agreement. " In fact, compared with the current cost of renewable energy, the deal looks particularly bad. Hinkley Point nuclear power plant agreement while rising electricity prices, energy costs are declining. And, as a recent report by the public accounts committee pointed out that while energy costs continue to decline, but only pushed up the subsidies for EDF. The report stated: "No one is to protect the interests of energy consumers." December 2013, the European Commission decided, in view of the amount paid to the French power company is so large that may distort the price of the whole of Europe, so the investigation of the relevant transaction. The conclusions document published in 2014 33,000 words, we can understand the efforts to save the British EU negotiations. The European Commission for the negotiations themselves raised several issues. First, it represents the payment to the French power company huge costs will cost the company a huge, unjustified advantage. The so-called "price agreement" aimed at "totally eliminate bring electricity business market risk." Secondly, it noted that EDF has been passed as many risks to the British Government. Including any related contracts from the UK financial market debt required for the construction of nuclear power plants to provide security at the national level. In addition, if the nuclear disaster struck Hinckley angle, EDF will be spared. Environmental organizations Molly Scott Cato (Molly Scott Cato) said: "We provide insurance, so if a disaster occurs, the problem will be directly in front of the public core business has never, not at all. It should be run by private companies. " In the assessment of the European Commission among one of the most serious problems is the "gap" between wholesale energy prices and price agreements. This spread is currently at around £ 50. The European Commission pointed out that once Hinkley Point nuclear power plant began operation, EDF will share some very impressive market share, which have the ability to manipulate the entire wholesale electricity market. The European Commission believes that the manner of calculating the price of the agreement, could "motivate" EDF "There strategically affect the reference price." For example, if the EDF suddenly, within a pre-planned time-to-market a lot of electricity, so the wholesale price of electricity is likely to fall sharply. The lower wholesale prices, the gap between the exercise price of the greater, so consumers to "EDF tax" paid by EDF higher. As the European Commission puts it, "vertically integrated operators" how to "respond to this incentive," there is a problem. EDF has a responsibility to maximize profits for shareholders. This means that the company will have the ability to manipulate the wholesale electricity market in a certain period of time, thus contributing to the interests of shareholders. EDF declined to comment. Business, Innovation and Skills department spokesman said that the energy regulator Ofgem will be responsible for the overall supervision of the wholesale electricity market. A spokesman said: "They have all kinds of investigation and enforcement powers to monitor and prevent market participants to manipulate prices." In view of the concerns of the European Commission, the UK has adjusted the planned program, and minor modifications to the agreement reached by the EDF, in order to generate profit in the project can benefit the UK's electricity consumers. Nevertheless, agreement on how to calculate the prices are still serious differences, and the problems caused by the long struggle to force the government released documents used to prove the price. In 2012, due to the ready to negotiate with EDF agreement on prices, the government hired a consulting firm to evaluate LeighFisher construction cost of Hinkley Point nuclear power plant. The higher the cost LeighFisher estimates, the higher the price of EDF's agreement. However, as the UK National Audit Office in June 2017 pointed out, LeighFisher owned by Jacobs Engineering Group all Jacobs Engineering Group. The assessment of Hinckley Point nuclear power plant construction costs in LeighFisher the same time, Jacobs Engineering Group of the Party is the French power company, some of its employees were seconded to the EDF. National Audit Office pointed out that many workers Jacobs Engineering Group of the costs involved in the verification work done LeighFisher. In short, that EDF hired by a company recommended a division of how much money the payment to the French power company to the British Government. 2012 Energy and Climate Change became clear conflict of interest exists between them, but until August 2015, the department was sent a letter LeighFisher, require the company to ensure that the project "tissue separation." The government also asked to make a monthly update on the necessary arrangements, but the Audit Commission said there was no information is received. In October 2015, after a price agreement reached two years, LeighFisher tissue separation agreement was signed, including "ethical wall arrangements." I recently find on LeighFisher site to the phone number, how they will attempt to so-called "ethical wall" into practice to make more understanding. "Good morning, Jacobs," female other end of the line replied. When I asked to speak with someone LeighFisher, the woman seemed to muddy the waters: "They and we have no relationship." When I send e-mail to LeighFisher, a person Jacob's press office responded: "Because no LeighFisher PR team, they asked me to explain your question. "It would appear that at present no idea what their so-called" separation of how the organization "is achieved. By Jacobs Account spokesman sent an e-mail stressed that: "LeighFisher fully disclosed the relationship with the subsidiary bodies of the United Kingdom, and to develop a strong program to address the problem in the UK LeighFisher its secret branch LeighFisher. in the whole process, "a spokesman for the commercial, industrial strategy and the Ministry of energy told the" Guardian accordance with the agreed protocol and the management of resources ":" LeighFisher confirmed to the department, there is no conflict of interest between it and Jacobs without the participation of employees from Jacob related consulting work. " In October 2014, after the British government plans to amend the European Commission was accepted. French power company spokesman said: "The European Commission on Hinkley Point nuclear power plant agreement conducted a detailed investigation for 10 months, and believe that with EU state aid rules are consistent with the EU's shared mechanism to prevent EDF from Yan. Cleveland Point nuclear power plant to obtain excessive profits. " However, Austria The European Commission signed the agreement Hinckley filed a lawsuit that State aid only in exceptional circumstances. Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Andr? Rupprechter said, "Nuclear power is antiquated technology, we should not use government subsidies to human intervention." This summer, when I asked the relevant circumstances, the French power company press office told me that it is not possible to visit the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant construction site. Fortunately, the French power company to Somerset locals provide a "new neighbors to visit the" free tourism projects, so I just joined the ranks of the local people will be able to attend. I visited the site before the day there was a storm in the evening, the entire site is covered with muddy puddles. With the bus circling slowly forward, you can see the whole development schedule is far from the desired level. One tour guide staring out the window and said:. "Honestly, now just dirt everywhere Professor Mike Koren said that the French power company has promised to hold a Christmas dinner in New Hinkley Point nuclear power plant this year, now it seems delayed to 2025 just before I visited Hinckley angle of a few days, the French power company admitted that the entire project over budget at least 15 billion pounds, and possibly more than 15 months behind schedule. Hinkley C nuclear power plant will be the third corner nuclear reactors built in this area. The oldest Hinckley angle A nuclear power plant began operation in 1965, and retired in 2000, now dilapidated, many big hole on the blue walls. Hinckley B nuclear power station located on the right corner 300 meters, Block A, began operations in 1976, plans to retire in 2023. With the forward journey, our tour guide lists the statistics on the project. On 430 acres of land, we need to carry about 4.2 million tons of soil. Now 6.5 kilometers of fencing has been completed, there are about 12,000 trees to shield called two local villages Shurton and Burton's. Tour guide said an excavator shovel can use three dump truck filled with 100 tons. She said: "The recent replacement of a dump truck, they spent 70,000 pounds." Hinkley C nuclear power plant construction in the corner some of the issues involved are very complex, ironic. This area of ​​Somerset have at least eight different types of bats, including bat species by the wildlife laws of strict protection. EDF bat habitats are allowed to cut down trees, but the prerequisite is to use the kind of big box can move trees instead. Every morning, "tree bats" are towed to the construction work room for maneuvers, but was moved back again every night, so bats can find their special home. One wearing a high-necked jacket French power company employee said: "I do not quite understand why." There is a bat radar, she added, at least compared to badgers and bats did not bring any trouble. She said they had captured a badger climbed the fence and get back home. Following the European Commission's investigation shortly after the end, the road ahead of Hinckley Point nuclear power plant appeared again twists and turns. September 2015, George Osborne (George Osborne) in Beijing held a press conference on the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant project. To be clear, Osborne's father David Howell (David Howell) is the energy minister Margaret Thatcher, in 1979 first proposed the plan to build new nuclear power plants in the UK. When the conference then British finance minister, the current "Evening Standard" edited Osborne announced that China would invest in Hinkley Point nuclear power plant project. State-owned China Guangdong Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. will own one-third stake in the project. According to one source said the agreement, the transaction is Osborne Guangdong Nuclear launched a series of ambitious plans for nuclear power plants in the UK "first step." Many commentators on the deal Osborne shocked. China Guangdong Nuclear Power has become a major player on the world stage. Regardless of the potential costs of EDF and British governments, China Guangdong Nuclear may participate critical to the viability of the project. Britain is in talks disadvantage, because if no Chinese expertise in building nuclear reactor of Hinckley Point nuclear power plant does not seem possible to promote it. Energy policy expert Tom Burke (Tom Burke), said: "Some people think that this is basically impossible reactor completed but the French power company said that in other parts of the world, similar to the reactor nearing completion, infrastructure Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in. significant progress is being made. " If anyone can do it, then the complex engineering challenges China faces in the construction of nuclear power plants has become a world leader. (End of March 2017, China has 20 reactors under construction). The core challenge is one of the concrete pouring - pouring concrete is reported that a total amount of 3 million tons - not only for the construction of large concrete foundation, but also the construction of a huge barrier surrounding the reactor, which will be reduced to the level of radiation on human security. One insider said: ".. You might think that pouring concrete is simple, but in fact do very complicated, not as you think whim Chinese people are very good at pouring concrete." Last year in July, Theresa May (Theresa May) to become prime minister, the first move was to suspend Hinkley Point nuclear power plant project. At that time the French power company directors are preparing to sign a contract, which made them quite surprised. But this is only a brief pause, just three months later, Hinckley Point nuclear power plant project is back. In the process of writing articles





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