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    Can 89 yuan buy a smart speaker?


    What can 89 yuan? According to the appointment of Haidilao, the average expenditure of its first-tier cities in 2017 reached 98.3 yuan, 92.6 yuan, three-wire and the following cities of the second-tier cities. That is, no matter where you are in a few cities, 89 yuan should not be enough for you to eat a sea fishing. But if I tell you, can 89 yuan buy a smart speaker? On June 11th, Baidu released a "small intelligent speaker", priced 249 yuan, and it has taken 89 yuan. However, according to titanium media reports, Jingxuan said that 89 yuan subsidies are very powerful, but for users, they will insist that they cannot persist. This also means that Baidu officially joined the ranks of "100 yuan". From the time point, Baidu is actually late, Ali, Jingdong, etc. have taken the lead in playing, pulling the entry-level smart speakers below 100 yuan. Baidu's first smart speaker was officially released in November last year, priced at 1699 yuan, but in 2018, I have just been over half, Baidu has released 599 yuan smart video speaker - small at home, and a small smart speaker of 89 yuan. From 1699 yuan to 89 yuan, what kind of approach to the end? ▌ from 1699 to 89 In January 2017, Luqi, who had left after Microsoft, officially added Baidu, and served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Baidu Group. In February, Baidu wholly-owned acquisition was found for 3 years of ferry technology. At the same time, the Full of the founder Lu Ze had added Baidu together, and he served as the general manager of Baidu Intelligent Home Hardware. Jing Yu, General Manager, Dueros, director of the DUEROS, Director of General Manager, Director, Director, Director, Director, Directors. According to 36kr, Baidu is trying to give a lot of freedom attempting to give a lot of freedom in the acquisition, so that it may be uncomfortable with the company's system, and so far, it has been far away from Baidu West Second Flag Headquarters. Amazed grass, did not move into the West Erqi. At this time, Baidu has given a hopes to Ludu and his ferry. Time came to November, Lu Wei first boarded the stage of Baidu World Conference, smart speaker Raven H, six-axis emotional robot RAVEN R, smart car Raven Q reliably appeared. As the first smart speaker in Baidu, Raven H's design is really bright, and the difference between the big and small intelligent speakers on the market, but the price of 1699 yuan has buried a film for later Baidu change route. The smart speaker is actually a less mature product. It has an industry analyzed that the current smart speaker's target is actually a Bluetooth speaker, and the speech interaction is equivalent to the comment. In order to seize the traffic entrance, the speech ecosystem, even the leader Yama, Google is in the body, and there is a big price war, and Baidu has reversed it. At that time, some people had questioned, the 1699 yuan speaker is going to sell to whom? It turns out that high-priced smart speakers similar to Raven H are not enough markets in China. The news of foreign media THE INFORMATION shows that due to poor sales, it is ready to produce 50,000 RAVEN H, and finally it is reduced to 10,000 units, and it is until March this year to achieve spot. It is said that Baidu changes the idea, part of the reason is Baidu executives hope to develop cheap public products, and Lu Qi, as Steve Jobs, I hope to develop high-end equipment. Taking Ali's Tmall Elf as an example, the price in July last year is 499 yuan, Double eleven period, Ali will drop this smart speaker straight down 400 yuan. The effect of price cuts is immediate, according to the data released by Alibaba, during the eleventh period, Tmall elves have a sales volume of up to 1 million units. CANALYS data shows that in the first quarter of 2018, Ali and Xiaomi ranked among the top four of the world's smart speaker shipments, Baidu obviously fell behind. 1699 Raven H is not sold, Baidu "hard" can not get up, so quickly adjust the strategic direction. In March this year, Baidu announced its official establishment "Smart Living Group (SLG)", from Baidu "Secretary", Baidu "Hardware Ecological Channel" and "Raven Studio Studio" Together, the secret department is responsible for the construction and operation of the Dueros platform and the ecological channel; the original Baidu hardware ecological channel is upgraded to the hardware Ecological Channel Division, which is responsible for Yang Yongcheng, focusing on the mass production of the first part of the hardware. , E-commerce construction and channel expansion; the original Baidu Intelligent Hardware Division is changed to Raven Studio studio, which is responsible for Lu Wei. Yang Yongcheng, the head of the newly charged hardware ecological channel division, has developed a small rice speaker, and he is now responsible for the development of low-cost smart speakers for Baidu. Baidu's movements were very fast, and the little fish was launched at home at home, but it has been suffering from out of stock. On May 18, Baidu announced that Lu Qi will no longer serve as the president and chief operator position of the group, and the person in charge of SLG also adjusts - Jingxuan will be a general manager of the Intelligent Life Group (SLG) One position, I will report directly to Li Yanhong in the next few times. In June, Baidu launched a small 6-year-old smart speaker, spotted, and announced that the 599 yuan smart video speaker has successfully realized large-scale mass production, and the competitor is launched. This also means that Baidu finally chose low-cost road. ▌ ▌ 骋 and a lotus In fact, whether it is a March post conference, or the June conference, the coming is a scene, Lu Wei has not appeared, and we have never heard any news about Raven H, which is the keynote of the conference. There is no figure of Raven H. The information of the information is displayed that the total number of employees has been compressed from 10 people from the total number of 80 people from Raven Studio. Lu Wei and his ferry were obviously not expected to reach Baidu. According to 36kr report, before the Spring Festival 2018, Lu Qi held a high-rise annual summary meeting, saying that there were two regrets that have just been in the past: "One is that the acquisition of the Audou is too sloppy, how many (acquisitions) I didn't want to know something. " Some people have known the predictions, Lu Qi is not long in Baidu, and the reason is questioned for the acquisition of the Audovs. Although Lu Qi is eligible, this pot does not seem to be back by Luqi. Full Technology was founded in 2014, which was selected in the world's top entrepreneurial incubator Y Combinator, and obtained the support of China's top science and technology investment agencies, which included IG, DCM venture, Jing and Wei, China and jade capital, and Lu It is also a "Forbes" in February 2016, 30 years old, 30 years old, with unlimited scenery. In 2016, Furst Technology hoped to launch a new round of financing to do big business. Lu Zi people introduced the high executives of Baidu, and the latter is just looking for new opportunities in artificial intelligence and hardware. Li Yanhong met with Lu Wei and expressed its support for young entrepreneurs, and Li Yanhong's wife Ma Dongmin later had further established this transaction to the active feedback of Furst Technology. Although Lu Yi said in an interview, he met with Luqi to meet the United States at the end of 2014, and there have been many talks, but a person who is close to Droud and purchases 36kr: "Audio is Li Yanhong's project, fast close Time Lu Qi came over. " Baidu's acquisition of Audou was happening after Luqi joined Baidu, but the news of the parties showed that Li Yanhong and Ma Dongmin were the true decision maker behind the transaction. However, the transaction that is inconvenient to reveal the amount is eventually "regret." However, this may have a sign. In the "Drougrant" How does "Https://", and "How to evaluate Baidu acquisition ferro-technology? (Https://www.zhihu .com / question / 55892270) "Under the end of the two popular problems, mostly do not opt ​​up. Whether it is to ferry technology or a lot of negative feedback. One of the old people's news "girl and investor like the same entrepreneur", but also the brush spicy: Readers who are unfamiliar with Audou will be curious, what products are doing this person, I am here to introduce the official website, "a family intelligent control center Raven H1", "next-generation chat tool, future operating system prototype Flow ". You may not understand what this is, I have never used these products, but I will find that these products are not bad, it is not used. Once there is a chance to visit this company's office, you will forget that they have not updated it half a year, and occasionally appear, and evaluate Samsung and half APP. Because the office is very high, it is 3 million in the roof. The ceiling is Airbnb China, downstairs is the Tesla Fang Flagship Store, with luxury brand history group and Given. In the days that were gradually marginalized by Baidu, Lu Hao did not actually have a righteousness. According to Phoenix Science and Technology, Lu Ji once said: "If Baidu's smart hardware is not doing, you can come to Diss me." Today, today, there is already a message to spread, saying that Lu Wei is considering leaving Baidu. Compared with the hustle and bustle of Lu Qi, no matter whether Lu Qi walks and does not go, it is difficult to make Baidu too much impact. Since Baidu decided to join the "melee battle" and prepared enough ammunition, our consumers enjoy the benefits of the price war. Read the full article, original title: a small sundermatic displacement, Baidu joins "100 yuan war" Article Source: [Micro Signal: Rgznai100, WeChat public number: AI Technology Camp] Welcome to add attention! Please indicate the source of the article.





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