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    Chip export control? Then change!


    "Under the background of the trade war in the process of globalization, the proportion of domestic replacement and accelerating the localization of the supply chain has been raised to an unprecedented height. The" spare tire "in the H.W supply chain most analyzed recently are domestic independent brands, which gives everyone unprecedented confidence in domestic replacement. However, when it comes to domestic replacement, people still can't help asking if they can: Can domestic manufacturers do it? Can domestic devices be made? Can domestic devices be done well? Can domestic devices continue to do well? Can domestic devices dominate the technology trend? With these problems, let's look at the replacement process of domestic devices from the perspective of users. one "Fit" is the first lifetime of domestic replacement "Can do" is the bottom requirement At this level, the homework that suppliers need to do is very simple: the first step is to provide qualified specifications, which is to benchmark foreign brands commonly used in the market. The second step is to provide "parameter comparison report". If the two steps are passed, it means "can do". If you add a meal to let the customer know your typical application case, it is like adding a catalyst to promote the customer to accelerate the decision-making of substitution. For the replacement project, a detailed and in-depth specification comparison report is a stepping stone, coupled with a detailed performance comparison report and test comparison data, which can not only save the customer's preliminary review time, but also be a powerful professional bonus when the customer makes joint review between internal departments. Double edged sword of "copy does not lose shape" However, for the specification itself, the general materials are basically based on the specifications of large international manufacturers. Although the brands are different, the parameter items and typical values are basically the same, which can be said to be "copy does not lose shape"“ "Copy without aliasing" is a simple, accurate and efficient playing method, which is very practical when entering the market. When there is no accurate customer group, "copy without aliasing" can have the opportunity to activate all potential customers. From another perspective, "copy is not out of shape" brings a lot of problems to the subsequent verification work. First, the "copy" makes the specifications converge and loses the personalized characteristics, making it difficult for customers to distinguish the performance from the specifications. If customers unfortunately choose a brand with the best price but the weakest performance, More unfortunately, the brand has an accident of substandard quality, so the domestic cores of this category need to spend more time to reverse this bad record, which is the so-called strange circle of loss to all. "Copy without aliasing" in the process of subsequent certification, if the measured sample is inconsistent with the specification, the customer will repeatedly question why the actual performance is very different from the specification. In the long run, the trusted boat will turn over and over again. If you want to strive for another sample delivery opportunity, you may have to pay a huge price. The most important thing is to hurt the customer's domestic replacement complex, which will also make other domestic brothers questioned: "aren't you 100% satisfied? Why is there a problem? " For domestic substitution, "suitable" is the first life line. Choose the products of the latest technology or the products of the previous generation technology. Experienced customers know that it is good to choose "suitable". For domestic replacement, there is a greater opportunity for product replacement of the previous generation technology. First, the previous generation technology is relatively mature from production to application, the technical threshold is relatively low, and domestic brands have more price and service advantages. However, the maturity of technology leads to the decline of product marginal profit, and large foreign manufacturers will devote more troops to the research and development of new generation technology, To get high profit returns from new technologies. Therefore, the support of foreign brands for the previous generation of products will be weakened or even lower than a profit line, and the decision to stop production will be made directly. For industries with long product cycle, this kind of stop production will increase the cost, so replacement is a just need. At this time, customers urgently need to introduce new alternative brands. Another advantage is that the verification cycle of mass production projects is much shorter than that of new projects. In this specific context, how to effectively benchmark the specifications of domestic devices against customers is a knowledge. For the text preparation at the specification level, our suggestion is: one heart, two hands. "One heart" needs to have a clear understanding of all benchmarking products in the market to ensure that they have the ability to "copy without distortion" and the ability to quickly enter the market“ "Two hands preparation" means that the core parameter index copy is not out of shape, and the key differential parameter indexes dig deep into the unique application requirements of different industries and subdivided products, close to the application scenarios of customers. Again, taking the general MOSFET as an example, "core parameters" specifically refer to the copy non aliasing of packaging, voltage, internal resistance, tube type, etc. Any difference in core parameters is a one vote veto, and there is no possibility of substitution“ Key performance difference parameters "are parameters related to power consumption, switching performance and anti-interference performance. There is no concept of one vote veto for parameters at this level, and "fit" is the only king. For example, the tubes used around the GPS signal function have strict indicators for the parasitic capacitance of the switch; However, if the old switching power supply platform is used, there will be common problems if the switching speed is too fast. two What are the specifications of "compliance"? At the "can do" level, we only focus on the device specifications and basic performance parameters. Based on the industry consensus that copy does not lose shape, we need to measure the reliability of a supplier's capability from another dimension. At this time, we need to ask several questions: can domestic devices be done well? What is the reliability of domestic devices? Can you do it well? An important consideration dimension at the level of "can you do a good job" is "compliance". Compliance means that components must pass a variety of industry standards. Take Huawei as an example. Huawei may be resisted by various standards associations and refuse to continue to participate in the definition of standards. However, for most domestic suppliers, we have no voice in formulating standards and are still in the stage of passive acceptance of standards. There are many standards in the electronics industry. The standards of different industries and countries are also cross referenced, which can not be summarized in one sentence and can not be confused. This paper attempts to roughly understand the norms at different levels from several dimensions and sort out a macro concept for everyone. For the declaration of environmental hazardous substances, the EU is the leader of such standards and specifications, and the RoHS and reach standards are more popular. RoHS is a restrictive clause, which requires that specified products cannot contain specific substances. Reach is a declaration of high-risk substances, requiring component manufacturers to take the initiative to declare. On the basis of RoHS and reach, different versions have been derived, such as China's RoHS, certification system of automobile industry, halogen-free requirements, etc. RoHS and reach are only standard definitions, and there are different certification bodies corresponding to them. SGS report is the most common substance commitment report at present, and the automotive industry adopts the standard IMDs report for hazardous substance declaration. In the specific declaration process of hazardous substances, the exemption provisions of different industries need to be carefully studied. Component level reliability standard. Jedc (mainly for semiconductors), IEC (Electrical Standards Association, for all electronic components) and AEC (automotive industry standard) are the most widely used general standards for electronic components. China's national standard is basically the translation of international standards. Japan also has its own standard JEITA in the high light period, which is occasionally used by Japan's "fist products" (capacitors, LEDs). Mil is a U.S. military standard, which generally does not appear directly on civilian products. However, if we trace back to the origin, some underlying definitions of the standards we use now are derived from the U.S. military standard. Product application level standards include TUV, UL, VDE, IEC, standards of major vehicle manufacturers in the automotive industry, etc. The product level standards of such industries do not directly define the component level standards, but these product level standards have some specific requirements for components, thus deriving the component level standards. For example, IEC / UL has requirements on the safety level of products, which leads to the safety standard requirements for protective components (fuse, safety capacitor, etc.); For another example, product level requires ESD, which leads to component level ESD requirements. Various standards are combined into measurement rulers with different dimensions, which can roughly screen the target industry and its corresponding access threshold. According to the current standard organization structure, the standard is mainly composed of suppliers and customers. Every year, the standard organizing committee will discuss whether to tighten or relax specific terms. Taking ESD test as an example, AEC has discussed for several rounds and has not set the standard of ESD level. It was 2KV before. Under the trend of extreme miniaturization of components, semiconductor suppliers require to reduce ESD level. At this time, users and suppliers need to discuss reasonable standard definitions together. What is the reliability of domestic devices? In real application scenarios, it is mentioned that components can be unreliable, which mainly involves component level reliability test. For the general component level reliability test standards, we can also classify them in different dimensions. Component level reliability test is generally divided into the following types: General test of environment class. The simple understanding is that the test items are put into various high and low temperature wet boxes for testing. Each standard of this kind of test will be involved. The difference lies in the setting of test conditions, criteria and sampling standards. Common test items include high temperature storage, high temperature load (also known as life test), high and low temperature cycle, high and low temperature impact, high temperature and high humidity, salt spray test, harmful gas test, vibration test, etc. This kind of test item mainly considers the performance of the product under different extreme environments. What we usually call 85C, 105C and 125C products are related to environmental test items. Manufacturing related tests. From the perspective of customers' production and manufacturing, there are mainly weldability test, terminal reliability test, appearance inspection and other standards. From the perspective of component manufacturing, different component categories will have different test items. For example, semiconductor components have detailed standards of different families, and examine the key points of wafer manufacturing process and packaging manufacturing process. Other passive components will also have test items such as slice analysis to consider manufacturing capacity. Test items related to electrical parameters. This type of test item mainly considers the redundancy of electrical parameters of components, such as various surge voltage tests, latch up, memory reading and writing ability tests, etc. In addition to the above tests, there are general EMI / ESD tests. Such tests are matched with the customer's application scenario projects, and different application scenarios have different application requirements. three Difficult to define criteria Finally, what we need to share is that standards are mostly an industry consensus, which is generally negotiated by head suppliers and customers. Where it is difficult to define, some standards only give a general framework, and the specific test conditions and test criteria need to be carefully communicated with customers. Take the general high temperature life test as an example. Whether to add heat dissipation, how to rated load and how to judge fail are the factors that can affect the compliance of domestic devices. If compliance is a hard indicator to consider whether it can be done well, the customer's intuitive perception of domestic devices is a soft indicator. Before, domestic components were basically unknown "guerrillas". At the macro level, domestic components did not form a unified user cognition. In this case, domestic device suppliers can enhance user perception from various angles such as industry ranking analysis, application examples and blind test reports. Domestic devices have a certain competitive strength in the fields of passive components, discrete components and general IC devices. Before, we had a 100% performance comparison test report of domestic and foreign devices. The test results show that some performance indexes of domestic devices are obviously better than those of so-called large-scale devices. The large platform for domestic device replacement can effectively help users break industry barriers and realize application scenario sharing. Such a large platform can act as a catalytic medium. A successful application case can be quickly copied and used. The replication and use between different customer groups will form a positive feedback, which strengthens the awareness and popularity of domestic devices. "Can you continue to do well" considers the stability of quality and the differences of different batches of products. Efficient quality system and organizational structure are its bottom support, and execution reflects the final result. At this level, different industries will carry out different supplier system certification. The customer's supply chain quality management personnel will review the compliance of the quality system of new suppliers. ISO is an international quality certification system. For the domestic component industry chain, ISO should not be just a diploma. Its core is lean production and continuous improvement. In terms of the automobile industry, automobile recall is a serious quality accident, and the whole supply chain system may involve compensation. There are many cases in history where the company has been punished for bankruptcy due to quality accidents. In order to enter these industries with strict requirements on quality, in addition to the investment in hardware, we also need the investment in soft power. four ending To use a network term, our ultimate goal is the stars and the sea. The end point of domestic device substitution must also be joint development, which breeds its own component supply chain system in China's market. China's market is vast, and any market segment can give birth to infinite opportunities. What we need is a domestic device replacement platform. On this platform, everyone's hard work will eventually converge into the acceleration of the platform. Finally, let's fly together., Read the full text, the original title: chip export control? Then change! The source of the article: [micro signal: xinpianlaosiji, WeChat official account: core world] welcome to add attention! Please indicate the source of the article“





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