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    Deep analysis: How does the devout Christian Wang Xuehong make HTC step by step to the presented place?


    "HTC founder Wang Xuehong is a devout Christian, she has been evaluated, and the time to spend in the church and God is more than the company. Prayer is not always useful. On September 21, HTCs that have been acquired have been sent out of the acquired HTC, which announced the Pixel mobile phone team to sell to Google with $ 1.1 billion. Three years ago, Wang Xuehong did not shoot HTC, three years later, the iron lady lowered the proud skull. Slimked HTC, like its founder, generally has a brilliant history: it produced the world's first smartphone, Apple, Samsung rising, three and trip to become a leader. In 2011, the company had a market value of 200 billion yuan. Unfortunately, it did not escape the magic of the great and money. - In 2012, HTC began to take a slope. After 9 consecutive quarters losses, the company's market value evaporated nearly 95%, and later stories can be used Lei Jun's sentence is overview: "There is no mobile company in the world to successfully reverse after sales decline." Today, HTC is left to people to discuss the top theme is to come to the love. IDC's latest data shows that the HTC mobile phone market share is only 0.68%, and the rankings fall out of the world. In this 200 billion lesson, believers Wang Xuehong's figure is the most important. 壹 Wang Xuehong has a famous saying: "Everything is God, I am already very satisfied." Words must be said that God is a speech style of Wang Xuehong, Wang Xuehong. In 1988, she bought Silicon Valley's Earthquake Corporation Vissence. When I became Intel Competitive Courters, the outside world was laughing at the 30-year-old woman without self-strength, and the employee was less than three compared with Eight of the global elite. Thousands, the Vishs of the New Taiwan Coin in the market value is simply small shrimp. Wang Xuehong is very calm: "The eyes of God, the little ants and big whales are the same." Such a calm has also appeared in VIA and Intel's infringement hearing. VIA's order is rushed over, and Wang Xuehong will win the market share of 70% of the chipset market in the world. But the tree is stringent, she first was warned by Intel, and then, the VIA will be infringent by Intel every new product in four years. During the period, Wang Xuehong participated in 100 listening. VIA's old employee summary: "For the Wang Xuehong of learning science, the science and religion are all horne, and when she does everything, she has done her own, and the rest will not need more, and finally Answer. " However, the VIA's answer is not beautiful. Under Intel pursued, the VIA's share price fell. According to the industry calculation, Wang Xuehong and her investors pay for this payment of 2.20 billion yuan. She had to open up the new battlefield. In 1997, the Asian financial crisis came, Wang Xuehong took Zhuohuo, Zhou Yongming jointly founded Hongda Electronics, registered mobile phone company Dopod in China, and entered the mobile phone area as an foundry. In 2002, after Microsoft released the Pocket PCPHONE Edition operating system, Dopod issued O2 XDA and became the world's first smartphone. In 2006, Hongda Electronics officially launched the HTC of its own mobile phone brand, but also rely on the big tree of Google, joining the "Development Mobile Alliance" led by the latter, introduced the world's first Android phone T-Mobile G1 in 2008, becoming the first A Android challenger standing opposite the Apple iOS system. Figure: The world's first Android phone T-Mobile G1 HTC has opened up the rising mode. Relying on the tactics of the sea, the operator market, HTC once is the synonym of Android mobile phone. In 2011, its market value surpassed the old mobile phone giant Nokia, the global market share reached 15%, which became the world's second largest smartphone manufacturer. However, at this time, Chairman Wang Xuehong has been fresh in the company. According to media statistics, Wang Xuehong is only in the annual meeting, and it is usually working with CEO Zhou Yongming, "The rest of the time, the communication with God". " She likes to listen to the will of God to make a decision. In 2012, HTC began to get rid of the fall, and in 2014, the situation was more and more bad. Wang Xuehong needs to decide whether to use family funds to rescue HTC, critical moments, the same truth, Sister Wang Guiyun, said Wang Guiyun, told my sister: "God said, continue." HTC was allowed to blood. However, the public opinion has long been turned to, some even puts forward, Wang Xuehong "is the best apology for shareholders to sell HTC." Qi As a daughter of Wang Yongqing, the god of Taiwan, Wang Xuehong is confident in the bones. It can be said that she is also her own believer. She is far away from his father's Taiwan Plastic Commercial Kingdom, known as the cheer of the king, but at the same time, she claims to be the most like father, clearly know what they want - I have adopted the University of California, Berkeley Music System 3 After the week, Wang Xuehong found too much in the music of the music, and the roots were not the piece, and the decisive turned to the economic department. After seeing the history of HTC, Wang Xuehong has done a lot of key decisions. For example, seize the partners such as Microsoft and Google. When Microsoft has just launched a new operating system, most hardware vendors are watching, Wang Xuehong is going to work together. At that time, Microsoft's ideal partners were actually a big company such as HP. Wang Xuehong did not give up, insisted on making PDA samples, improving Gates, 2002, two cooperation issued the world's first smartphone. Since then, Wang Xuehong tied himself with Microsoft. HTC's products have once occupied 80% of Microsoft systems. Wait until 2008, Google launched the Android system. She smelled the business opportunity. In order to keep up with Android, Hongda specially sent a team in Google to communicate with Google Engineers. Such a practice is a single copy at the Android camp. Wang Xuehong gambled. With T-Mobile G1, HTC's first transcript grades after Google, directly let Wang Xuehong take the "Wang Yongqing's woman" the aura, became the Rich of Taiwan in the Forbes Form, in 2011, Selected "Forbes Global 100 The most influential female list "and" CCTV China Economic Year People ", For Wang Xuehong's forward-looking, Goldman Sachs Securities Executive Director Zheng Zhaoyi once evaluated: "She always chooses to take a relatively small and lonely road." These footprints include: In 2010, sales have begun to turn to the mainland, and the sales volume of operators can be used to become the world's largest smartphone manufacturer; In 2012, HTC was under the landslide, announced the abandoning tactics and took a boutique route. At the same time, launch the "Dragon" series of mobile phones in the mainland, seize the low-end market; In 2015, the VIA was resigned, and the HTC was fully focused, replacing Zhou Yongming's pro-CEO, and announced to the field of VR. As your own believers, the iron lady Wang Xuehong is also proud. For example, dare to touch Jobs hard. Jobs hates Android mobile phone, he thinks that it is just a simplified version of the iPhone, must destroy. He was mentioned in an interview with the author of Jobs. "If it is necessary, I will use the last breath, spend the apple's $ 40 billion, completely destroy Android! Because it is a stolen product." As one of the biggest profiters of Android phones, HTC was classified by Jobs into the enemy. In 2011, Wang Xuehong purchased a large number of Apple products such as MacBookAir, Appletv, iPad2 in California Apple store. At that time, Jobs who was reclaimed was informed, and immediately called the marketing department. Photo: "Patent War" with Apple Since March 2010, Apple launched a patent war with HTC. Wang Xuehong's response is hard to hurt, and she also prosecuted by apple violations of their power configuration management. In order to win the lawsuit, she also sold the Vientured S3 industry to HTC with $ 300 million. In this way, Apple has become a patent that violates S3 into the patent of HTC, and the latter will become an apple's plaintiff. The lawsuit has been more than a year, and finally ended by HTC infringement Apple. On the other hand of Wang Xue, the bones, it also manifests to pay attention to the domestic market in HTC. HTC initial positioning is a high-end market, the target apple, and later, although it is also working with domestic operators, launch "Dragon" series of mobile phones, but compared to the Chinese market, OV, Xiaomi, HTC is like a corn, Taiwan manufacturer The skin, there is no truly understanding and close to the domestic users. When it realizes the problem, the domestic market is so many porridge. Thump Believers Wang Xuehong fails to save the trend of HTC on mobile phone business. She is very hard. For the missed continental market, she has tried to save. For example, before the 2012 Ma Ying-jeou once elected Taiwan's new leader, Wang Xuehong publicly stated: "The identity of the father Wang Yongqing's daughter, and my personal identity ... supports the Journalism." Her speech is clear: HTC will enter the mainland market. Since 2011, HTC encounters various problems in North America and European markets, and is determined that after a patent of Apple iPhone, HTC once fell sharply. The day of the decision was released on December 20, 2011. On that day, Lei Jun pointed to the big screen behind himself: "On December 18, 2011, the opening is 3 hours, 100,000 Xiaomi mobile phone sales, this steel General fact description, the born millet can have a domestic first-line brand in sales. " The change in the domestic mobile phone market has been opened, and the layout of HTC is obviously a step later. Under this pressure, Wang Xuehong is still very optimistic: "Bible", forget, work hard, run forward, run straight to the benchmark. So now there is a little success, or a small failed, small difficulties, it does not mean how tomorrow will. Tomorrow, after watching, see a long time, Lotary. " But in February 2012, HTC launched the "Dragon" series of mobile phones designed for mainland users, but in the accusation of "discrimination" domestic users. More crisis has gradually emerged, a little bit of the foundation of the HTC mobile phone business: Positioning swing, can't put it, the product has "old" suspect. High-end products spelling Apple Samsung, no two ecological industrial chains; low-end products are not as good as Xiaomi, Huawei; Marketing strategy can't keep up. Wang Xuehong has been admitted in 2013, HTC is very bad, not professional, and there is a problem when there is a problem in 2012. So, at the end of 2012, HTC replaced Wang Jinghong, the Chief Marketing Officer, after learning domestic manufacturers, invited Wang Lihong, Mayday, Little Robert Downey and other star endorsements, but it seems to be equal; The loss is serious. Starting in 2013, many executives of HTC left, Chief Industrial Designers, also arrested by the judiciary because of the disclosure of commercial confidentiality; it is more than 10 people from 2014. For the departure of them, Wang Xuehong has not retained - most of them have no longer work, no common beliefs with the company, or unable to compete for jobs. With the decline of the HTC mobile phone business, there is an outgoing rumor about its acquired, and the gossip object has included Huawei, Lenovo, TCL, ASUS, 360, Xiaomi, etc. The old fans of HTC are unwilling to see this ending. They claim to be "ham sausage" (the first letter htc), called Wang Xuehong as "Xueyi", and often held a line of party. Many people's first smartphone is HTC. Today, there is a fan to hold glory with HTC to play the king, and hate the iron in the microblogging "too card." Compared to the acquisition, HTC mobile phone business is slim, and the Pixel mobile phone team sells Pixel mobile phone team to Google is a good ending. With careful fans, when attending the press conference, "Xueyi" looks very happy. In various social platforms, "ham intestines" is still analyzing what they love the brands decline: "Ignore the mainland market, Ignore the consumer user experience feedback, the new product research and development innovation is not enough to keep up, marketing positioning prices and disorders, proud mentality does not pay attention to the destined failed"; "I think the biggest defeat is to cancel the following small ball"; "The HTC that is discontinted is not going back. HTC today announced the card today, the high school is using this brand smartphone, the shortcomings are three: 1. Memory is too small; 2. Charge fast, power consumption faster; 3. Press the shutter Take a photo to be a minute to shoot, the next plant vs. zombie is going to shut down less than half an hour. " This is not awkward. Wang Xuehong has repeatedly listening to consumer sounds, but in terms of interaction with fans, she is obviously far more than Huang Zhang, Lei Jun, Luo Yonghao. These local players are far away. There is also emotional expression of the same gap - when the Lei Jun, Jia Yueping, Luo Yonghao swallowed fans under the spotlight of the conference, Wang Xuehong seems to be kept calm smile, and this is perfect, it seems to lack some power of people. Wang Xuehong once explained, "I am a Christian, a little optimistic innocent personality, most of them are still in my beliefs," her hopeful life is to play itself, contribute to people. For this legendary iron lady, or selling the HTC part of the business is just a small step in the future. Previously, when she listened to the business report, she had been not interested in mobile phone related content, only when I mentioned VR Two eyes are light. The story of the HTC mobile phone is about to enter a new chapter, and Wang Xuehong's story is far from the end. 15 years ago, when Wang Xuehong's VIA was in trouble, the husband of the Christian husband Chen Wenqi once encouraged employees: "Now VIA's condition is as in Canaani, it will be generally in the wilderness." In the "Bible" record, Canaan is a land that flows milk and honey. This sentence seems to summarize the current Wang Xuehong and HTC. Undoubtedly, they are unloaded by them, and they have not truly arrived in Canaan. Original link: 13/ Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be directly paid] Technology early know: Foxconn United States Construction Factory employee wages stunned Huang Zhang's backup, really can save a Meizu who has been in the "death" road? 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