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    Fifty years of wind and rain intel / AMD grievances when


    "The recent hardware most exciting news, it should be said that we should Ryzen recently released AMD processors, and AMD as a big move this year, in early leaked information to show that Ryzen performance is quite good, the price is significantly lower than similar Intel products, which means that AMD "bright future." in the US local time on February 21, AMD officially opened Ryzen mystery, preliminary specifications, performance, price. Ryzen official sources have confirmed the strong and amazing, Zen architecture the actual lift as much as 52%, while the price of a lot cheaper than its competitors, which for consumers is undoubtedly good news. but for Intel, probably worrying thing. Getting up early had a premonition that certain Intel will take various measures to retaliate old rival, before really powerful processor performance Ryzen with low prices, Intel finally sit still, Intel is the last weekend for Ryzen series, their products across the board price cuts of up to 2000 yuan . Speaking of Intel and AMD, which has a pair of children almost fifty years old sorrows and joys of the enemy. Intel and AMD competition seems from the beginning of their establishment have been doomed. In 1968, Intel was founded, followed in 1969, AMD company began operations. The two companies "struggle" to begin. And talk about them, I have to mention another early legendary giants "- Fairchild Semiconductor." Once the world's largest, most innovative and most exciting semiconductor manufacturers. Intel and AMD are from the early years of the founder of the legendary giants "- Fairchild Semiconductor" Fairchild Semiconductor was founded in 1957, is the founder of the "father of transistors" Dr. Shockley famous, then the electronics of young talent who are attracted by the fame of Shockley, have entered the company, so this companies large pool of excellence. The most famous is necessary to say a few geniuses and Dr. Ashok was later known as the "eight rebel" of. One of the "Eight treason" in the Grove (A. Grove) Gordon Moore (Gordon Moore) is after the company's founder and Intel, Gordon Moore is the author of the famous Moore's Law. In addition AMD founder Jerry Sanders (Jerry Sanders) also from this legendary company, sales background. "Eight treason" Photos Early Intel and AMD Intel marketing strategy starting to hold the event The first time, Intel does not rely on processors started, but through memory open market. This is also the first Intel Moore to the direction of the magnetic ring early memory used in the industry While simple in principle but the process is very complex, difficult to produce a machine, we need to hand-made, finished product quality is not very good, but the volume is very large. Moore was thinking with the principles of the transistor to manufacture memory, so the more memory storage capacity of memory than Intel at the time of production of magnetic ring, small size very much, and have a low manufacturing cost. Under comprehensive technological advantages, market selection can be imagined, Intel also will be famous. This has also allowed the establishment of the Intel 1968, 1969 gained the profit, and in the vast majority of the succeeding years are able to maintain profitability. He has maintained as a technology innovator, technology development-oriented company. The AMD due to lack of its own power, chose to market-oriented, through imitation and production capacity, with quality products and strive to become the second supplier of all kinds of products. In 1971, Intel developed the 4004 as the world's first commercial microprocessor, a computer for the future development of great significance. Using 4004 processors Busicom Unicom Calculator 1978, Intel introduced the 8086 processor, but also the history of the first x86 processor, is it, eventually become the standard platform for personal computers, it has become the most successful ever CPU architecture. IBM, Intel and AMD makes the first cooperation between the two companies In 1982, the company's orders for IBM successfully won (with blue mark, is also the beginning of the I word, IBM's first in the history of Intel. Intel takeoff, in fact, IBM and related), Intel and AMD both companies for the first time cooperation, and at IBM's request, AMD Intel to get authorization to become the second supplier of its chips 8086,8088, and created clones 80286 processor "Am286" based on Intel's design and microcode. During this time, it can be said that AMD and Intel rare honeymoon period. This business practices allow both companies to benefit, AMD after more achievements, won him the space development and future confrontation with Intel Capital. Time delay, with the 286, the 386 has introduced, especially in the age of 486, a symbol of the era of the real processor, which joined the FPU And Multipliers. The system began gradually dominated the x86 microprocessor market, civil, and only IBM in the server market remained true to his territory, Intel career fiery transit, became famous with Microsoft's PC giant. Honeymoon terminate Intel gloves came off In between, in 1986, Intel canceled the license agreement between AMD and terminated two of the honeymoon period, and refused to disclose the technical details of processor 386, according to the time of the agreement, cooperation between Intel and AMD are cross-licensing mode. But then, Intel tear unilaterally rejected the "chips" AMD provided a court to force war is inevitable. In 1987, AMD a piece of paper for breach of contract lawsuit to court to Intel, Intel immediately turn against AMD infringement (involving Intel's 287 FPU) to hit back. Since then, AMD and then sue Intel monopoly market, AMD and Intel again counterclaims of infringement (involving AMD's AM486 IP). The two sides launched a legal battle for eight years. Although AMD has made a final favor, but AMD also lost the golden age of CPU development, long-term living in the huge shadow of Intel. In 1993, Intel changed the previous product named, for it is believed that the name 586 products registered independent trademark --Pentium (Pentium). AMD also made aware of the need to take a new road to the moment. AMD independently developed K7 (Athlon) successful go-ahead Until the time to advance in 1996, AMD released K5 processor with Intel Pentium real launched a competition, which is AMD's first self-designed processors. Compared with Intel Pentium, K5 more advanced technologically, but not without drawbacks. It is particularly attractive is that it is the use of internal RISC architecture, the decoder will first microinstruction before executing the x86 instruction. Therefore K5 difficult to achieve high clock speed, while the FPU is also a weakness, but in the general use, K5 performance slightly better than the Pentium. In 1997, AMD pushed the new K6, in 1998, AMD released the third version of K6-2,1999年推出 K6 K6-III. But what really started the turnaround of AMD following the emergence of this product, it also led to AMD overtake Intel. That is K7- later renamed Athlon "Athlon." This product has the same time in 1999, this processor to get rid of the shortcomings of previous models and FPU- finally have a truly superior to Intel in fact also the FPU. Athlon was the fastest x86 processor and has many strengths, including high-speed FSB (for first-generation Alpha processor EV6) and high performance. In the same year, AMD pre-empt Intel 1GHz frequency across the mark, we come to 1016MHz. The next time a few years, is the struggle of Pentium and Athlon 1999 - The year 2003, AMD and Intel launched outdone tug of war, but also DIY market in the golden age, in those days, overclocking is the most direct way to enhance the overall performance , AMD take the cost of "Thunderbirds" and "Duron" take the high-end Intel "Pentium III" and "Pentium 4", AMD thus accumulated large quantities of loyal users, has become a strong competitor on the Intel dominance. Next, AMD launched a series of technical offensive, launched after Ben Pentium 4 and AMD distance on the frequency, AMD touted the concept of CPU performance, at the same time stabilize the market also pegged to the concept of a consumer clocked at Intel spending habits, laying a good foundation for future development. In 2003, AMD first proposed the concept of 64-bit, Intel hit a surprise. At that time 64-bit technology is also limited to high-end server processor products, the implementation of 64-bit technology in civilian areas, the first AMD as a technology leader in the initiative in the competition. Intel was quite certain that the 64-bit technology into the civilian market at least another few years, but one year later, the face of market trends had hastily announced the launch of 64-bit processors. In the 64's in competition, AMD in terms of time and technically have the clear edge, Unfortunately, bad weather, due to the procrastination Microsoft a year and a half later than planned to support launch of 64-bit operating system, at this time, Intel's microprocessor 64 is also "just" listed, AMD has been a burst of applause but the "box office" bleak, perhaps fortunately AMD had expected this, and it's backward compatible with 64-bit performance at 32-bit applications well, do not come bigger regret. In the 64-bit Intel did not get a head start on dual-core processors and then the next article, one month ahead AMD launched dual-core products. AMD now had not had that with a small company in person, after the launch of its dual-core products and dual-core throws the debate between true and false. Intel Core 2 proposed plan pendulum turned out to turn the tide But AMD did not last too long the good old days, Intel then proposed the pendulum plan. I.e. every update update processor microarchitecture of each chip and the process follows the "Tick-Tock" law, clock name from the sound emitted by the second hand walking. Each "Tick" represents the update processor chip manufacturing process of generation micro-architecture, and each time "Tock" represents on the basis of a "Tick" chip manufacturing process, the update improve performance microprocessor architectures. Generally a "Tick-Tock" period of two years, "Tick" accounted for a year, "Tock" accounting year. It is this program that allows Intel after 2006 reversed the situation. In July 2006, Intel next generation processor Core 2 turned out (Core 2 Duo, commonly known as pork), using 65-nanometer process technology, Intel claims it will have a 40% performance increase, while 40% reduction in power consumption. This release blockbuster products, so AMD's Athlon 64 X2 moment no advantage, performance throne again fall into the hands of Intel (until today), the high-end dual-core market again dominated by Intel, the new product pricing, so Athlon 64 X2 night Pujiang thousand dollars ...... AMD follows the three years, the most successful, the most dazzling FX brand, began to fade from view. 2005-- 2007 court disputes During this period, AMD and Intel pains and sorrows also entangled in the courts. In 2005, AMD filed suit in Delaware, sued Intel antitrust violations. AMD sued while still in Japan. In September, Intel submitted to the court a lawsuit against AMD, the AMD refute the allegations and stated that its business practices are fair and lawful. July 2007, the European Commission formally accused Intel of anti-competitive behavior against most major competitor AMD. In fact, the two companies have been present in the court dispute, AMD had accused Intel to use every means, abused its monopoly position in the X86 microprocessor market, in order to prevent unfair competition from other companies. AMD testify that Intel provides more benefits to PC manufacturers use only Intel chips, and to punish those considering buying AMD chips OEM manufacturers, and in order to prevent AMD from gaining market share presented their products to customers. Intel said, X86 microprocessor market a great competition, AMD failed to gain market share because their products over the years there has been no advantage. In short two rivalry from the product to the complaint, it has been entangled ..... AMD's open nuclear age 2009, AMD released the Phenom II X3, AMD CPU opens the door to the era of "open core", "open core" has been able to in-depth DIY groups, the main reason is that it is a free lunch, just a simple operation, computer it is possible to enhance a performance or even a couple of notches. Two years later, it has been found in many classic "open core" CPU. But the general trend is difficult to pull. 2011, 2016, Intel in the high-end processor market has been in a leading position, so far no one can be the enemy. AMD had to change strategy, it can only be forced to compete on price, which is exactly the same with the predicament faced by early AMD. By 2009, AMD began to focus on business GPU, Intel on the CPU is not in direct competition. In the same year by the end of 6, AMD launched the revolutionary product --A series APU brewing for years, and is divided into A8, A6 and A4 three series, to gradually replace the Athlon II and Phenom II to become part of the future of the main AMD. The A series APU, CPU section in general, but rather to force part of the performance GPU. 2011: AMD Bulldozer CPU, 2012 Nian: AMD hammers CPU, 2014 Nian: AMD Rollers CPU, 2016 Nian: AMD excavator CPU. AMD had very ambitious plans for the APU, set up a three-step plan, but the lackluster performance and features of the APU, the sales have been unsatisfactory. Cooperation again ?? Sources said last year, Intel and AMD will carry out in-depth cooperation, AMD patented technologies provide significant nuclear GPU to Intel, in order to significantly improve the performance of an Intel CPU core, Intel will no longer significant nuclear use NVIDIA technology. Some foreign media broke the news today pointed out, Intel and AMD CPU together to create the first product will be launched this year, CPU part of Kaby Lake based on Intel architecture, GPU part is used Radeon nuclear significant AMD. And refers to integration of this new CPU is not high, the use of CPU and GPU separation design, finally, after final assembly by the OEM to the post into tablets or Intel Global Foundries TSMC, positioned in the end product and the mainstream level. Intel and AMDThe graphics technology cross-authorization begins in March 2016. The current two sides have reached a new agreement, but the specific information of the new CPU is not announced. The APU is really very powerful, whether the GPU architecture or driving optimization, AMD is stronger than Intel and NVIDIA, this time AMD and Intel cooperate, the new CPU & GPU fusion is very expected, maybe history Product. Search "" Love Board "", pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you fully master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be directly paid] Related reading: Why do millet do your own chip? Lei Jun said the truth "





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