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    From open source hardware to Wucker Education, DFROBOT founder and CEO Ye Yu's fall


    "Not long, DFROBOT (intelligence robot) founder and CEO Ye Yong announced its original educational brand in the conference - Mushroom Cloud Chuangke Education is formally established, which means that in the current pursuit education army Another member settled. Ye Yu told the whale media: "The mushroom cloud, the educational ecotry circle contains four dimensions of products, services, platforms and activities. Education producers are teachers, mushroom clouds know how to cultivate teachers to create Guest. " In February 2010, DFROBOT settled in Shanghai. In the next few years, DFROBOT movement: First, in 2012, the first PARTY - Shanghai's first Parent Carnival; July 2013, Puoft Investment Angel Round Investment, established in November Pudong area, the first Corporate Space - Mushroom Cloud; May 2015 won the Warden International A Round Investment; December 2016 landing new three boards; 2017 launched educational brands - Mushroom Cloud Chuas Education ... To put it, this domestic country-numbered new three-board Corporate companies started to start with open source hardware. At that time, Ye Ye got inspiration from his own creation forum, started to sell the drum open source and sold, sold to foreign research institutions, developers, such as NASA, Intel engineers, and then to China, and later launched 3D Printers, consumer robots and other products. Now, DFRobot mainly has three product lines of open source hardware, consumer-grade robots, and educational kits. Open source hardware mainly targets groups; the consumer robot is directed at 8-14 years old; education suite is facing schools. Ye Wei revealed the whale media. "The current main profit source is the sales of hardware products, and the sales of foreign markets account for 70%, 30% in China." He said slightly with humorous: "We produce hardware products in the year of more than 300 The model is basically one day. In addition to the South, Beizhi, other continents will basically see our products. " Around 2008, there were already similar cultural and products in China, and DFROBOT did not count the earliest people in the field of Chuangke. When we asked Hua, how to do a certain scale, he only smiled slightly. Said, "Maybe it's luck!" First, from "demolition expert" to "Dr. Robot" The word "Opens" comes from English words "" Maker ", which means those who are interested in interested and hobbies and strive to transform creative into reality. I saw Ye Yu, calm, calm, seemingly related to Crazy's creation of Crazy in the movie, but he is indeed a senior voyer with more than 20 "captain", and it is two Children who read primary school. In the office of Ye, the large and small robots and models have filled his desk and cabinets. To explore the "love" between Ye Xi and the robot, you have to be filled with parts, tools, and creativity from his paragraph. The year-old time with the imagination coexist. Ye Ye, who was born in 1979, recalled his student era: "Demolition, study electronic product intermingness, except for the refrigerator, basically demolition," Who gave him This "demolition" is strong? Father is not good. Father not only gave him a "100 cases of juvenile electronic production" that explained various electronic examples, but also bought him a lot of strange tools to give full play to his "demolition" power. At that time, a hot American science fiction movie gave Ye Wei feels that there is a laser sword in the "Star Wars", the universe spacecraft, the automatic robot and other novelty attracting Ye Xi, he feels that people may live like this in the future. In the scene, people will need these novelty. When the third grade of elementary school, Ye Wei was inspired by the reel animation, using the motor, the light bulb in the flashlight, the battery in the flashlight, invented a movie in the mobile phone. Compared to other children playing, it is more like to be home inventive, and the inventive small object is his toy. In the junior high school, Ye Yu was addicted to a bunch of model cars, and high school had the first desktop computer, so that Ye Ye opened game mode, "Because the first generation of video games do not have cheating, I will try it. Change memory and data so that you have come to programming, start self-study programming. " With the preliminary reserve and self-study programming technology, in the engineering, only the machine has not systematically learned, so Ye Yu appnsted the mechanical engineering and automation of Shanghai Jiaotong University, just a robot in the system, which became a leaf. The presence of the official contact the beginning of the robot, and later Ye entered the Institute of Robotics Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University. As a mentor of the Vice President of the Mechanical Association, Ye Yu also suffered from its infection. Under the encouragement of the mentor, in 2002, Ye Hao went to the manufacturing engineering and operation management of Nottingham University in the UK to study graduate and doctoral, then University of the University of Nottingham, England, has served as researchers. During the British study, Ye Ye founded a forum called Robot Fantastic to fill a lonely graduate life. Ye Yu told the whale media: "Because there are basically no one understand the area of ​​the robot, there is no more common topics outside of the instructor. The Forum is just a network platform for learning exchanges. After making the project, everyone will hopes to share the experience with the same good persons, so the robot forum is very popular among the games. "Ye Yu recalls," the group of domestic robots is basically gathered to Robot Fantastic. At that time, it was the most active, the most active robot fan sharing platform. " It is also in the forum, Ye Xi met some like-minded people, now the company's partners are got from Robot Fantastic, which is also from some of the latest industry information and fresh ideas from the forum. Ye Yu started. Thunder. Second, after the opening source hardware, "enter the pit" The work of researchers in the UK Nottingham University Robot Laboratory did not satisfy the craving of the robot's love and hands-on, "the opportunity, I found that there were some games in the forum, I think the opportunity Ye Hao said. In 2004, the 24-year-old Ye Xi cooperated with the present partners to try to make robots. In the process of making robots, he accidentally discovered vacancies in the sensor market. "The ultrasonic sensor needs to be used when making robots. At the time, I bought a ultrasonic sensor from abroad for more than 1,000 pounds, and a robot needs to use 6 ultrasonic sensors. Considering cost limitations, they can only try to make ultrasonic sensors themselves. At that time, there were several sensors, and they were sold on foreign websites. They were sold out within a short month, and they also received an order of nearly 100 sensors. "Ye Yu told the whale media. In 2008, Ye Hao finally resigned from the researcher's work in the past, returning to the domestic, full-time operations from the previous business: open source hardware and robots for domestic and foreign guests. In 2010, Shanghai Intelligence Robot Co., Ltd. was officially established, and the English name "DFROBOT" is "Dream Factory of Robot", takes the meaning of the robot's dream factory. "We started our own research and development, the production of open source hardware. At that time, the Corporator did not rise in China. The Chinese people know very little on the open source hardware, and our service object is mainly professional customers such as engineers and R & D institutions. In order to let the domestic people understand the open source hardware, They have fun in the field of Chuangke, we create a DFROBOT online, and provide a platform for the Yucai to share the platform, and also provide a window that is aware of the open source hardware field, causing their interest. Ye Yu said to the whale media. DFROBOT Chuas Community gathered in the DF online shopping mall to purchase hardware, in the early days, editing the content with PGC (the content provided by experts) on the DF community, or showcase the active community atmosphere, encourages the Great Vacker to share the display Your own work. Gradually, more and more gameuses are attracted, and now the DF community is more than 20,000 online members, from small students to college students, from hardware enthusiasts, designers, DIY enthusiasts, programmers to expert scholars, research and development institutions. Contains it. Ye Yong said: "The birth of many projects and creativity benefits from DF communities, such as the first time that drones are played in the community, playing with playing, 'live'; 3D printer is The community creame has been ejaculated, and it has produced an industry. Nowadays, the popular products in the market have actually played in the 2011,2010, it can be said that we see the trend ratio. Others have a lot later. Now, through the inspiration and creativity brought by the community, the output of the Yucai project is more than 2,000. " So how do the online forum land? The mushroom cloud is born. This is the first Cantomay space in Shanghai Pudong. It is a line platform for hardware devices, Wucker exchanges, and results sharing. The Wucker enters the guest room in the way, and can use all kinds of equipment in the game space. Weekly Mushroom Cloud will have open nights for the public, and the creations can show their results; the agency can also be in the mushroom cloud Publish projects, recruiting CMB to complete. "At first, mushroom clouds only provided Chuangkeing venues for adults in Zhangjiang, Pudong. Later, they have attracted their attention. They have a student to form a project team, create, share, exchange, and communicate in the Wucker space, and teachers think The students have harvested very much. "Ye Yu told the whale media." For about 2014, the word of Wucker's education began in China, and with policy promotion, there are many primary and secondary schools in Beijing, Shandong, Henan, etc. The education of Wucker's education, many education people also suggested that we have been educated by Captain, and then slowly embark on the way. " According to Ye Yu, the product development and design of the product was also started by the adult line to introduce products that met the children 'taste'. Moreover, they bring together some well-known Chuangke teachers to the "Expert Library" of the mushroom cloud to become the main output of the mushroom cloud. Wenzhou Middle School senior teachers, Director of the Chinese Electronics Society of Purner Education Expert Committee Xie Zu is a member of Experts. In 2012, DFROBOT created the brand of "Captain Carnival", and hosted the first Chuangke Carnival in Shanghai, and a lot of trendy player projects, such as the popular drone, robot, Electronic building blocks, 3D printing, welding, soft pottery, etc. can be experienced inside. Based on this, DFRobot has a DF Chuangke Community, Mushroom Cloud Chuas Space, and the three major brands of the Great Vacancy Carnival, known as the ecological platform serving the Glosters. The advancement of technology, the new product is endless, and the sixth Shanghai Carnival, which has just been in the end of this year, black technology earned the attention of the audience. Impressionist Master Minus e robot can paint on site, X-Fly drone through the machine racing game debut, is said to wear FPV glasses can experience the thrill of flight with the first perspective, Stapy electric skateboard farewell "Foot Era", various Farmers, Hand Workshop, Plant Printing Dyeing Picklester Spirit Cultivating Children's Environmental Consciousness ... (X-fly drone in the game) Ye Wei said to the whale media: "This year's exhibitors have a lot more than last year, more than a year, and you will find that we have started with senior persons, and the generos are open to the public to take a child. Main. This is a good phenomenon. The primary school phase is the development stage of the children's interest. In the Carnival of the Great Veter, they can experience the projects of interest, helping them find their own points, and after the study and deeper Drilling and research. From another perspective, parents bring their children to create a guest carnival, explain what they have learned to get children through the educational education. Yucai education is not only to show the fantasy charm of science and technology, but also More is the church how they use the Creative 'Language' to become a reality, cultivate innovation and creativity. " At the press conference of "Mushroom Cloud Dottion", Ye Hao officially launched the brand of "Mushroom Cloud Chuas Education". Mushroom Cloud Chuangke Education Ecological Circle consists of four dimensions of products, services, platforms and activities, DFRobot serves as a product supplier, providing teaching aid, hardware and technical support; mushroom cloud game space as a service provider, providing a guest subscription, teacher training , Teaching materials and courses. At present, Mushroom Cloud Chuangke Space has been united, such as dozens of domestic and Chuangke teachers such as Zhong Bai, have launched more more than ten kinds of wizards education materials; DF Chuaguike Community (Forum) As a player exchange and sharing platform, Yucai Carnival as Chuangke The event planning and creative evaluation venues, all of which provide a full range of Wuchen Education Support for teachers. Third, public evaluation, a new Wucker education evaluation method? "In fact, the hardware equipment for domestic conducting gaber education is much better than the development of the United States. We don't have to worry about hardware levels, but the teacher's level and evaluation system is two problems that need to be solved." Ye Yuxi said to the whale media. "Now many companies or schools, they are more in the classroom class, how to operate a new technology, such as 3D printers, programming, robots, and students' entire study and thinking There is no truly change, so that Corporate education is just a choice for the school's meaning. " The Chuangke will make a product, you must first fully understand what problems can be solved. You must learn about the programming, engineering, science of this product, and finally began to operate. So when the students come down with this complete process, they actually cultivate their habits and active learning skills. Will not be so confused when you learn follow-up, because they will clearly know what is the purpose of learning these knowledge and take the initiative to understand the principles behind. Ye Hao is saying, "The core of the educational education is actually to create, but only through the teaching method of teaching the teaching and photo, the teaching method of the teacher, if the teacher does not have the spiritual spirit or I don't know how to Passing the way of thinking to the students, then everything is useless. But the reality is that the resources of teachers such as engineering, science, programming, are very scarce, and mushroom cloud Chuangke education knows how to cultivate the teacher into Captain. This may be the difference between us with other Chuangke Education Co.,, in addition to providing the teacher to the teacher, teaching materials, and the wenthouse space, we also provide training to the teacher. " (Teacher Training) In terms of teachers' training, mushroom clouds passed the way to train in the community through the online community, training for teachers from all over the country. Ye Yu introduced to the whale media: "We will teach teachers how to operate the guestspace, how to carry out the Creative courses, how to guide students to create. It is found when they are training for teachers, and cultivate the teacher's creativity, and the teaching ability is not difficult. Many teachers' creativity is hidden, so we need to stimulate them. Methodology Let us teach him, he will easily practice. "From the Mushroom Cloud Chuangke SpaceNow, more than 130 sharing meetings in 34 provinces and cities across the country, more than 4,000 teachers and tens of thousands of students in more than 2,500 schools have involved more than 2,500 teachers and tens of thousands of students. In addition to teacher issues, the second problem facing Corporate education is the evaluation. Creatant education is mainly to cultivate students' creativity, such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry can evaluate students to master the knowledge of knowledge by doing questions, exams, etc., such as creativity is good or bad, who commented ? How to evaluate? This is not a process that can be quantified. "Creativity can be evaluated, we need public evaluation methods." Ye Wei said. For public evaluation systems, he has already made ideas in his heart. "Evaluation can be divided into several dimensions, first, there must be innovative; second, practical; third, beautiful view; fourth, interactivity. Evaluator can It is a social mass, a school student, teacher group, just like "China's good voice", "I am a singer" evaluation system, which player sing is good and not good by the audience, not a one So what is said. So this is also the reason we want to hold a 'campus Corporate Carnival', exhibited students' works in the campus in the Campus Carnival, let teachers, parents, college students or other school teachers and students come Do public evaluation, exchange sharing. " Holding a campus, the Carnival is not an empty talk. At the 6th Shanghai Chuas Carnival Forum, the teacher representative from Hangzhou, Wuhan and other cities have begun to share the plan of the campus Cantominner Carnival. "Although the campus Chuas Carnival has added two words, it requires the common participation of society, enterprises, schools, and families. Active space Who will build, how to carry out, how to declare, these need to be meticulous to fall into the field." The teacher said. Whale Media Instruction: In a few months, I went to DFROBOT to formally set up the 7th anniversary, and the company has developed from the initial dozens to now nearly 200 people. In the 2017 half-year report, the intelligence joint (DFROBOT stock abbreviation) is 353.64 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 55.54% from the same period of the previous year; net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company is 11.382 million yuan, more The same period was lost in the same period last year. Talking about how to manage a company, Ye Hao said, first of all, a group of like-minded people, and his luck is also better, just in the era of great development in the Corporate culture, all the way is very smooth. In the words of employees, "Ye Hao is a very affair boss. He rarely angry, you can even play with him; he will discuss the direction of the project with you, determine the next, he will let you let you Responsible. He allows you to pay mistakes, even people will pay for your mistakes. The company does not set any punishment system, almost all work relies entirely on the self-driving power of employees, belongs to the status of 'stocking'. Boss often said, stage It is for you, the protagonist is you, not me. " "Although DFROBOT is China's company, overseas business is not weak, and our product customers have more than 90,000 people, of which more than 70,000 are abroad. At the same time, we are one of Intel's world's three garter partners, 2017 On the Spring Festival, we also used artificial intelligence technology to support the Art Program "Breeze", allowing actors to easily handle the crystal ball in their hands. "A DFROBOT staff said to the whale media. However, the eyes of Ye Yu did not lag in this. He felt that the current audience is too small, the volume is not big enough. "We set the core of the educational education in China. My small goal is to advance in China more than 600. Primary school. I believe that the future core competitiveness is creativity, I hope that DFROBOT can complete the mission of detonating creativity, becoming the most respected Cantomino company, let every child or more products. " This article address: Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be directly paid] Related reading: How much praise is affordable, it is forbidden to destroy the destruction - Xiaomi Mix3 is stunning again! 山, take eggs, this robot you can think of! Samsung wants to expand production capacity to limit domestic DRAM, the price of memory strips will continue to rise "





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