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    Fuji X-H1 evaluation positioning is quite subtle


    "At the beginning of 2018, Fuji officially released the new generation X-Series flagship single cell x-h1, which is the first X-Series camera equipped with five axis anti shake technology, and it is also a camera superior to x-t2 and x-pro2 in terms of video shooting performance. Since the day of release, countless photography players have quietly paid attention to and grown in it, and even many x-t2 users have begun to consider upgrading to x-h1. What excellent performance does x-h1 have that these old players covet? For some people who love shooting and making movies, can they consider changing it to make more wonderful high-quality videos? Today, let's evaluate Fuji x-h1 to see what kind of unique charm it contains. 1、 Fuji x-h1 appearance friends familiar with Fuji camera system will find that Fuji x-h1 is a camera according to a new naming convention. Why use the letter "H"? According to Fuji's official statement, "H" represents high performance, so it provides professionals with high-performance cameras with very simple and clear positioning. When you know something about it, you will find that its new function performance is enough to surpass x-t2 and x-pro2. The x-h1 obtained by pconline this time is a large package, that is, the version containing handle and direct charging. The large suit is obviously customized to show the complete performance of Fuji x-h1 - it includes Fuji x-h1 body, vpb-xh1 vertical beat energy increasing handle, AC power adapter, EC XT l eye mask, three np-w126s batteries, bc-w126 battery charger, ef-x8 hot boot flash and shoulder strap. At present, the battery life of single electric cameras is relatively short. There are about 310 single batteries. If you don't bring multiple batteries, it will be very uncomfortable when you lose power. Therefore, we need to install two more batteries on the vertical shooting handle to prolong the battery life. What's more, vpb-xh1 has the great significance of boost (energy enhancement mode). The front of Fuji x-h1 is almost the same as that of x-t2. It continues to use the DSLR modeling of X series cameras. It is made of all magnesium alloy body, and the scratch resistance of the surface coating has reached 8h level (5h for x-t2 and 4H for automobile). The whole body (body + handle) sealing design has reached 94 points, which can still work even at - 10 ℃. The thickness of x-h1 is 25% thicker than that of x-t2, and the bare metal weight increases from 457g to 623g. The design of bayonet has been improved, with higher accuracy and better performance of earthquake resistance and damage resistance. Perhaps you have found that one of the reasons for the great increase in the weight of the x-h1 is the wider handle and the 1.28 inch monochrome shoulder screen added to the X series for the first time (the correct term is "LCD attached screen"). When the handle is enlarged, only the feel is really great. I always think that only a large handle can make me feel the enjoyment of the camera with me. Will it make me feel that a small handle or even a camera without a handle is just a small toy. In fact, we are already familiar with the monochrome shoulder screen. It is inherited from the medium frame gfx 50s. With the lighting design, all shooting parameters, number of shots and battery information are clear at a glance, and there are white characters on black background and black characters on white background, which is really very practical. PS: even when it is turned off, you can see the number of pictures that can be taken and the remaining battery. CP + 2018 Fuji booth: Fuji x-h1 shutter module disassembly Many friends will care about the feeling when the camera presses the shutter. The newly designed light touch shutter of Fuji x-h1 is more firm and has fast response when the index finger is pressed. I personally feel the deepest when I use it is that the feedback of the spring leaf switch is particularly comfortable and fits better with the index finger, which is really different from the x-t2 shutter. Fuji x-h1's set-top command turntable is more refined, significantly thicker than the previous one, and further increases friction. The newly added "cm" command is a "medium speed continuous shooting" between CH (high-speed continuous shooting) and Cl (low-speed continuous shooting). However, this medium speed continuous shooting is 6 continuous shots per second, which supports real-time viewing and electronic front curtain shutter, with a minimum black screen time (about 100 milliseconds). Fuji x-h1's electronic viewfinder is an OLED color viewfinder with about 3.69 million pixels, with a magnification of 0.75 and a field of view of 100%. On the Fuji x-h1, there is a detail improvement that has to be talked about, that is, the backward movement of the position of the big eye mask, which depends on the rear than previous models, so as to avoid the nose touching the LCD screen when using the electronic viewfinder. When your view mode is set to eye sensor mode, the eye sensor will be automatically disabled when the LCD is tilted. This will inhibit the chance of accidentally switching EVF when you concentrate on the overhead shot. With regard to the improvement of Fuji x-h1 control level, here we also want to talk about the key design and the design that allows users to choose the combined control of the wave wheel. Personally, I'm used to the combined control of SLR. For example, for some SLR models, I'm used to holding down the ISO key and changing the parameters through the front or rear wave wheel. As we all know, Fuji cameras usually only need to rotate ISO, shutter and aperture (located in the lens) to change the three values, but now you can use the SLR control through custom settings. It has to be said that the versatility of Fuji x-h1 has been enhanced. No matter whether you have contacted a single electric camera before, you can easily adapt to it. In addition, you will find that Fuji x-h1 moves the Q key to the handle protruding closer to the edge of the fuselage. My personal usage of Q key is very low, and I don't care too much about this change. But if you are used to x-t2 control, you have to adapt to the "migration" of Q key. In addition to the change of Q key position, you will find that the focus locking key af-l is missing and replaced with af-on (you can press ae-l at the same time), and the keys are oval. Af-l is very useful in the semi-automatic mode when composing before focusing, but I think af-on is more practical and easy to use when some people will block you from shooting an object (after all, af-on is one of the representative buttons of a more professional camera). Looking at the side of the fuselage, Fuji x-h1 is still designed with double SD card slots. Of course, the high-end SD card slot will certainly support the uhs-ii specification, which is undoubtedly the demand for high-speed storage. When the camera was released, when s Jun tested the full load performance of x-h1 in the continuous shooting trial shooting activity, a peer actually used a low-speed SD memory card to continuous shooting. As a result, after a continuous shooting round, the indicator light didn't stop flashing for most of the day. For cameras like x-h1, the maximum continuous shooting speed of 14 shots per second really needs to be supported by uhs-ii SD card. In terms of side interface, it is equipped with USB 3.0/wechat USB port, HDMI micro interface, 3.5mm headphone interface and 2.5mm remote control shutter cable interface, which has no problem for video shooting or studio display output. The handle position is equipped with direct charging and headphone interface. Fuji x-h1 adopts a 3-inch 1.04 million pixel color display on the back. Different from x-t2, it has a touchable function, supports touch menu and touch shutter. At the same time, it can also drag and drop the focus on the screen during EVF viewfinder. Its folding mode is the same as that of the x-t2. It supports three-way folding (when it is not folded, it is embedded into the fuselage to achieve integrity). The battery used by Fuji x-h1 is np-w126s, but to be honest, the battery life is not high. When using xf35mmf1.4 R, there can be about 310 shooting times. I personally think that as long as you use a single electric camera, before the battery technology has not been innovated, players should spare one more around. If the camera is strong enough but the power is not enough, it is probably the most painful thing for photographers. After the Fuji x-h1 is equipped with the energy increasing vertical racket handle, the whole is much larger, but it is also much more powerful. This is its complete form - when boost mode is turned on, the AF speed increases from 0.08 seconds to 0.06 seconds, the EVF refresh rate increases from 60 FPs to 100 FPS, and the number of continuous shots (mechanical shutter) can reach 11 per second. In fact, the most important thing is that when there are two more batteries in the handle, you feel very secure when using it! Compared with Fuji x-t2, Fuji x-h1 has completely improved the quality of ordinary consumers, let alone professional photographers with more professional demands. My personal view on it is the perfect version of x-t2 again. In the field of single electricity, the design of Fuji x-h1 is already the top. Whether it is static photography or dynamic video, it is designed to meet everything of photographers. Of course, its upgrade focuses on five axis anti shake and video performance, which we will show you below. 2. Fuji x-h1: picture quality back to the top 2、 The image quality of Fuji x-h1 when we get a new camera, we will focus more on its low sense and high sense. Then, if Fuji x-h1 and Fuji x-t2 both use the same 24.3 megapixel x-trans III sensor, their image quality level should be similar. Is that so? Let's test it! Test method: turn off the internal noise reduction of Fuji x-h1, use a tripod at the same time, turn off the internal anti shake, and 100% intercept the two red frames in the figure above in JPG format. XF 35mm f1.4 r lens is used in the test, and aperture f5.6 is preferred. Fuji x-h1 different ISO noise test (turn off noise reduction) ISO screenshot 1 screenshot 2 one hundred (Extended) two hundred four hundred eight hundred one thousand and six hundred three thousand and two hundred six thousand and four hundred twelve thousand and eight hundred twenty-five thousand and six hundred (Extended) fifty-one thousand and two hundred (Extended) From the test results of each ISO section, x-h1 is indeed the performance of maintaining the original high level of sensitivity and image quality of x-t2. Both machines are available with extended low sensitivity (ISO 100, ISO 125, ISO 160) and extended high sensitivity (ISO 25600, ISO 51200), and the extended sensitivity is only available for the type of mechanical shutter. Under ISO 3200, the picture is very clean and the details remain perfect. By ISO 6400, details began to lose, but they were still within the scope of daily availability. For ISO 12800 or even ISO 25600, the detail loss is slightly large, but it is still acceptable if it can cooperate with the internal noise reduction. In general, the low sense and high sense performance of Fuji x-h1 is still satisfactory. Moreover, it is only the performance of Non internal noise reduction. In fact, the fuselage can also have four gears for noise reduction. I think the ISO performance of Fuji x-h1 is very close to that of full frame camera. 3. Fuji x-h1: focusing & anti shake back to the top 3、 Focusing & anti shake of Fuji x-h1 Fuji x-h1 and Fuji x-t2 use the same set of phase detection focusing system with up to 325 focusing points. However, the difference is that Fuji x-h1 has the support of a new auto focusing algorithm, which is mainly reflected in the better af-c tracking shooting ability of moving subjects brought by the new image recognition algorithm. You can snap a moving body 50% smaller than before. As shown in the above figure, Fuji x-h1 can divide more areas and read more data information in the same focus; At the same time, in the auto focusing technology, Shanghai adopts the parallel processing of "horizontal, vertical and independent" three pixel reading methods, and uses three results at the same time. The final effect is that it has a higher phase focusing success rate than x-t2. This is very important for users, especially those who like to use af-c to track the subject. I use Fuji x-h1 to practice continuous clapping boxers and make GIF motion chart as follows: When shooting in the above figure, Fuji x-h1 fully turns on boost mode, which can reach 11 continuous shots per second. Af-c mode locks the red fist (the boxing speed is too fast). About 2 pieces are virtual focus, and the rest are real focus. I think it's quite good to have such a success rate. Continuous auto focus has such performance. Do you still have to worry about static focus? As for the new cm continuous shooting mentioned above, it actually shortens the black screen time to 100 milliseconds during real-time viewing and electronic front curtain shutter. We can see the difference between continuous shooting of CM and CH through video: Fuji x-h1: ch continuous shooting Fuji x-h1: cm continuous shooting Although I personally don't think it is very practical, the addition of CM is very important for some friends. Fuji x-h1's high-speed continuous shooting of 11 per second (mechanical shutter) and 14 per second (electronic shutter) are the most attractive places. There are still a lot of photos that can be used after a meal. At least that's the case for bird hunters. Fuji x-h1 fuselage five axis anti shake (IBIS) is a very important highlight. In fact, everyone's focus is nothing more than the anti shake matching relationship between the lens and the fuselage. In fact, Fuji officials have given a very detailed list, mainly saying that the anti shake of the fuselage of x-h1 is an artifact among all fixed focus artifacts, and can have 5-gear or 5.5-gear (limited to xf35mmf1.4r) shutter compensation. However, if you use a Fuji dragon lens with anti shake, you will give priority to lens OIS anti shake. The key is that both MKX and Zeiss can support five axis compensation, while the lens and proximity loop of M bayonet support three axes. Ibis of Fuji x-h1 has very good compatibility. Let's use the video to see the difference between turning on anti shake and not turning on anti shake! When I actually use the camera, I can safely shoot with a shutter of about 1 / 30 second. As long as it's stable and the photos don't paste, I can get good picture quality with a purer low sense. This is the most important significance of Fuji x-h1 fuselage five axis anti shake. 4. Fuji x-h1: video back to the top 4、 Fuji x-h1 video Fuji x-h1 in addition to the five axis anti shake of Ibis fuselage, another important highlight must be the video shooting performance. This is why I think the Fuji x-h1 will be the most desired model for x-t2 users - just the newly added F-LOG is enough to be jealous. What's more, there is a new 24P DCI 4K (17:9 film ratio, 4096) × 2160 resolution) up to 200Mbps, and 120fps slow motion 1920 × 1080 Full HD video recording function. Basically, video shooting has been quite professional and perfect. In fact, personally, the most noteworthy point is still F-LOG, which is written as "F-LOG record" in the menu of the Bank of China machine. Log video can be understood as raw version





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