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    Huawei released the evolutionary strategy for 5G target network for wireless network


    "Huawei in London 2018 global mobile broadband Forum Broadband Forum), released the "all bands go to 5g" wireless network evolution strategy for the target network in the 5g era, and suggested the future development direction of wireless network from three aspects: minimalist site, minimalist network system and automation. 1、 Global 5g network business has entered the fast lane, and wireless connection has become an inevitable trend Global mobile Internet data traffic is growing rapidly. By H1 2018, the Dou of some operators in the world had exceeded 10GB, and even reached 70gb in some regions of the Middle East. The flow is becoming the "fourth necessity of life" other than air, water and food. The release of MBB user traffic demand drives the global wireless industry to move towards the positive cycle of MBB business model and enter a new era of traffic management. New connections based on wireless technology are developing rapidly, from individuals to families and industries. As of October 2018, about 230 networks have used FWA (fix wireless access) new services, and about 75 million families have enjoyed the home broadband services brought by FWA. In the future, 5g greater bandwidth capacity will provide fiber like home wide user experience and enable more new home entertainment applications such as 4K / 8K ultra-high definition video and AR / VR. At the same time, the new connection of the Internet of things is becoming a new growth point for operators. NB IOT based on LTE is developing rapidly. There are 58 commercial networks in the world, and millions of industrial applications such as intelligent gas, water, white appliances, fire fighting and electric vehicle tracking are emerging. 5g technology will bring more reliable and shorter delay connection capability. Wireless connection has become a trend. In 2018, the development of global 5g industry accelerated significantly. According to the 5g spectrum report of GSA, as of August 2018, the United Kingdom, Spain, Latvia, South Korea and Ireland have officially released 5g dedicated spectrum, and 35 countries have relevant plans for 5g spectrum. The 5g industry chain is also maturing. Huawei has released 5g commercial CPE in 2018, and the industry is expected to launch a number of 5g smartphones in 2019. According to the report released by GSMA in November 2018, 182 operators around the world are conducting 5g technology testing, 74 operators have announced 5g commercial deployment plans, and global 5g network commerce has entered the fast lane. The development of 5g will open more business application scenarios and promote the sustainable development of the whole digital society. To this end, Huawei has put forward the new embB industry vision of cloudx "smart terminal, wide pipeline and cloud application", such as moving the most complex rendering processing, real-time computing and business content to the cloud, transmitting data streams through 5g network with great bandwidth and ultra-low delay, and encoding and decoding technology matching cloud and terminal, Realize the deployment mode of cloud AR / VR and other applications anytime, anywhere. In 1956, John McCarthy organized the Dartmouth seminar and formally put forward the definition of "artificial intelligence" for the first time. After more than 60 years of development, machine learning and deep learning have entered a period of rapid development, and the combination of AI technology and communication industry has become possible. Realize the automation of network planning, deployment, optimization and service distribution based on AI, simplify the network operation and maintenance, release the network potential and install an intelligent brain for the network. 2、 "LTE evolution + 5g NR" is becoming the industry consensus of 5g target network Facing the 5g era, the evolution of wireless spectrum is divided into two stages: Phase 1. Sub 3GHz spectrum evolves to LTE, and 5g NR high frequency is introduced at the same time; Phase II. Sub 3GHz gradually evolves to 5g NR, and the evolution target network is "LTE Evo + NR" Therefore, the evolution of target network in 5g era can be summarized as "LTE evolution + 5g NR". In the process of achieving this goal, global wireless networks also face many challenges: 1. OPEX increased year by year: from 2005 to 2017, the proportion of global operators OPEX / revenue increased from 62% to 75%. In the future, the coexistence of 2G / 3G / 4G / 5G multiple systems will increase the complexity of network operation and maintenance, especially the high TCO of the site: the site deployment still faces the problems of difficult site acquisition, high project cost and high site rent; 2. 4G basic services fall back to 2G / 3G: 4G network generally has the problem of insufficient coverage, resulting in the fall of volte services to 2G / 3G, and the user voice experience cannot be guaranteed; In addition, the development of Nb IOT / EMTC IOT service also needs better 4G network coverage. This makes it difficult for operators to shut down 2G / 3G networks and face four generations together. The complexity of network operation increases and it is difficult to reduce OPEX. 3、 Build a minimalist network for 5g, effectively respond to challenges and help 5g business succeed Zhou Yuefeng, CMO of Huawei's wireless product line, explained the evolution strategy of wireless network towards 5g target network to help operators solve the above problems and successfully commercialize 5g. Wireless network evolution strategy includes three important aspects: minimalist site, minimalist network system and automation. The minimalist site realizes all outdoor base stations, reducing the difficulty of site acquisition, deployment and TCO With the development of Moore's law, 7Nm technology has been widely used in the chip industry, and the integration of base station BBU has been greatly improved. In addition, in recent years, lithium battery technology has developed rapidly, and the energy density has doubled compared with lead-acid battery. With the development of new technology, it is possible to make wireless base stations all outdoor. Zhou Yuefeng pointed out: "through the modular outdoor BBU, blade power supply and blade battery, the whole outdoor pole macro station without machine room and cabinet can be realized, which greatly reduces the upgrading cost of old sites and the difficulty and cost of obtaining new sites, and helps operators reduce TCO by more than 30% For the deployment of 5g C-band, the sky surface of the existing site needs to be changed. At present, the space of most sites is narrow, and 70% of urban sites cannot add new sky. To solve this problem, Huawei proposed a "1 + 1" sky surface solution, that is, all sub 3GHz frequency bands are collected through one multi frequency antenna and another massive antenna MIMO AAU supports C-band NR, and a total of two antennas support all frequency bands of the operator. This scheme can greatly simplify the space of the site sky, reduce the site OPEX, and solve the sky problem of 5g NR deployment at the same time. Minimalist network system, build LTE full service basic network and ensure zero fallback of three basic services The 5g era is faced with the coexistence of 2G / 3G / 4G / 5G multiple systems, complex networks and high operation and maintenance costs. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the basic voice, IOT and data services to LTE network, so as to make LTE become the basic service bearer, and 2G / 3G network enters the development stage of life cycle. Zhou Yuefeng pointed out: "LTE needs to build a full-service basic network to achieve zero fallback of three basic services: voice, IOT and data. Therefore, LTE should plan according to the goal of basic service coverage, rather than the traditional population coverage." In order to help operators achieve the goal of zero fallback of three basic services, Huawei launched an innovative cloudair solution to achieve low-cost and rapid LTE coverage at Golden low frequency. More than 100 networks around the world have deployed cloudair solutions. In addition, for suburban and rural scenarios, Huawei innovates the ruralstar solution, effectively matches the demands of operators' low-cost MBB rural network, further eliminates the digital divide, and allows more people to enjoy the convenience brought by wireless communication and mobile Internet. Ruralstar has been commercially deployed in 35 offices around the world. Build the automation capability of customer-oriented job flow scenario based on AI to fully release the network potential In the past few years, telecom network has made many attempts in operation and maintenance automation, but facing the whole scene and whole business process automation, it also needs systematic thinking and innovation from the perspective of architecture and key technologies. In this regard, Zhou Yuefeng pointed out: "the AI based MBB network automation architecture includes three layers, namely, cloud AI, network AI and site AI. Realize hierarchical autonomy among the three layers: site AI focuses on single station autonomy, and site equipment embeds AI capability to build an intelligent base station; Network AI focuses on closed-loop operation and maintenance and single domain autonomy to realize the integration of management and control in a single domain; Cloud AI implements intelligent models and training capabilities, realizes cross domain autonomy, and supports the automatic closed-loop operation of the whole scene and life cycle of planning, station opening, optimization and business distribution. " Based on the above architecture, in order to obtain the capabilities of prediction and intelligent identification and realize the automatic management and control of mobile network, it is necessary to complete "two transformations and one capability construction": From network element centered operation and maintenance to scenario centered operation and maintenance. In the past, automation focused on the network element for operation and maintenance management, while AI based automation will provide functions around the customer's operation scenario to realize the full workflow automation of "planning, station opening, optimization and business distribution" and "full scenario autonomy"; From simple network equipment management to management control integration. If the management and control of the network cannot be fully integrated, the configuration management of the network and the monitoring and control of network performance will not form an effective closed loop; Through the MBB automation engine, it will realize the integration of management and control, effectively close all tasks in a single domain, truly achieve the unity of knowledge and practice, and realize "single domain autonomy"; Build the AI capability of the site. Based on AI chip and neural network algorithm, build Ai capability in the base station, support functions such as self opening of characteristics, self monitoring of performance and self optimization of parameters, and realize "single station autonomy". Zhou Yuefeng said: "minimalist sites, minimalist network systems and automation help operators reduce site TCO, simplify network architecture, reduce operating costs and fully release network potential, build a solid foundation for the successful commercial use of 5g network, and point out the goal and direction of network evolution for the industry in the future. Huawei also hopes to work with more industrial partners to continuously innovate, jointly create a 5g business ecosystem and realize the beautiful vision of fully connected digital society. ", Technology Zone BT successfully launched 5g service at Wembley Stadium in London Huawei released the evolution strategy of wireless network for 5g target network LTE will become the operator's full-service basic network in 5g Era China Unicom has successfully completed the task of mixing and is promoting the reform in depth Operators are crazy about sending traffic. Is there anything fishy in it? 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At the mobile wireless spectrum auction in April Published at 09:51, November 22, 2018 • 0 readings Inventory of cloud x highlights on the global mobile broadband forum should 5g is coming. The Super bandwidth of X Gbps and the ultra-low delay network experience of 1 millisecond will become a reality anytime, anywhere. This will give birth to MBB industry Published in 20





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