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    Intelligent Transport Cloud Solution Based on Cloud Computing


    "I. background Traffic problems can be said to be a common problem faced by countries all over the world. Traffic congestion has brought a huge waste of time and exacerbated environmental pollution. The average driving speed of most cities in China has dropped below 20km / h, and some sections are even only 7 ~ 8km / h. Because the vehicle speed is too slow, the exhaust emission increases, which further worsens the air quality of the city. These problems have seriously affected people's travel and quality of life, resulting in huge social and economic losses. Therefore, in order to alleviate the pressure of transportation brought by economic development, make the best use of existing resources and make it play the greatest role, countries all over the world have increased the research and construction of intelligent transportation system. • technical challenges caused by traffic congestion With the rapid development of economy, the current transportation and logistics industries are facing more stringent requirements. Traffic congestion, frequent traffic accidents and traffic pollution were usually solved by means of road widening and vigorous construction of three-dimensional transportation in the past, but with the development of society, These traditional methods can no longer fundamentally solve the above problems. How to process, analyze and store the massive traffic data generated every day will be the key problem of traffic information service in the future. For a city, the number of data records generated by vehicles passing through the bayonet alone will reach a staggering 20 billion every year, while the upper limit of Oracle database is 1 billion. Even for the checkpoint data of a county, the response time of query is minute level, not to mention the intelligent transportation application based on the data of a city or the whole province. Similarly, a city has 200000 cameras, and the amount of data generated each month will be 120pb, of which a considerable part is related to traffic. How to store these data safely and efficiently will also become a challenge for storage technology. In addition, if you want to provide personalized intelligent transportation travel information services to about 8 million people in a city, the massive information access requests you face are also amazing. 2、 Conception (1) Design of intelligent transportation cloud in a city A city's intelligent transportation cloud is a comprehensive transportation information management and service platform based on cloud computing. Taking urban road traffic as the main body, it collects and summarizes information from e-police, checkpoints, RFID, traffic video, etc. in real time, integrates information sources from railways, airports, subways, docks, long-distance bus stations, etc., makes use of the big data storage and processing capacity of cloud computing platform, and makes use of advanced technologies such as parallel computing, intelligent recognition of video content, semantic understanding, etc, Establish a comprehensive mathematical model of urban traffic, implement comprehensive control and intelligent guidance of urban traffic, improve the efficiency of urban traffic, reduce congestion and maximize the convenience of public travel. • intelligent transportation cloud is an integrated, advanced, safe, automatic, easy to expand and open platform serving the transportation industry. Specifically reflected in: 1. Integrate existing resources and be able to expand and integrate various hardware, software and data required for the future development of the transportation industry; 2. Provide highly flexible expansion capacity requirements to meet the increasing demand for transportation applications in the future. Intelligent traffic cloud serves traffic management units, traffic operation enterprises and the general public. Therefore, the characteristic of smart city traffic cloud is hybrid cloud. Internal applications (traffic management units) with high confidentiality and security requirements, fast processing speed and strong elastic development can be realized in the mode of private cloud. External applications such as information release (mass travel, logistics enterprises, transportation information service enterprises, etc.) and travel guidance can be realized in the mode of public cloud. (2) Application of intelligent transportation cloud in a city 1. Real time release of traffic information Traffic information shall include road traffic information, driving route navigation information, road construction information, parking lot information and other comprehensive traffic information. The command center of the main transportation hub of the city will release it to the public through FM stereo radio sub channel, nearly 200 LED displays in the urban area, wireless communication, etc. the intelligent transportation system of a city shall network nearly 100 parking lots (including newly-built parking lots) in the city, so as to collect information outside the car and release it to the public. In addition, display screens providing travel information shall be added at railway stations, docks and long-distance bus stations. 2. Intelligent public transport The public transport system of a city's intelligent transportation system should be built mainly by subway, supplemented by buses and taxis. At the same time, adjust the position of bus platform and subway platform to realize seamless connection and avoid wrong transfer. At the same time, build a transportation hub dominated by railway station, long-distance bus station, wharf and main commercial business sections. In order to solve the contradiction between pedestrian traffic, the pedestrian underpass will be crossed at each intersection or new intersection. When it comes to, people will enjoy the convenience brought by a fast, safe and comfortable transportation system. 3. Intelligent signal control Traffic signal control system is an important system to maintain urban traffic order, which is mostly installed at intersections and designated locations. There are about 1000 T-junctions, crossroads and five-star intersections in a city. More than 800 intersections have been equipped with traffic lights. However, at present, the switching time of signal lamp is fixed. Reduce road utilization and transportation efficiency. For example, at the intersection of model road and North Zhongshan Road, the traffic lights are on for 50 seconds, so there is no traffic flow in 28-30 seconds after the green lights are on in the north-south direction during off peak hours, while more than 60 vehicles have been parked in the east-west direction, with a length of about 80 meters. Sometimes the opposite is true. However, during the rush hour, the normal circulation of more than 100 vehicles takes 42 to 46 seconds. Some vehicles were stranded at the intersection after 50 seconds. Build an intelligent signal control system networked by region or road section to adjust the traffic light switching time according to the change of road traffic flow. Form a green wave belt of regional and road sections, speed up the flow rate of vehicles in the city and slow down the phenomenon of traffic jam. 4. Emergency response Urban emergency dispatching includes medical and health first aid, fire, earthquake, debris flow, landslide, explosion, harmful gas, liquid leakage, criminal escape, etc. Once an emergency occurs, it is necessary to control the development of the situation and maintain social stability with the support of the transportation system. Therefore, through real-time data acquisition and processing, intelligent transportation cloud is also indispensable for the construction of emergency transportation system. By combining 110, 119 and 120, once there is a public alarm, the united station can coordinate all relevant departments to uniformly command the alarm handling according to the alarm content. The service efficiency of emergency linkage and rapid response can be provided on the intelligent transportation platform. The municipal intelligent transportation platform provides a green wave belt according to the incident location, so as to make the alarm and alarm more rapid, accurate and efficient, Reduce the losses caused by emergencies and better serve the government and society 5. Vehicle operation dispatching Through the monitoring and handling of each area, intelligently analyze the traffic situation of the area. Through GPS or other mobile terminals, car drivers can know the traffic conditions of each line in advance, save unnecessary time, relieve traffic pressure and improve traffic quality. Solve the traffic chaos in areas with dense passenger flow such as airports and railway stations. Reduce the operating cost of taxi drivers, and citizens can query lines and contact taxi drivers through mobile terminals. So as to solve the embarrassing situation that it is difficult for taxis to recruit passengers and passers-by to take a taxi. (3) Intelligent transportation cloud and smart city How will the future city develop? How to accelerate the transformation of economic structure and improve the urban environment? How to successfully realize transformation, innovation and leapfrog development in the post crisis era? If there is a traffic jam caused by a car fault on a certain road section, can the faulty car be towed away within a few minutes? If a patient has a sudden illness in another place, can an ambulance take the patient to the hospital in time in a very short time? A city put forward the idea of building a "smart city". "Smart city" is the construction of an innovative city and an advanced stage of urban modernization. In the final analysis, it is to focus on all aspects of wisdom to develop urban modernization. One of the most important is to provide an "intelligent system" for urban management and emergency response, which can respond quickly to public health, traffic failures, environmental pollution and other events. To build a smart city, a city can start with intelligent transportation, and then build a city level modern comprehensive management platform based on this platform, so that the whole city can gradually become "smart". (4) Significance of building intelligent transportation cloud 1. Intelligent transportation system changes the traditional transportation system through cloud processing. By improving the informatization, intelligence, integration and networking of the transportation system, intelligently collect traffic information, flow, noise, road surface, traffic accidents, weather, temperature, etc., so as to ensure the mutual communication between people, vehicles, roads and the environment, so as to improve the efficiency, mobility, safety, accessibility and economy of the transportation system, so as to protect the environment Reduce energy consumption. 2. Improve the use efficiency of the road itself and regional road network. 3. The rapid development of urban intelligent transportation system can improve the road traffic environment and increase the capacity of road traffic system. At the same time, it can also effectively improve the driving speed of vehicles, reduce vehicle driving delay, improve the road service level in the controlled area, and then improve the traffic capacity of the regional road network. 4. Further promote the development of urban economy, especially regional economy. 5. The development of transportation industry plays an important role in restricting and promoting economic development. 3、 Key technology (1) Intelligent sensing and Internet of things technology Intelligent perception and Internet of things technology have great application prospects in transportation. Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology can now be used to install "electronic tags" for all registered vehicles, so that high-speed vehicles can be "perceived", and relevant data can be collected, sorted and analyzed in real time, effectively solving the problems of automatic vehicle identification, dynamic monitoring and accurate flow prediction; On this basis, through a series of traffic management and service systems such as traffic signal control, travel guidance and public transport information service, guide the reasonable distribution of traffic flow, realize the dynamic organization and management of urban traffic, improve traffic operation efficiency and ensure the smooth and orderly city. In other words, when the car is driving on the road, the system can directly perceive it to form data. After real-time processing, it can guide the road traffic through the control of signal lights. (2) Big data storage and processing cloud computing technology Facing the massive data collected by the front end, how to effectively store and process it has become a difficult task. Therefore, a computing technology that can carry the storage and processing of big data has become a key factor. By using the distributed architecture of the cloud, a huge amount of data can be distributed to all nodes in the cloud, which greatly improves both the reading and writing speed and processing performance, and will improve infinitely with the continuous expansion of the scale of the cloud. Using cloud computing architecture to solve the storage and processing of big data has become an inevitable trend. 4、 Typical application (1) Real time intelligent navigation information service for the public The real-time intelligent navigation information service platform is to establish a unified planning, organization, management and allocation based on the centralized sharing of cloud computing resources and traffic resources, so as to optimize the whole platform and realize the integrated intelligent transportation Internet of things to meet various traffic needs. The platform collects multi-source heterogeneous data such as traffic flow, floating vehicles and weather through the data exchange platform based on bus technology to obtain various traffic related information. Through data processing platform and data analysis based on multi-source heterogeneous data fusion technology and GIS technology, real-time traffic status and historical traffic law are obtained, and multi-level traffic information services are provided for the government, enterprises and individuals through a variety of information release media and channels. The service platform mainly provides three service modes according to service types and modes: request, push and message subscription. Six service areas: positioning and navigation, real-time road conditions, information services, media services, traffic services and group services. (2) Urban traffic intelligent dispatching and guidance system The urban intelligent transportation integrated command and dispatching system consists of six subsystems: central system and integrated control command and dispatching center system, traffic condition acquisition, analysis and processing subsystem, traffic guidance and release subsystem, traffic event detection subsystem, mobile target positioning subsystem, road video monitoring subsystem and electronic police subsystem. The integrated control command and dispatching center system completes the integrated control between the center platform and each subsystem and between subsystems, as well as the command and dispatching management function of the center; The traffic condition collection, analysis and processing subsystem collects, analyzes and processes the road traffic condition by various means; The traffic event detection subsystem dynamically detects the abnormal event information of road traffic by means of video detection and automatically alarms; The traffic guidance and release subsystem automatically receives various road congestion and abnormal event information from the central control command and dispatching platform and relevant subsystems, and conducts multi platform guidance and release of relevant road condition information; The road video monitoring subsystem can operate, monitor and process the image information from various cameras and other field video equipment in real time on the interface of the central control platform; The electronic police subsystem realizes the automatic detection and punishment of various traffic violations. The central system and subsystems coordinate with each other to form an organic whole to realize the transformation of traffic management from simple static management to dynamic intelligent management. Traffic guidance system is one of the important subsystems of intelligent transportation system (ITS). It is the integration of many high and new technologies (such as geographic information system, positioning technology, navigation technology, modern wireless communication technology, etc.) and has a variety of functions. It can help the driver quickly find the best driving route from the current location to the destination, and assist the traveler to easily enter the place he has not been before. If supported by real-time traffic information, the traffic guidance system can effectively guide the vehicle to run in the road network and reduce the driving time of the vehicle on the road, And finally realize the uniform distribution of traffic volume in the whole road network. Traffic guidance system has been widely concerned since its birth. Many developed countries, such as the United States, Germany and Japan, have included it in the national research plan and invested a lot of human, material and financial resources in its research, experiment and development. With the maturity of related technologies and the practicability of the system, traffic guidance system will play a more and more important role in traffic management in the future. Vehicle guidance system is an important application module of traffic integrated information platform. The system construction objective is to provide travel route guidance services to urban residents based on the comprehensive traffic information platform and various sub platforms, and also provide real-time road traffic data to the comprehensive traffic information platform and relevant departments, so as to guide drivers to reasonably avoid traffic congestion and reach their destination by the best route through the acquisition and processing of dynamic traffic information, So as to make full use of the capacity of urban road network and improve traffic efficiency. In terms of research depth, we should not only solve the key technical problems in the early stage of system development, but also design, install and operate a batch of on-board equipment for demonstration experiments to realize vehicle guidance information services (including positioning and navigation services for special vehicles). Research and development status of traffic guidance system at home and abroad traffic guidance system can effectively solve urban traffic congestion, reduce traffic accidents, reduce air pollution and improve transportation efficiency. Developed countries attach great importance to the development and application of vehicle cutting positioning and navigation system, which has formed a tripartite situation of Japan, the United States and Europe. 1. Japan's typical vehicle navigation system Japan's navigation system is based on the global positioning system (GP) jointly developed by Toyota, Japan's police Province, postal province and construction province





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