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    Introduction IPTV


    IPTV Encyclopedia IPTV is integrated with interactive network TV, is a wide range of technologies such as broadband cable TV, integrating Internet, multimedia, communications, etc., providing home users, providing new technologies including digital TV, including digital TV. Users can have two ways to enjoy IPTV services at home: (1) Computer, (2) Network set-top box + ordinary TV. It can adapt to the trend of rapid development in today's network, and fully effectively utilize network resources. IPTV is different from traditional analog cable TVs, also different from classic digital TV. Because traditional and classic digital televisions have the characteristics of frequency division, timing, unidirectional broadcasting, etc.; although there are many technological innovations relative to the analog TV; but only changes in the form of the signal; not touching the media content Propagation mode. content IPTV service type IPTV Key Technology Characteristics and application of IPTV 1. Technical system 2. Business content 3. Main advantages 4. User group 5. Prospects Main technique Relevant Comparison of IPTV and Digital TV (1) Network System (2) Personalized Service (3) Interactive Performance (4) Audience Distribution Scope (5) Main Service Objects (6) Technology Improvement Difficulty new concept IPTV Ecology Chain IPTV business model Composition and function of IP set-top box China's IPTV development prospects history Radio, Film, National Blocking IP TV Business IPTV and Digital TV Relationship Breakthrough and development of IPTV IPTV technical standardization status IPTV tariff standard Book information Content introduction Book catalog IPTV service type IPTV Key Technology Characteristics and application of IPTV 1. Technical system 2. Business content 3. Main advantages 4. User group 5. Prospects Main technique Relevant Comparison of IPTV and Digital TV (1) Network System (2) Personalized Service (3) Interactive Performance (4) Audience Distribution Scope (5) Main Service Objects (6) Technology Improvement Difficulty new concept IPTV Ecology Chain IPTV Business Mode IP Set Top Box Composition and Function China's IPTV Development Prospect History Radio, Television Administration National Block IP TV Business IPTV and Digital TV Relationship IPTV Breakthrough and Development IPTV Technical Standardization Status IPTV Tariff Standard Book Information Content introduction Book catalog Expand Edit this paragraph IPTV Service Type User can have two ways to enjoy IPTV services at home: (1) Computer, (2) Network set-top box + ordinary TV. It can adapt to the trend of rapid development in today's network, and fully effectively utilize network resources. IPTV is different from traditional analog cable TVs, also different from classic digital TV. Because, traditional and classic digital televisions have the characteristics of frequency division, timing, one-way broadcasting, etc.; although there are many technological innovations relative to the analog TV, it is only a change in signal form, and does not touch the media content. Propagation mode. Edit this paragraph IPTV Key Technology Be IPTV IPTV is a function of receiving video on demand programs, video broadcasting, and online surfing using computer or set-top box + TV. It uses efficient video compression technology to make the video stream bandwidth at 800K When B / S can have a viewing effect close to the DVD (usually 3MB / s of the video stream bandwidth of the DVD) is required, and the video service such as the Internet is on the Internet. Live video live, long-distance video on demand, program source production, etc., has a strong advantage, is a new technology concept. The problem of traditional TV playback: traditional TV is a one-way broadcast method, which greatly limits the interaction between TV viewers and TV service providers, and limits the personalization of the program and immediate. If a TV viewer is not interested in all channel contents being broadcast, he (she) will not choose. This is not only a time loss for the TV audience, but also a waste of a resource for cable TV service providers. In addition, programs currently implementing specific contents are inconvenient for many viewers within a specific period of time. A viewer on one night shift may wish to watch the news at some morning, and a passenger who is ready to take a train will see a football match for the original night before. It seems impossible now Be IPTV . Edit this paragraph The features of IPTV and IPTV are infrastructure using broadband cable TV, with household TVs as the main terminal appliances, providing a variety of digital media services including television programs through the Internet Protocol. Features Features At: 1) Users can get high quality (close to DVD level) digital media services. 2) Users can have extremely wide liberal selection of video programs provided by each website of broadband IP online. 3) Implement the substantive interaction of media providers and media consumers. The playback platform used by IPTV will be a typical representative of a new generation of home digital media terminals. It can configure a variety of multimedia service functions according to the user's choice, including digital TV shows, visual IP phones, DVD / VCD play, Internet tour, email , As well as a variety of online information consultation, entertainment, education and business functions. 4) Provide a broad emerging market for network developers and program providers. At present, my country's communications industry is developing rapidly. Users have become higher and higher in information services, especially Broadband video information. It can be said that China has basically developed technical conditions and market conditions for the development of IPTV. Generally, IPTV and digital TV, both similar points, and difference. The technical experts of the bonfire network have elaborated from the following aspects. 1. Technical system IPTV system is also called interactive TV. Its system structure mainly includes subsystems such as streaming services, program editing, storage and certification, mainly stored and transmitted streaming files with MP-4 as coded cores. Based on IP network transmission, it is usually necessary to assign content allocation service nodes, configure streaming media services and storage devices, and the user terminal can be an IP set top box + television, or PC. The broadcast network of wired digital TV is the HFC network system, which is the same as the traditional analog cable television network architecture, while the new type of interactive business (such as VOD), the network system will vary. Wired Digital TV VOD system mainly includes VOD services, program editing, storage and certification billing systems, main storage and transmission of content is MP-2TS stream, using iPoverDWDM technology, based on DVDIP fiber network transmission, different distributed architectural distributed architectures of IPTV, The wired digital TV VOD system uses a centralized service architecture. The video server that is not required to configure the content storage and distribution before the HFC partial end, only need to place the DWDM receiver and GAM modulation, which greatly reduces the system. The operating cost and management complexity, the user terminal is Digital top box + TV. At present, China has basically forming a digital TV industry chain, and there are numerous digital TV set-top box manufacturers, front-end equipment manufacturers, and system integrators. 2. Business content IPTV has a flexible interaction characteristic because of the symmetrical interaction of IP networks, and its program can be broadcast, multicast, and unicast in a variety of publishing methods. It can be very flexible to implement electronic menu, programs, real-time fast forward, fast retreat, terminal account and billboard management, programming and other functions. In addition, other content services based on the INTER network can also be launched, such as online games, emails, electronic financial management, etc. Wired digital television uses a broadcast method, and if you want to implement video on demand, you must two-way transformation of the original HFC broadcast network. Under normal circumstances, only the interaction channels for living information. If the digital TV is supported by the video point, it is also supported by the IP network entered by Calbemodem. In fact, IPTV, Hangzhou's digital IPTV system is this mode. From the content service provided, wired digital TV is not as good as IPTV. 3. The main advantage of IPTV's main selling point is interactive, and the expansion of business in Internet. IPTV can also be very easy to browse, e-mail, and multiple online information consulting, entertainment, education and business functions in the future in future competition. Digital TV's selling point is mainly image quality of HD. 4. The market users of the user groups are home users, just a cable, a broadband, and the benefits brought by the user. 5. Development prospects will appear in a long time. Developing digital TV is a policy-earlier policy, and IPTV adds a program channel in many TV programs and does not replace wired digital TV. Because IPTV's real-time broadcast has a certain cost, it is not a lot to use IPTV to replace the wire or satellite TV. However, because there are many features of IPTV to attract people, it is still very vital with a separate program channel. From the perspective of information industry development, IPTV is still a maximum entry point for three-grid. In 2005 and 2006, the Radio, Film Administration has issued 4 IPTV national licenses and local licenses for Shanghai Wenguang, CCTV International, and Nanfang and Telecommunications Media and Zhejiang Radio and Television Group. Be Users can have three ways to enjoy IPTV services at home: 1. Computer; 2. Network set top box + ordinary TV; 3. Mobile Phone Edit this paragraph Main technique MPEG-4 is more suitable for interactive AV services and remote monitoring than MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 defined by MOVING PICTURE EXPERTS Group, MPEG. At present, our country has built an IPTV commercial network with China's independent AVS decoding technology, and is put into operation by Liaoning Netcom Dalian Branch. Edit this paragraph Relevant Digital TV: It refers to all links from the studio to transmit, transmit, and all of them use digital TV signals or all signal propagation to the system is transmitted by a digital stream consisting of 0, 1 numeric string. Be Network TV: Based on Internet TV on the Internet platform, since it is fully open resource space, it has become the main force propulged to the development of emerging media. Network TV is mainly divided into the following modes: shared video website represented by Tudou,; B2C network video website represented by PPS, PPLive; large portal represented by Sina, Sohu; CCTV The buckle enclosed China Network TV (CNTV) current CCTV and most provincial satellite TV programs. Edit this paragraph IPTV and digital TV comparison network TV can be said to be a hot industry now, in order to keep up with society, our technology has to improve the update, the wide application of digital TV has greatly increased the development of IPTV ... IPTV business is based on broadband The Internet is connected to broadband access, with a set top box or other digital device with video editing code capability as a terminal, by polymerizing various streams of SP. (1) Network system IPTV uses IP broadband networks, typically to set content allocation service nodes in the edge, configuring streaming media services and storage devices, storage, and transmission of content in coding core media files in MPEG-4; digital TV HFC is a network system, which is basically consistent with traditional cable TV structures. The main storage and transmission of content is the MPEG-2 stream, which uses IP over DWDM technology, based on DVD IP fiber network transmission. (2) Personalized service uses on-demand services, users can broadcast their favorite TV programs according to their interests, not being limited, can view the contents of the program by dragging. (3) Most of the network media of the interactive performance wired digital TV is one-way HFC network, only a small part is two-way network, and the interactivity is not strong. The medium of IPTV is the Internet, open and bidirectionality is the fundamental feature of the Internet, so IPTV has an innated super interactive. (4) The audience distribution range IPTV spreads to the whole country through the Internet, and the audience is spread all over the world. Digital TV is limited to various local cable TV networks. (5) The main service object IPTV demand surface is narrow, and is high-end users. Since IPTV is based on a charging program, the primary service object is a high-end user having strong payment capabilities. Digital TV has changed smaller on existing TV networks, and the major audience is a service object. (6) Technology improvement is difficult to carry out IPTV services, bandwidth, channel switching delay, QoS, etc. Mature, the technology improvement is large, and it is difficult to complete in the short term. At the same time, in order to obtain more users, it is also necessary to improve the exit rate of IPTV and the access rate of the user's access. Digital television is simpler in the event of a two-way network and digital processes in the absence of the original system system. Edit this paragraph New Concept IPTV: Interactive Personality TV, Personalized Interactive TV, is a Future Home Entertainment Center. Content: Graphic, Music, Movies, Games. Terminal: PC, TV, portable, mobile phone, car.Function: broadcast, on-demand, download, recording, interaction. Method: Recommended + optional. Technology: P2P, P2PStreaming, Blog, Podcasting, RSS, EPG, DRM, IM. Edit this paragraph IPTV Ecology Chain Be IPTV Ecology Chain Edit this paragraph IPTV business model Be IPTV business model Edit this paragraph Composition and function of IP set-top box Be IP set-top box The set-top box consists of two parts: software and hardware, the hardware of the set-top box contains large parts of the main chip, memory, tuning demodulator, backhaul channel, CA (CACCESS) interface, external storage controller, and video and audio output. The software is divided into three layers of application layers, intermediate interpretation layers, and drive layers, each layer contains many programs or interfaces. Compared to traditional digital sets, IP set-top boxes have realized the fusion of video, voice, and data, the so-called three-network combination service (TriplePlayService). The system architecture of the IP set-top box contains three separate subsystems: TV unit, PC unit, and conditional access (ie, encryption system, CA) units. The TV subsystem consists of the FM and the video decoder, which uses digital stream information; the CA subsystem allows the service provider to have control power, can be implemented to the user, can you know when the user watches what program; PC subsystem Most of the modular design, STB designers can increase or reduce components in this system according to their needs, because the IPSTB's goal is to provide the Internet service function, so its PC system has to provide TCP / IP Stack protocol and a better storage program. It can be seen that the function of the IP set-top box mainly includes the following three aspects: support current LAN or DSL network transmission, reception, and processing IP data and video streams; support MPEG, WMV and REAL and other video decodes; support user authentication function, pass through Interact with the IPTV system to implement user access control, billing management functions. Edit this paragraph China's IPTV development prospects IPTV have formed a certain reputation in the public, including operators, content providers, equipment, and terminal manufacturers, all aspects of the industry chain are actively promoting the development of IP industry. Although there is still a certain obstacle to the policy level and network technology, it is still full of confidence in the future of IPTV. The economic continuous development, the World Cup, 2008 Beijing Olympics, etc. The stimulation of the good factors will make China become the largest potential market in IPTV in the world. By 2010, China's IPTV users are expected to exceed 20 million. At that time, IPTV's commercial will no longer be a problem. Edit this paragraph History in 1999, The UK Video NetWorks launched the world's first IPTV business. Year 2003, Hongkong Telecom Yingke also launched an IPTV service, which is known for NOW broadband TV. In 2005, China Telecom and Shanghai Wencheng cooperation Shanghai launched the IPTV business, won the first IPTV license in mainland China, with Bestv Baisanti as a brand. Then expand to the main coastal provinces of China. In October 2006, Taiwan Chinese Satellite TV Communication Institution (CSTV) Network Business Group members "Taiwan Interactive TV Company" (TITV) China Telecom Multimedia Content Transportation Platform (MOD) launches "Gold Package" IPTV business. Edit this paragraph Radio, Film and Television, National Blocking IP TV Business On April 12, the Radio, Film and Television Administration issued a "41". From some radio-trailing operators, this article requested that the IP TV operations of the "Internet Audiovisual Program Service Management Regulations" shall be investigated in accordance with the rules of the "Internet Audiovisual Program Service Management Regulations", and stop the illegal IP TV business within a time limit. This means that in addition to the previous two provinces (Yunnan, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Harbin, Dalian, etc.) areas, including Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, etc., including Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang will be strong stop. China Telecom has been put into heavy gold, China Unicom (600050) and other telecom operators are not only in the early stage, but also face more than 1.5 million users. Edit this paragraph IPTV and Digital TV Relations 1. Technical system IPTV system is also called interactive TV. Its system structure mainly includes subsystems such as streaming services, program editing, storage and certification, mainly stored and transmitted streaming files with MP-4 as coded cores. Based on IP network transmission, it is usually necessary to assign content allocation service nodes, configure streaming media services and storage devices, and the user terminal can be an IP set top box + television, or PC. The broadcast network of wired digital TV is the HFC network system, which is the same as the traditional analog cable television network architecture, while the new type of interactive business (such as VOD), the network system will vary. Wired Digital TV VOD system mainly includes VOD services, program editing, storage and certification billing systems, main storage and transmission of content is MP-2TS stream, using iPoverDWDM technology, based on DVDIP fiber network transmission, different distributed architectural distributed architectures of IPTV, The wired digital TV VOD system uses a centralized service architecture. The video server that is not required to configure the content storage and distribution before the HFC partial end, only need to place the DWDM receiver and GAM modulation, which greatly reduces the system. The operating cost and management complexity, the user terminal is a digital set-top box + TV. At present, China has basically forming a digital TV industry chain, and there are numerous digital TV set-top box manufacturers, front-end equipment manufacturers, and system integrators. IPTV 2. Business content IPTV has a flexible interaction characteristic because of the symmetrical interaction of IP networks, and its program can be broadcast, multicast, and unicast in a variety of publishing methods. It can be very flexible to implement electronic menu, programs, real-time fast forward, fast retreat, terminal account and billboard management, programming and other functions. In addition, other content services based on the INTER network can also be launched, such as online games, emails, electronic financial management, etc. Wired digital television uses a broadcast method, and if you want to implement video on demand, you must two-way transformation of the original HFC broadcast network. Under normal circumstances, only the interaction channels for living information. If the digital TV is supported by the video point, it is also supported by the IP network entered by Calbemodem. In fact, IPTV, Hangzhou's digital IPTV system is this mode. From the content service provided, wired digital TV is not as good as IPTV. 3. The main advantage of IPTV's main selling point is interactive, and the expansion of business in Internet. IPTV can also be very easy to browse, e-mail, and multiple online information consulting, entertainment, education and business functions in the future in future competition. Digital TV's selling point is mainly image quality of HD. 4. The market users of the user groups are home users, just a cable, a broadband, and the benefits brought by the user. 5. Development prospects will appear in a long time. Developing digital TV is a policy-earlier policy, and IPTV adds a program channel in many TV programs and does not replace wired digital TV. Because IPTV's real-time broadcast has a certain cost, it is not a lot to use IPTV to replace the wire or satellite TV. However, because there are many features of IPTV to attract people, it is still very vital with a separate program channel. From the perspective of information industry development, IPTV is still a maximum entry point for three-grid. Edit this paragraph IPTV breakthrough and development of NGN (next-generation network), 3G, 3G evolution, WiMAX, IPTV and NGBW (next-generation broadband wireless), fixed mobile fusion FMC, etc., the current communication industry is concerned and explored, and people hope to pass NGN and NGBW and FMC, etc. to solve many problems in various networks, such as network security issues, QoS issues, intelligent network management, network mobility and network aggregation and integration, including "three networks", and spend the compatibility and flat, Establish an increase in ARPU and pure profit margin (APPU) and effective multi-service value-added profitable business models. 1. IPTV definitions and connotation A.iptv's definitions From NGN concepts and definitions, IPTV is Triple Play (voice, data, video 3 playback service) category, IPTV's basic definition should be broad, IPTV is a broadband Network business, involving multimedia, video service, which can utilize a wide range of network infrastructure, and its main network terminals can be used for network set-top boxes, or computers, can also be mobile phones and other corresponding electronic devices; it sets the Internet Basic techniques such as multimedia, communication, radio and television and next-generation networks, providing a variety of digital media interactive services including video programs by facilitating multi-service value-added IP protocols, implementing broadband IP multimedia information services. The connotation of IPTV B.IPTV can be understood that IPTV has the following substance: A.IPTV The IP protocol has communicated with NGN development requirements and has multi-service value-added capacity, including beneficial business model innovation. B.iptv is a visual business category and interactively operates in digital media, which can not only receive broadcast TV signals in real time, but can really realize the new era of real-time interactive video transmission, technical level, Extended streaming media technology is an important realistic support. Due to the use of IP protocol, it is convenient to communicate with NGI, NGTN, NGMN and other NGN networks. With NGN new technologies, voice, data, video, video, browsing, email, email, video Phone and a variety of online information consultation, online games, online music, entertainment, education and business, etc., thereby excitation Internet business providers, telecommunications network business operators, radio network business providers and equipment manufacturing Merchants and content integrators and / or content providers, etc., the power of participating in cooperation and competition. c. Network support can be a variety of bidirectional broadband networks, such as broadband public telecommunications network, Internet, broadband special communication network, mobile communication network, fixed communication network, microwave communication network, cable TV, satellite communication network, other wide range , Urban areas and local, individuals and individual domain broadband networks, etc. d. As mentioned above, IPTV is a broadband senior integrated business area, especially should pay attention to the market segmentation, comprehensive innovation and cooperation and win-win industry chain; due to the content innovation, integration and provisioning, integration and provisioning, It is also more complicated, will involve ultimate direct users, station and broadband accessers, business operators, network operators, content innovation third parties, content integrators, domestic providers, TV and / or computer supporting set top boxes , Content distribution network CDN, digital copyright protection management DRM, application and security, etc. Middleware Middleware, high efficiency, low-cost audio and video digital compression compression code, etc., in terms of technology, business, application level, for IPTV, It is especially important to build a complex and successful win-win cooperative industry chain and even industrial ecological environments. e. Since IPTV involves voice, data, video, video, the complementarity, integration and aggregation, integration, integration, integration, integration, integration, integration, integration, integration, integration, and its supervision and rules policy management of different networks, Internet, radio and television networks. More complicated, especially in China, although the information industry has been established, telecommunications and computer and Internet and information telecom operations and electronic information communication devices have better integration, but the telecommunications and radio and television long-term historical background decisions are different. Management mode, open gap, and ideological problems involving content, safety and actual demand for safety and commercial market operations require efforts to explore, think and innovate, otherwise it will likely positive, safe and healthy for IPIV In the long run, NGN is an inevitable choice for history. If the NGN is the historical option, the wise decision makers will definitely promote the historical trend, actively, effectively promote IPTV and "Three Net" integration from the business and network level. Evolution, otherwise, in the openness, innovation, and fusion market economy tide, its supervision will inevitably be gradually desalinated, or even replaced by new and more effective regulatory modes. 2. IPTV strategic value A. IIPTV gave birth to the integration of three network resources and business, from the perspective of technology, business and content production, under the IP-based Internet large-scale popularization and convenient multi-service value-added driving, (accurate Real-time streaming, video conferencing, even a little low-quality real-time video transmission has become a reality, the communication and broadcast interface of the video service is already blurred. On the side of the radio and television department, the radio television department is also actively introduced to digital TV, and it is expected to be transformed into two-way interaction, and introduce data or even telephone services, advance and integrate to the telecommunications industry, but the fundamental problem is limited to its broadband network resources. The investment in network transformation is also not from the heart. After experiencing the painful lesson of ".com" bubble, the Internet is actively exploring the profitable business operation mode. China Mobile's Monternet's SMS's success facts will first win a lot of ISP / IAP / ICP to return to life first. And restored the vitality, this is a typical example of the Internet profit model, and the streaming of the monthly tariff mode, the video operation mode is another successful example, Skype plus MSN or similar VoIP add-on operation mode is widely The global user-wide connection is favored, so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The lack of innovation content, this is the real advantage of radio, electricity and electricity. Telecom operators are actively involved in IPTV's motivation that some basic backgrounds: from NG





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