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    Japanese chip counterattack history: from import to independent research and development, what did Japan do?


    "Toshiba semiconductor sale case in last more than 8 months has finally landed. On June 1st, Toshiba announced that the sale of the sales of Semiconductor (TMC) has been completed, and the acquisition of the Japanese and Korean wealth groups that Benen Capital led. Although Toshiba has 40.2% of the Shares on Pangea, the major shareholders have easy to be Benn Capital. This is another iconic event that is decreated by the Japanese semiconductor industry. According to IC Insights, Toshiba Semiconductor is a fruitful Japanese company in the first quarter of 2018, which was previously announced. In 1993, in 1993, there were six Japanese companies in the top ten semiconductor companies issued by IC Insights. What happened after the Japanese semiconductor industry, what happened? Stay: From relying on imports to independent research and development The official website of Sony, Japan has hung in such a history. One of the founders of the company has been held in the United States for 3 months of investigation and trip in 1952, and the Western Electric Company (WE) has intentionally transfer transistor patents. But the cost is $ 25,000, which is equivalent to 10% of the total assets of Tokyo Communication Industries (Sony, Sony), although the heart is always, but the deep well is finally regretted. Sony's another scholars have gone to the United States in 1953, and finally won the technology in 1953. But they did not adopt We'm suggestions - using the transistor to do hearing aids, but to explore a new application area. In 1955, Sony developed the world's first transistor radio. In 1959, Sony radio sales reached $ 2.5 million. Japanese companies have followed. By 1965, Japan's radio exports reached 24.21 million units. In addition, electronic calculators and televisions are also shaking the gate of the US market. Japanese consumer electronics success in the US market, not only because of its product innovation and cost performance, but also related to the US policy. At that time, the United States transferred the center of gravity of the electronics to the military, which provided opportunities for Japanese civil electronics. By the 1960s, the Japanese semiconductor industry continued to catch up with the United States. At that time, the Japanese government started "escort" with tariff barriers and trade protection policies. However, foreign investment began to "slap" the gate, finally in 1968, Texas instruments in Texas in the United States entered the Japanese market in the model of joint venture, but they have to comply with harsh technology transfer. At that time, the domestic semiconductor manufacturing equipment in Japan was only 20%, and the US countermeasures made the Japanese semiconductor industry aware of their passive. First, IBM announced in 1970 that the semiconductor memory will be used in its newly launched large computer, the semiconductor memory begins alternative to the magnetic core, accounting for the DRAM memory chip in the semiconductor memory, and has become a big market that has unlimited potential. The rules of industry game rules have changed overnight. Second, the United States refused to provide IC integrated circuits to Japan, enabling Japanese electronic calculators in the US market share fell from 80% of the prosperity of 1974 to 27% in 1974. As a result, Japan began to develop independently with "the power of the country". An official production research and development project completely changed the status of the Japanese semiconductor industry. This project is the VLSI joint research institute (super LSI technology research portfolio), which was established in Japan's Merchants Industrial and Industrial Provincial (Economic Industry), "large-scale integrated circuit that creating a future computer", "The slogan of Japan also shows the huge Japan. Ambition. Japan's field of national competitors (Fujitsu, Hitachi, Mitsubishi motor, Toshiba and NEC) in the market, total investment of 70 billion yen, government funded 29 billion yen (almost quite equivalent to productive Half of the provincial subsidy expenditure). After the above items expired in four years, more than 1,000 patents were obtained. Director of the VLSI Co-institute, the guidelines of the well-known Kangfu named in Japan Semiconductor may sum up the secret of success: Can competitors work together to be a big problem, then we will "basis, common "For the policy, from the common point of the company, we will develop and develop future large-scale integrated circuit technology. In the 1970s, Japan's key process equipment and production raw material dependence on the United States have reached 80%, and by the early 1980s, the localization rate of Japanese semiconductor manufacturing equipment reached more than 70%, which laid the foundation for the future. . Thus, the Japanese semiconductor industry has opened the "Golden Age", and the global market share has risen, and there is a pivotal position in the world. Take 64k DRAM in 1980, in 1981, Hitachi market share the world's first, accounting for 40% of the share; the second is Fujitsu, accounting for 20%, NEC accounts for 9%. After that, NEC dominates the 256K era, and Toshiba dominates the 1MB era. By 1986, Japanese semiconductor companies reached 80% in the global DRAM, surpassing the United States. The development of the Japanese industry in this period is mainly relying on export. In 1970-1985, the output value of the industry in Japan has increased by 5 times, and the export has increased by 11 times. Transcription: After the decision is fails to grasp the opportunity of scale The blessings, the blessings, the blessings. In the late 1980s, Japan's DRAM market share began to decline, the root cause is that the DRAM market structure has changed, and frequent trade frictions also hinders the industry development. Japanese companies have technical advantages on the memory used by the early large computers, and we value the quality of the memory. However, in the late 1980s, as the personal computer market flourishes, the reliability and life requirements for memory are lower than low prices. However, Japan still has high reliability as production standards, failed to adapt to market changes. Some insiders pointed out that although Japanese company saw the movement of the personal computer market, it was still in the finished product rate, which was lacking in reducing costs. In contrast, Japanese and Korean semiconductor companies will find that South Korea has a sharp lead in the cost of Japanese companies, producing the same components. The number of equipment used by Japan is actually twice as South Korea, and the production process is too long, and it cannot reduce costs. Another analysis is pointed out that this is also related to the Japanese manufacturer without having to take the faabless mode. This development model of this horizontal division can make professional companies focus on the design, and the foundry is concentrated, and the market changes can be quickly reacted, and the cost disadvantages affecting the cost of machines have low. "Most of Japan's semiconductor manufacturing is still the sub-sector under the Group, although individual products have good results, after the brand share reaches a certain degree, this mode cannot effectively push the zero components of the semiconductor to move forward. .Fabless mode is the inevitable direction of the semiconductor industry under the development of economies of economies. In Japan's development model, it is not so much that the big changes in the market are not as good as the semiconductor development has a strong scale economy as operational support, and Japanese manufacturing Commercial failed to develop manufacturers with corresponding operational types and economic sizes, resulting in the continuous weakening of its competitiveness. "Lin Jianhong, research manager, Tuang Tuo Industrial Research Institute, said reporter of the 21st century economic report. In addition, the Japanese semiconductor industry has also been affected by external trade friction. The rise of the Japanese semiconducting industry, so that the United States has climbed the crisis. This can be seen from the media report. In 1978, the US "Wealth" magazine published a report of "Silicon Valley's Japanese Spy"; March and December 1981, it was reported two alarms in the US semiconductor industry. In 1983, the "Business Week" magazine published the topic of "Chip War: Japan's Threats". With the large number of production capacity of Japanese vendors enter the market, the supply of severe excess has triggered global DRAM prices plummeted. In June 1985, the US Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) filed a dumping lawsuit against Japan's semiconductor product to the US Trade Representative Office; Since then, Magic Light lifted Japan 64K DRAM dumping litigation in the US Department of Commerce. "Japanese and American Semiconductor War" officially on. This war finally knotted the "Japanese Semiconductor Agreement". The contents of the agreement mainly include improved access and termination dumping in the Japanese market. The United States accelerates promoting research and development, successfully retreating the throne. By 1993, the world's world share of American semiconductor returned to the world and maintained. Due to external trade frictionalization, Japanese companies began to transition to domestic demand. In 15 years in 1985-2000, the output value and export of the Japanese electronics industry increased by 1.5 times, while the demand increased by more than 2 times. In the early 1990s, Japan experienced the bubble economic collapse and entered the "lost 20 years". After 2000, Japanese GDP growth stagnant, and the Japanese electronics industry has declined. The output value of the Japanese electronics industry in 2013 is 11 trillion yen, and half of the peak (26 trillion yen) is less than half. In the late 1980s, the Japanese economy has reached the world's second in the world, and the United States is compressed by the Square Agreement and the Japanese and American Semiconductor Agreement. This greatly presses the profitability of Japanese companies. And the Korean's power to develop semiconductor industries, soon After Japan's economic foam rupture, the subsidy is difficult to maintain. "Yang Wen, deputy general manager of the semiconductor industry consulting agency, said that the 21st century economic report reporter said that the development of the semiconductor industry and the macroeconomic situation of the country is closely related, because this is the capital super intensive The industry needs continuous, and large-scale capital investment will succeed. When a national economy is not too late, it is difficult to support its development. Reviva: Structural reform and restart "official production" project The Japanese semiconductor industry attempts to reinvigorate the bulk with structural reform and restart the "official production" project. Under the domain of Japan, 1999, Hitachi and NEC's DRAM departments were integrated into ELPIDAs. The Mitsubishi Motors were also involved, while other Japanese semiconductor manufacturers were withdrawn from General DRAM. Resource concentrations to systems with high value-added systems. Elpida is the meaning of Greek "Hope", which reflects the hopes of the Japanese semiconductor industry to this last DRAM manufacturer. Helpless, "The world outside" is changing. After the 2008 financial crisis, the global demand plummeted, DRAM supplies serious excess, 2GB DRAM's price is $ 20 in 2008, and in 2012, it fell below $ 1. Global DRAM producers are caught in a serious deficit, and Erbital is no exception. The Japanese government has extended a helping hand and invested and guarantees Japanese policy investment bank financing in 2009. But after all, I was unbearable, and the unbearable liabilities were finally announced by the end of February 2012, and July 2012 was merged by Merchants. A Japanese semiconductor practitioner said to the 21st century economic report reporter that natural disasters have a certain impact on the development of Japanese semiconductor industry. 3 · 11 Earthquakes accelerate the decline in the competitiveness of the Japanese semiconductor industry. "Our company has lost heavy losses in the earthquake, and the stock price fell. It is until the first two years of restructuring and build a factory to return to normal production. The stock price has also turned three. Semiconductor production is very high, dust-free and stable. Can produce a fine product. "The Japanese semiconductor industry said. However, there is also an analysis pointing that the failure of Bristota is the Japanese semiconductor industry to repeat the same mistakes, that is, the change of the industry, the last time I can't keep up with the rise of the personal computer market, this time I can't keep up with the computer to smart phone and tablet. Turn. "Japanese companies are generally refined in drilling technology, but the ability to respond to external variations is relatively slow because they are usually relatively bureaucratic, and the decision process is slow. It has achieved a lot of effort in the past 30 years. This focuses on but reactive weaknesses will be enlarged when faced more competitors. "Yang Wen said. Japan launched a number of official production projects, including the ASUKA program, future plans Mirai, Halca, etc. In 2006, Japan launched a new five-year plan to be seen as a continuation of the ASUKA program. The new five-year plan is divided into two parts: First, the selete five-year R & D project, annual investment budget is 10 billion yen, explores 45 nm and 32 nm practical application processes. Another part is the STARC five-year R & D plan, and the annual investment budget is 5 billion yen for the development of the DFM design platform. Although the glory of the Japanese semiconducting industry has become history, the current global market share is less than 10%, but it still plays an important role in some segments. "Japan's scientific research capabilities in materials, precision machinery, basic physics, etc. have an influentiality. The historical patent and professional talents are still very strong. As long as the capital and the company's mode is right, if you can catch To the transformation point of the next wave of major goods, Japan's semiconductor industry will still have a good competitiveness. "Lin Jianhong said. "Semiconductor is an integrated industry. The generation of a chip requires nearly 10,000 people's workload. At the same time, it takes more experience accumulation to innovation. The foundation of Japan is very deep, and it is currently growing, but the foundation is still It is necessary to turn over to see the country's investment in the semiconductor industry in the country. "The above Japanese semiconductor industry said. Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! "





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