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    Lexus CT200H and the song ILX which is more economical?


    "In the last article on the comparison between the two cars, some netizens said in the comments that if you buy a car by yourself, the two cars are very easy to choose together, which is the difference between the hatchback and the hatchback. Yes, it only takes a second to know your choice. Why do you compare it? We tell you from the perspective of rational analysis that the first choice may not be suitable for you. In fact, we are most concerned about the fuel consumption of these two cars, so we took out a separate article on the comparison of fuel consumption. Ct200h and ILX are both hybrid models, but their hybrid modes are different, so their driving experience is also very different. ● who is more "economical" -- comparison of daily fuel consumption First of all, we know that the hybrid modes of the two cars are not the same. According to the truth, it is undoubtedly the most fuel-efficient to use the power of the battery as the driving force as much as possible. ILX can not be completely driven by electricity when driving at medium and low speed, but ct200h is OK. Therefore, if it is completely urban congested road conditions, ct200h is undoubtedly more fuel-efficient. Who is more economical in medium and high speed? We don't know. In this fuel consumption test, we let the two cars walk on the same road conditions. The whole journey is close to 100 kilometers, and there is no parking in the middle. The test environment was not deliberately selected. We caught up with the off peak hours. We walked out of the city after the Fourth Ring Road, and then walked out of the sixth ring road. The congested section is less than 20 kilometers, and the average speed is about 30 kilometers per hour. The rest are basically expressways, which can drive faster. Before the test, we filled the fuel tanks of the two vehicles with the same oil gun at the same gas station. After opening the fuel tank cap, we found that the requirements for oil products of the two vehicles are different. Ct200h can be filled with No. 93 gasoline (Beijing No. 92), while ILX can only be filled with No. 97 gasoline (Beijing No. 95). So in order to accommodate ILX, we filled two cars with No. 95 gasoline. On the highway, the road condition is much better. Sometimes there is not even a car nearby. But it's rare and fleeting. At this time, it seems that the ILX with smaller displacement accelerates more fully and the throttle is more sensitive. However, for the sake of fairness, both cars are relatively conservative driving methods, and do not have a big foot on the accelerator or brake. When the two vehicles drive at the same speed of 100 km / h, ILX is obviously more difficult, and the engine speed is about 1800 rpm; The engine speed of ct200h is 1600 rpm. The reason is that the ct200h is always supplemented by battery power. At the end of the test, you need to go to the gas station and fill up the fuel to see how much fuel is consumed. The fuel consumption of both vehicles is not high, which is more economical than ct200h. Finally, the two vehicles drove less than 93km. The ct200h refueling was 4.39l and the ILX refueling was 4.78l, only less than half a liter. The fuel consumption of the two vehicles in the last 100 kilometers is not much different. The ct200h is 4.75 liters and the ILX is 5.16 liters. ● who is more "hybrid" -- comparison of hybrid technology Both cars are hybrid, but the modes are different. The most important thing is that one driver can choose the power mode completely, and the other driver doesn't have to care about the driving mode at all, because he has no choice. Let's take a look at what modes can be selected for both vehicles with regard to hybrid power. The driving mode option of ct200h is located in the middle of the central console. It is a group of circular knobs and square buttons, which are the core driving options of this hybrid model. The round knob is the driving mode control, and ev mode is the pure electric mode button. The knob can select energy-saving eco mode or sport sports mode. The distribution of gasoline and electric in the two modes is quite different, and the power feeling is also very different. ILX doesn't have so many messy buttons, so the driver has little choice. All these are handed over to the computer, and the driver just needs to drive at ease. From the type of hybrid power, ILX belongs to medium hybrid and parallel hybrid power system; Ct200h belongs to heavy-duty hybrid and hybrid hybrid power system. If you want to know more about the types of hybrid systems, please click here: prelude to the popularity of electric vehicles and analysis of three hybrid technologies. ILX hybrid key words: Medium Hybrid, parallel, not optional The power mode of ILX is relatively simple. When the vehicle stops after ignition, the engine is always running, and there is no sign of electric power supply in the vehicle. When the vehicle starts, the load of the engine is usually heavy, while the ILX engine outputs slowly, and the battery pack provides auxiliary power to reduce the pressure of the engine, achieve rapid speed increase and save fuel. Under the condition of ILX medium speed driving, the engine and battery provide power for the vehicle at the same time to improve the performance of the vehicle. When the vehicle stops, the engine shuts down automatically to reduce fuel loss and emissions. When the brake pedal is released, the engine starts automatically. This is the same as the model with start stop function, which helps the vehicle reduce fuel consumption when parked. As for battery charging, ILX can only charge the battery by recovering energy when decelerating, but ct200h can not only recover energy when decelerating, but also use the surplus power of gasoline engine to drive an independent generator to charge the battery when accelerating. ILX sets energy-saving driving tips on the LCD screen in the middle of the instrument panel. When the driving state is more environmentally friendly, the range of green tips is larger, otherwise the range is very small. This does not have much image for the vehicle itself. It is more to image the driver in this way to change driving habits. Ct200h hybrid key words: heavy mixing, hybrid, pure electric Ct200h can see the energy use in the lower right corner of the instrument panel, which can help us analyze when the vehicle uses different driving modes and when to charge the battery. When the vehicle stops, the engine stops automatically. At this time, the battery power is used to supply energy for the electrical appliances in the vehicle, and it also depends on electricity when the vehicle starts. However, the battery can not stop the vehicle for a long time in this way. The battery will be exhausted in about 5 to 10 minutes, and the engine will be forced to start. Ct200h can maintain the pure electric drive from starting to 30km / h. If the vehicle speed does not exceed 30km / h, the vehicle will also maintain the electric drive until the battery power is insufficient. At this time, the vehicle will automatically switch to hybrid or pure oil. When the speed exceeds 30 km / h, the engine intervenes. At this time, two power sources drive the vehicle at the same time. When the driving mode is switched to eco mode, the vehicle is driven in economic mode, and the instrument on the left side of the instrument panel is switched to the energy use of hybrid power. At this time, the power will rely on battery drive to the greatest extent, and gasoline drive is only a supplement to battery drive. At low speed, the vehicle is driven by full electric power, while at medium speed, the use proportion of oil and electricity is adjusted at any time according to the accelerator depth and vehicle speed. Therefore, the vehicle has the best fuel saving effect at idle speed and starting, which is usually the most fuel consuming road condition for gasoline engine vehicles. Therefore, driving ct200h in the urban area is not afraid of congested sections, because the more such road conditions, the more obvious the fuel consumption advantage of ct200h. Who is "stronger" -- performance comparison between the two vehicles ● accelerated test: Ct200h adopts the simultaneous power output of engine and electric motor during full throttle acceleration to obtain the best acceleration performance. We tested that the fastest 100 km acceleration of ct200h is 10.35 seconds, which is very small compared with the official acceleration time of 10.3 seconds. ILX is also a hybrid output when accelerating at full throttle. Because the displacement is slightly smaller than ct200h, the acceleration of the middle and rear section is slightly insufficient. The final result is 10.68 seconds, slightly slower than ct200h, but the difference is not large. For the hybrid model, if you want it to have good acceleration performance, it's like asking for good driving space for a performance car. We don't have much enthusiasm for the acceleration of the two cars, but the performance of the ct200h is somewhat sorry for its ferocious appearance, but the ILX surprised us. ● braking test: During the test drive, we can feel that the brakes of the two cars are quite sensitive and the adjustment strength is very good, so even if we don't test, we can feel that the braking strength of the two cars is not checked. Both vehicles maintain high braking force, especially ILX. The initial force actually reaches -1.6g. Such braking force is rare in performance vehicles. After that, the braking g value of the two vehicles was maintained at about - 1g, and the stability of the body during braking was very good. The final test results show that the braking distance of ct200h is 39.89m, which is a good result. The braking distance of ILX is only 35.21 meters, which is quite amazing! ● noise comparison: As for noise, because the Lexus ct200h completely shuts down the engine at idle speed, the noise in the car is very low, which can be understood as theoretical zero noise. However, the noise when the engine is started is not small, which is slightly higher than that of gasoline engine models with the same displacement. Acura ILX's noise is not high, but generally speaking, ct200h does better in noise reduction. The test results show that the driving noise of the two cars is not high. The noise in the ct200h car at 60 km / h is slightly lower, less than 60 dB, which basically reaches the noise level of high-end luxury cars; The interior noise of ILX is not high, and the sound insulation control is quite good. At the speed of 120 km / h, the interior noise values of ct200h and ILX are exactly the same, both 68.6 dB. Such noise is definitely among the best in the same level. Summary: The two cars look completely different. One looks sporty and the other looks business. However, in fact, the sporty car is very easy to drive, but it doesn't move. The business appearance is very confusing, and the handling of driving can be one of the best in the same level. As for the fuel consumption of the two vehicles, we have tested the fuel consumption of ct200h, which is basically within the normal range, while the fuel consumption of ILX is somewhat surprising., Read the full text“





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