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    Linux system command


    "Linux system commands Ytalk Function Description: talk with other users. Syntax: ytalk [- isxy] [-h < host name IP address >] [user name...] supplementary note: through the ytalk instruction, you can talk with other users online. If you want to talk with users of other hosts, you can add their host name or IP address after the user name. Parameters: - H < host name IP address > specify the remote host where the conversation object is located- I replace the displayed information with a reminder sound- S opens the ytalk conversation window before the command prompt symbol- X close the graphical interface- Y all questions that must answer yes or no must be answered with capital letters "" Y "" or "" n ""---------------------------------------------------- Write function description: transmit information. Syntax: write [user name] [terminal number] supplementary notes: information can be transmitted to another user logging in to the system through the write command. When the input is completed, type EOF to indicate that the information is over, and the write command will transmit the information to the other party. If the user receiving the message logs in to the local host more than once, you can specify the terminal number to receive the message------------------------------------------------------------ Wall (write all) function description: transmit information. Syntax: wall [announcement information] supplementary note: the information can be sent to each terminal user who agrees to receive public information through the wall instruction. If the information content is not given, the wall instruction will read the data from the standard input device, and then transmit the obtained data to all terminal users------------------------------------------------------- Uux Function Description: execute instructions on the remote uucp host. Syntax: uux [- bccijlnrvz] [- a < address >] [- G < level >] [- s < File >] [- x < level >] [-- help] [instruction] supplementary note: uux can execute instructions on the remote uucp host or on the local machine, but the files of the remote computer will be used during execution. Parameters: - or - P or -- stdin directly reads the instruction to be executed from the keyboard- A < address > or -- requestor < address > execute mail address to send status information- B or -- erturn stdin displays status information on the screen- C or -- nocopy does not copy files to the buffer- C or -- copy copies the file to the buffer- G < grade > or -- grade < grade > specifies the priority of the file transfer job- I or -- config file specifies the uux configuration file- J or -- jobid displays the job number- L or -- link to connect files on your computer to the buffer- N or -- nodification = No. no matter what status occurs, the user will not be notified by mail- R or -- nouucico do not start the uuccico service program immediately, just send the job to the queue and then execute it- S < File > or -- status < File > saves the completion status as the specified file- V or -- version displays version information- X < level > or -- debug < level > specify the troubleshooting level- Z or -- nodification = error if an error occurs, the user will be notified by mail-- Help displays help------------------------------------------------ Uustat Function Description: displays the current status of uucp. Syntax: uustat [- aeikmmnpqqrv] [- B < lines >] [- C < Instruction >] [- C < Instruction >] [- I < profile >] [- K < work >] [- O < hours >] [- R < work >] [- s < host >] [- s < host >] [- U < user >] [- U < user >] [- W < notes >] [- y < hours >] [- x < hierarchy >] [-- help] supplementary note: after executing uucp and uux instructions, the work will be sent to the queue first, and then uucco will execute the work. Uustat can display, delete or start the work waiting to be executed in the queue. Parameter: - A or - all displays all uucp operations- B < lines > or -- mail lines < lines > is used with the - m or - n parameter to specify how many lines to include in the message- C < Instruction > or -- command < Instruction > displays the work related to < Instruction >- C < Instruction > or -- not command < Instruction > displays work unrelated to < Instruction >- E or -- executions displays only the work to be performed- I or -- prompt asks whether to delete the work for each work in the queue- I < profile > or -- config < profile > specify a profile- K < work > or -- kill < work > delete the specified work- M or -- status delete all work- M or - mail the status information to the uucp administrator- N or -- notify mail the status information to the user who proposed the work- O < hours > or -- older than < hours > displays work that exceeds a specified number of hours- P or -- PS displays the program responsible for uucp locking- Q or -- list displays the status of the work to be performed on each remote host- Q or -- no list does not show work- R < work > or -- rejuvenate < work > restart the specified work- R or -- rejuvenate all restart all work- S < host > or -- system < host > displays the work related to < host >- S < host > or -- not system < host > displays work unrelated to < host >- V or -- version displays version information- U < user > or -- user < user > displays work related to < user >- U < user > or -- not user < user > displays work unrelated to < user >- W < note > or -- Comment < note > the note to be placed in the email message- Y < hours > or -- younger than < hours > shows work below the specified number of hours- X < level > or -- debug < level > specify the troubleshooting level-- Help displays help---------------------------------------------------- Uuname Function Description: displays all uucp remote hosts. Syntax: uuname [- ALV] [- I < profile >] [-- help] supplementary notes: uuname can display uucp remote host. Parameters: - A or -- aliases display aliases- I < profile > or -- config < profile > specifies the profile of the program- L or -- local displays the local name- V or -- version displays version information-- Help displays help------------------------------------------------- Uulog Function Description: display uucp record file. Syntax: uulog [- dfisv] [- < lines >] [- f < host >] [- I < profile >] [- N < lines >] [- s < host >] [- U < user >] [- x < level >] [-- help] supplementary notes: uulog can be used to display records in uucp record files. Parameter: - D or -- debuglog displays debugging records- F < host > or -- follow < host > is similar to the - f parameter, but only the records related to the specified host are displayed- I < profile > or -- config < profile > specifies the profile of the program-< Number of lines >, - N < number of lines > or -- lines < number of lines > displays the value of the specified number of lines from the last calculation in the record file- S < host > displays only the records related to the specified file in the record file- S or -- statslog displays statistical records- U < user > or -- suer < user > displays only the records related to the specified user in the record file- V or -- version displays version information- X < level > or -- debug < level > set the troubleshooting level-- Help displays help-------------------------------------------------- TTY (teletypewriter) function description: displays the file name of the standard input device connected to the terminal. Syntax: TTY [- S] [-- help] [-- version] supplementary note: in the Linux operating system, all peripheral devices have their names and codes, which are stored in the / dev directory as a special file type. You can execute the TTY command to query the file name of the currently used terminal. Parameters: - s or -- silent or -- quiet do not display any information, but only return the status code-- Help online help-- Version displays version information------------------------------------------------------ Traceroute Function Description: displays the path from the packet to the host. Syntax: traceroute [- dflnrvx] [- f < survival value >] [- G < gateway >...] [- I < network interface >] [- M < survival value >] [- P < communication port >] [- s < source address >] [- T < service type >] [- W < timeout seconds >] [host name or IP address] [packet size] supplementary notes: the traceroute command allows you to track the routing path of network packets. The default packet size is 40bytes, You can set it separately. Parameter: - D use the socket level troubleshooting function- F < survival value > set the survival value TTL of the first detection packet- F set not to leave the off position- G < gateway > set up the source routing gateway, up to 8- I < network interface > send data packets using the specified network interface- I use ICMP response instead of UDP data information- M < survival value > sets the size of the maximum survival value TTL of the detection packet- N use the IP address directly instead of the host name- P < communication port > set the communication port of UDP transmission protocol- R ignore the normal routing table and directly send the data packet to the remote host- S < source address > set the IP address of the packet sent by the local host- T < service type > set the TOS value of the detection packet- V displays the execution process of the instruction in detail- W < timeout seconds > set the time to wait for the remote host to return- X turns on or off the correctness check of the data packet------------------------------------------------------- Testarm (test parameter) function description: test whether Samba settings are correct. Syntax: testarm [- S] [configuration file] [< host name >] supplementary note: executing the testarm instruction can simply test the samba configuration file. If the test result is correct, the samba resident service can correctly load the setting value, but it does not guarantee that subsequent operations are normal as expected. Parameter: - s does not display prompt symbols. Wait for the user to press enter to directly list Samba service definition information------------------------------------------------- Telnet Function Description: remote login. Syntax: telnet [- 8acdefklrx] [- B < host alias >] [- e < detached character >] [- K < domain name >] [- L < user name >] [- N < record file >] [- s < service type >] [- x < authentication form >] [host name or IP address < communication port >] supplementary notes: execute telnet instruction to start terminal phase operation and log in to remote host. Parameter: - 8 allows the use of 8-character data, including input and output- A attempts to automatically log in to the remote system- B < host alias > use an alias to specify the remote host name- C does not read the. Telnetrc file in the user's private directory- D start troubleshooting mode- E < off character > setting





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