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    Not only more than 4G, how can 5G?


    Intel Academician, Communication and Equipment Ministry Wireless Standard Chief Technical Expert Wu The reason why 5g is considered to be subversive, because he is connected to not only billions of mobile terminals, but all networked devices. According to the data of third parties, the networked equipment will reach 50 billion in the next few years, and the massive data brought by the past generations cannot be comparable in the past generation mobile communication technology. For the industry, it is both opportunities and challenges! Although there is still a long distance from 5G formal commercial commercial, the challenge for 5G commercial is a problem that the industry has to think. Wu Geng, a 5G industry salon, Intel academic, communication and equipment, held in Intel, pointed out that 5G faced, not only the problem of air interfaces, but also need to consider from terminal to the network to the cloud product industry. . In other words, 5G provides both new wireless features and new network features. As we all know, 5G has high bandwidth, low delay, low power consumption, etc., and 5G is also considered to be a virtual reality, driver, etc. found to achieve large-scale applications. But to achieve 5G applications, it is not an example, and the WHM's Internet of Things has taken an example. He believes that the realization of the Internet of Things should be three stages: The first is to connect the object; The second stage is intelligent; Finally, let the device become independent. Connection is the foundation of each generation of mobile communications, but what is intelligent to independent? Wu Li: "This process is required for calculation, and the requirements for operations are constantly, gradually upgraded, and require communication and calculation, especially the addition of artificial intelligence." Obviously when the equipment has autonomous, the system will be more complicated. Wu Geng pointed out that in the next few years, the system software and hardware have a complexity of the current 20 times, and the error risk that is incorporated here is also higher. Therefore, the autonomous system must be intelligent to discover and control errors. For the machine, if it is just in the form of a very low-level connection, it doesn't have wisdom, there is no intelligence, when we are large, the information society is completely intelligent, and it is actually a need for artificial intelligence, more Integration of intelligence, communication and operations, to create an autonomous system that can be trusted. Therefore, if compared with the past generation of mobile communication as a starting point, the center of gravity of the entire industry in the entire industry is actually a higher and higher requirements. Since last year, the downstream of the industrial chain has proposed the concept of edge computing. Its purpose is to migrate large-scale computing only in the data center, high performance calculation to the edge of the network, to release the value of the network. At this time, the network is obviously not a pipeline in the traditional sense. Therefore, 5G is not just a upgrade (5g ≠ 4g + 1g) on ​​the air interface, which affects the entire industrial chain from the network to the terminal. The following is a few new topics mentioned in this event, and the Lei did not change the willingness of the willingness: About standard How is the development of 5G standards? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology IMT-2020 promotion group expert Luo Zhendong: 5G has two standardized organizations to define, one is the ITU (International Telecommunications Union), but ITU is not specific to technical standards, it puts the 5G standard proposal submitted by the parties to discuss assessment Finally, it is determined which is 5g; the truly specific discussion details are another organization called 3GPP, there are some differences in these two standard organizations because 3GPP is based on the requirements of the ITU. ITU will launch an assessment of 5G standards in the second half of this year, which means that all parties can submit 5G standard proposals, and they will be discussed by a series of assessments and eventually determined in 2020. The industry is more concerned about 3GPP, 3GPP discussion specific technical details, and 5G first edition will be completed next year, it will target some scenes of 5G. By the second half of 2019, 5G will complete the second edition of the 5G, this version contains the needs of all scenes, and the future will also form the 5G standard for ITU based on this. Whether domestic countries, mainstream companies have a common voice: I hope to do a global unified 5G standard in the 5G stage. This is not implemented in the past, targeting this goal, domestic in China, whether the government or IMT-2020 5G promotion group, is very open to 5G work. We are very active, including foreign companies involved in our 5G R & D activities, Intel is also actually involved in some 5G technical tests in our country, and also participating in many national projects. In this piece I mainly want to emphasize the problem of unified standards. Where is the saying of the domestic organization in 3GPP? Luo Zhendong: Just mentioned unified standards, although we hope to improve our strength and discourse through our technological innovation, you can include more international standards, but it still needs an international cooperation, of course, A consensus is reached, and the parties put new technologies in the 5G standard through their own technological innovation. So far, China has been very good, including the establishment of a good relationship with foreign companies. For example, we use industrial organizations as a platform, China has signed some strategic cooperation agreements with European and American Japan. Here I don't want to emphasize who is stronger, but I hope we will jointly define this standard, because this technology is, whether it is, the most important thing is to serve the entire industry, serve every user, need all parties to form a consensus . Stressed is to consider innovation on this basis. What role does the operator play in standard development? Liu Guangyi, China Mobile Research Institute, Wireless and Terminal: From the perspective, China Mobile truly participates in the standard development process, starting from TD-LTE, we have built its own professional team, participating in standardization development. At that time, we met our partners, eventually realized the TDD, FDD's goal, helping the entire TD-LTE industry has global development, gaining support for many operators around the world, achieving the current three-in-one world One of the prides. China Mobile started 5G research and standardization from five or six years ago. In the 5G era, we got everyone's recognition and trust, let China Mobile to do the need for the demand and vision of the future 5G development, to organize everyone in 3GPP The vision and standard for the future 5G development. At the same time, we also recognize that we take the entire 5G future network architecture, because operators have a greater voice on the development of future business. Will the 5G standard will be unified? Liu Guangyi: From the 5G standard perspective, we and the mainstream enterprises around the world advocate the global unified 5G standard. We believe that only global unified standards can maximize the size of global development, and can also make the entire industrial chain to reach this scale, reduce the cost of research and development, and ultimately reduce the cost of equipment, so that the people can use the network, this should It is also the goal of the global mobile communications industry. At this year's MWC, we took a summit, including operators such as AT & T, Vodafone, including Intel, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, Huawei and other communication industrial chain enterprises. We advocate the global unified standards, and we hope that the future is a harmonious ecology, unified ecology, only in this way to make a solid foundation for future 5G development. Dr. Luo also mentioned that the 5G standard will have an early version released in December this year, and the first version will be officially released in June next year, including two deployment scenarios. By the end of 2019, there will be a second version that is really coming, these two may be to wait and see. About frequency band How to think about the unity of the 5G band? Luo Zhendong: The spectrum is the basic resource of wireless communication, a bit like the concept of the land of real estate. Now from 2G to 4G, how many frequencies need to support on a mobile phone? Like China Mobile may experience, dozens of channels are concentrated in a mobile phone, most of the space inside the phone is occupied by these things, antenna, radio. 5G If you can't form a unified frequency band, it is necessary to support 4G in a mobile phone platform in the future, but also constantly switched to countries, this is a very big project, even if Intel's chip companies, may not be completely Perfectly solve these problems perfectly. Therefore, the frequency of unified frequency is not only for communication enterprises, chip enterprises have a very large R & D cost, but use mobile phones, buy mobile phones, including your travel, including your travel, this is great. This is a win-win process. In the unified frequency band, in fact, ITU held a radio spectrum allocation in ITU. At that time, it was not very successful in ITU, and the industry is working hard to reach that goal. For example, China has announced 3.4-3.6 in the world, and we often say that 3.5G band is used for 5G test, we have advanced the frequency of 5G low frequency sections. Subsequent on high frequency sections, US government, including the EU, have some planning. The current frequency range is now convergence, probably between 20 GHz to 40GHz, may form a number of unified bands. Mainly in Europe, China and the United States can form unity, I believe that all other countries will follow these mainstreams. Although it is not very successful from the official coordination, it is better than 4G from the industry, but it is better than 3G. This is also a very good news for the development of our industry. How to coordinate different frequency bands to meet the needs of different 5G applications? Liu Guangyi: From the perspective of operators, we hope that the global band is unified, but this is a good ideal. Due to the distribution of frequency bands in different countries, different industries, such as satellites, military, have their own development, so it is different from the division of various national bands. For example, now the US, 5G development focus is the frequency band of 28G millimeters; China's current consideration is 3.4-3.6, 3.3-3.4, or 4.4-4.5, etc., of course, we are also considering high-band. From the current situation, the future, different operators may have different conditions, which may have restrictions, or thereby causing different considerations. From a technical point of use, we want to make full use of these spectrums, to solve the needs of different scene applications mentioned by them through collaboration between them. For example, from our point of view, we consider using lower frequencies: the lower frequency bands can better meet the needs of the Internet of Things applications, because its coverage requires very high, so we are currently in the layout Frequency segment; for people's communication, we need larger bandwidth, higher speed, lower delay after 4G development. We need a continuous bandwidth, first do technology deployment, such as 3.4-3.6, will have 100 megabytes of bandwidth as the ability of business support. If you want to meet the needs of future Ar, VR, then speed to reach 1Gbps, which must be higher bandwidth to satisfy. As the frequency band for future millimeter waves, it can provide a rate of hundreds of trillion or even GBPs. In this regard, whether it is the deployment of high, medium and low frequency bands, whether there is a high, medium and low frequency band, but there will be some differences in the time in the time, or the spectral time. But the final state should be such a state, which meets the needs of different deployment scenarios through different frequency bands. Original address: Search for "Love" to pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activities, etc., you can make you master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be directly paid]





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