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    Self-ballasted LED lamp is mainly domestic and international standards and performance requirements


    "Abstract: Based on the introduction of the main performance indexes of self ballasted LED lamps, the similarities and differences of these performance indexes required by China's national standards, American energy star standards and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards (Draft) are compared respectively. 0 Preface With the rapid development of semiconductor lighting technology, a large number of various lamps and lamps with LED as light source appear, especially many LED lamps that replace traditional light sources, such as LED bulb lamps that replace ordinary incandescent lamps and self ballasted fluorescent lamps, led-r lamps and led-par lamps that replace reflective incandescent lamps, and led-mr16 that replace MR16 halogen lamps, Because they can easily replace the light source without replacing the traditional lamps, they are quickly accepted by the majority of consumers. Self ballasting LED lamp refers to the LED lamp with lamp cap to integrate the stable ignition components into one. In fact, the stable ignition components of LED do not belong to ballast components. Since the draft of IEC 62560 self ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services > 50V – safetyspecifications adopts the same "self ballasted" as self ballasted fluorescent lamps, that is, the driving of LED is described by "ballasting", so China's national standard is also directly translated as "self ballasted LED lamps". In the American energy star standard, it is called "integral LED lamp", that is, integral LED lamp. 1. Main performance indexes of self ballasting LED lamp (integral LED lamp) 1.1 lamp power The lamp power referred to here is the total input power of the whole lamp, which is not only the power consumed by LED light-emitting devices. Some enterprises mistakenly regard the power of LED devices as the power of lamps. For example, if three 1W LED light sources are used, the rated power is set as 3W. Such an error will cause the measured power to exceed the range required by the standard. In fact, the lamp power should also include the power consumed by the drive control circuit. 1.2 power factor Power factor is the ratio of active power to apparent power. Low power factor indicates high reactive power, which will increase the power supply consumption of the line. 1.3 luminous flux Luminous flux refers to the radiant energy that human eyes can feel. It is the most important index of lighting source. 1.4 light effect Luminous efficiency (luminous efficiency) is the luminous flux that can be emitted per unit power, which is calculated by dividing the luminous flux by the actual power consumption. It reflects the efficiency of the lamp to convert electric energy into light energy. The higher the lighting efficiency, the more energy-saving. 1.5 color characteristics Color characteristics are determined by color table and color rendering. The color of the light actually emitted by the lamp is called the color table, which is determined by the chromaticity coordinates of CIE1931 (x, y) chromaticity diagram; The influence of the spectral characteristics of the light emitted by the lamp on the illuminated object surface is called color rendering. In practical application, the color rendering is expressed by the general color rendering index RA. 1.6 luminous flux maintenance rate Luminous flux maintenance rate refers to the ratio of luminous flux at a specific time during the service life of the lamp when the lamp is ignited under specified conditions to the initial luminous flux of the lamp, expressed as a percentage. 1.7 switch test Switch test is a kind of test to repeatedly turn on and off the lamp, which is used to assess the ability of the lamp to withstand switching impact. LED lamps have obvious advantages over traditional light sources in switching performance. 1.8 service life The service life is divided into single lamp service life and average service life. The service life of a single lamp refers to the cumulative time of a lamp from ignition point to failure, or until its luminous flux maintenance rate is lower than the specified value. Average life refers to the cumulative time when the luminous flux maintenance rate of the lamp meets the specified requirements and can continue to ignite to 50% to reach the life of a single lamp. Although the lamp can work, when the luminous flux maintenance rate is very low, it can be considered that the lamp has lost its effective lighting function. Therefore, when the luminous flux maintenance rate is lower than a specified value, it is determined to be invalid. Some of the specified values are 70% and others are 50%. It should be noted that the life claimed in the product specification refers to the average life, not the life of each lamp. 2 Comparison of domestic and foreign standard requirements on the performance of self ballasting LED lamps (integral LED lamps) China's national standard GB / T 24908-2010 performance requirements for self ballasted LED lamps for general lighting American energy star standard energy star  program requirements for integral LED lamps Energy Star capability criteria (issued in December 2009) and IEC / PAS 62612 self ballasted LEDs for general lighting services performance requirements (Draft) (hereinafter referred to as: GB / t24908 Energy star standard and IEC draft) are standards on the performance requirements of self ballasted LED lamps, but there are differences in the specific requirements of these three standards. This paper describes these differences in detail so that relevant personnel can correctly understand and use these standards. 2.1 lamp power Article 5.3 of GB / T 24908 requires: "when the lamp works at rated voltage and rated frequency, the difference between its actual power consumption and rated power shall not be greater than 15% or 0.5W." Considering that the value of 15% of rated power of lamps with relatively small rated power is relatively small and difficult to control, the allowable power deviation is relaxed to 0.5W, for example, for lamps with rated power of 2W, 15% of rated power is 0.3w, less than 0.5W, and the allowable maximum power deviation is 0.5W; If 15% of rated power is greater than 0.5W, take 15%. "The difference between the actual consumed power and the rated power shall not be greater than 15% or 0.5W", that is, whether the actual consumed power is greater than or less than the rated power, the positive and negative deviation of the power shall meet the requirements. Clause 7 of the IEC draft requires that "the power loss of LED lamps shall not exceed 15% of the rated power", which only limits the range where the actual consumed power is higher than the rated power, that is, the upper limit value is specified, and there is no limit on the negative deviation of power. Although there are no requirements for lamp power in the energy star standard, it is mentioned in the standard that it should also comply with ul1993-1999, and ul1993 stipulates the positive deviation of power: no more than 10% of rated power + 0.5W. 2.2 power factor Article 5.4 of GB / T 24908 requires that "when the lamp works at rated voltage and rated frequency, its actual power factor shall not be 0.05 lower than the manufacturer's nominal value." The specific value of power factor is not specified in the standard, and the manufacturer is required to make self nominal, but the lower limit of the actual power factor less than the nominal value is specified. For example, if the nominal power factor is 0.95, the measured value shall not be less than 0.90. Clause 4 of energy star standard requires that the power factor of lamp power less than or equal to 5W is not specified, and the average value of power factor of lamp power greater than 5W shall be greater than or equal to 0.7. Because increasing the power factor will have an impact on the cost and efficiency, and low-power lamps have little impact on the power grid, this provision is relatively reasonable. The draft IEC has no requirements for power factor. 2.3 luminous flux Article 5.5 of GB / T 24908 requires that "the initial luminous flux of the lamp can be declared by the manufacturer or seller, but the measured value shall not be lower than 90% of the nominal value", that is, there is no provision that it must be declared, but once declared, the measured value shall not be lower than 10%, and it is allowed to be higher than the declared value. The luminous flux is not specified. Energy star standard requirements: the minimum luminous flux of non-standard lamps is 200 LM. Replacement lamps specify the minimum luminous flux according to the original luminous flux of the replaced target lamp. The so-called non-standard lamps are led lamps that are not specified to replace the existing standard lamps; Alternative lamps are led lamps that are designated to replace an existing standard electric lamp. For example, the luminous flux of an LED lamp declared as a substitute for a 60W incandescent lamp shall not be less than 800 LM. Clause 8 of the IEC draft requires that "the luminous flux measured in 0h shall not be less than 90% of the nominal luminous flux", that is, the actual initial (0h) luminous flux shall not be more than 10% lower than the nominal luminous flux. It is allowed to be higher than the nominal luminous flux, but the luminous flux shall not be specified. In Clause 4, the value of luminous flux must be marked on the lamp and package. 2.4 light effect Article 5.5 of GB / T 24908 requires: "the initial luminous efficiency level of the lamp can be declared by the manufacturer or seller, but the measured value shall not be lower than the specified value. If the manufacturer or seller does not declare, it shall be assessed according to level III." The minimum value of light efficiency shall be specified according to 4 power segments, 2 color ranges and 3 grades. The light efficiency is divided into three grades: I, II and III, and the light efficiency of grade III is the lowest. One of the three grades can be declared, and if not declared, it shall be assessed according to grade III. For example, a 5W self ballasting LED lamp in daylight color claims to achieve class I energy efficiency, which is assessed according to class I requirements. In fact, the photometric efficiency value shall not be less than 60 LM / W; If it is not declared, it shall be assessed according to grade III, which shall not be less than 40 LM / W. Energy star standard requirements: the luminous efficiency of non-standard lamps less than 10W shall not be less than 50 LM / W, and that of lamps greater than or equal to 10W shall not be less than 55lm / W. Alternative lamps are divided into three types: omnidirectional lamps, decorative lamps and directional lamps. LED bulb lamp belongs to omnidirectional lamp, par lamp, R lamp, Mr and other reflective LED lamps belong to directional lamp, and candle shaped and small bulb decorative lighting LED lamps belong to decorative lamp. The luminous efficiency of omnidirectional lamps less than 10W shall not be less than 50 LM / W, and that of lamps greater than or equal to 10W shall not be less than 55lm / W; Decorative lighting efficiency shall not be less than 40 LM / W; The luminous efficiency of directional lamp with diameter less than or equal to 20 / 8 in shall not be less than 40 LM / W, and that of lamp with diameter greater than 20 / 8 in shall not be less than 45 LM / W. The draft IEC does not specify the light effect. 2.5 color characteristics 2.5.1 color temperature, chromaticity coordinates and chromaticity tolerance GB / T 24908 gives six typical tones and their color coordinate target values and relevant color temperatures. The chromaticity tolerance (SDCM) adopts markadam ellipse, which is required to be less than or equal to 7. At present, it is difficult to control the color of LED lamps, so the standard has been relaxed appropriately. There are only 4 color temperatures specified in the energy star standard, which are 5 000 K and 6 500 K less than the national standard of China. The tolerance range of color temperature is specified, and the color temperature is required to be within the quadrilateral. The tolerance of color coordinates shall be expressed by the deviation value DUV of color coordinates (U ', V') of CIE1976 (U ', V') chromaticity diagram, and DUV shall be less than 0.006. Color maintenance is required, that is, the color change DUV is within 0.007 when the lamp ignition point reaches 6000h. Article 9.1 of the IEC draft also recommends six color temperatures. The color temperature shall be tested at 0h and 25% of the nominal life (up to 6000 h). The color temperature values measured twice shall be within the specified color tolerance. The color tolerance (SDCM) adopts markadam ellipse, which is divided into 6 levels of Cat3 ~ cat8, and the color tolerance of Cat3 is less than or equal to 3; Cat4 color tolerance is less than or equal to 4; Cat 7 color tolerance is less than or equal to 7; The color tolerance of cat8 is not within 7 (i.e. no assessment). The specific grade shall be declared by the manufacturer or seller and marked on the product and package. For the color temperature, not only the initial value is assessed, but also the change of color temperature during the service life is assessed like the energy star standard. 25% of the nominal service life is increased as a monitoring time point. If 25% of the nominal service life exceeds 6000 h, it is tested at 6000 H. At present, the white LED light sources used for lighting basically synthesize white light by covering yellow phosphor with blue LED chip. During the life ignition, both blue LED chip and phosphor may decay, and the non synchronization of their decay will cause color drift. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the color change during the life. 2.5.2 color rendering index Article 5.6 of GB / T 24908 stipulates that "the initial value of the general color rendering index Ra of the lamp shall not be 3 values lower than the specified value". The specified value is 80, that is, if the measured value is not less than 77, it can meet the standard, and no positive deviation is specified. Article 4 of the energy star standard requires that the minimum value of the general color rendering index RA for all lamps (whether non-standard lamps or alternative lamps) is 80. The assessment method is that the average value of RA is not less than 80 and the minimum value of a single is not less than 77. Moreover, the special color rendering index R9 of saturated red is required to be greater than 0. Article 4 of the IEC draft also does not specify the color rendering index. However, the color rendering index must be marked on the lamp and package. Clause 9.2 requires that "the color rendering index of LED lamps shall be tested at 0h and 25% of the nominal life (up to 6000 h), and the deviation of the actually measured color rendering index value shall not exceed 5 values of the nominal value." It not only evaluates the initial value, but also the value at 25% of the nominal life, and the deviation shall not exceed 5 values, whether positive or negative. 2.6 luminous flux maintenance rate Article 5.7.2 of GB / T 24908 stipulates that "when the lamp is ignited for 3000 h, its luminous flux maintenance rate shall not be less than 92%; When the ignition point is 6000 h, the luminous flux maintenance rate shall not be less than 88%; When the ignition point is 70% of the rated life, the luminous flux maintenance rate shall not be less than 70%. " The energy star standard requires that the time pass maintenance rate of non-standard lamps, omni-directional lamps and directional lamps shall be greater than or equal to 70% when the ignition point reaches 25000h. In order to shorten the verification time, the average luminous flux maintenance rate is greater than or equal to 91.8% when the ignition point is 6000 H. Moreover, for lamps with power greater than or equal to 10W, the ignition point is required to be in a high temperature environment of 45 ℃. For decorative lamps, under the normal test temperature of 25 ℃, it is required that the luminous flux maintenance rate shall be greater than when the ignition point reaches 15000 H





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