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    The electronic logo of the car is in the transportation field


    "I. Introduction In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy, China's urban car ownership has shown a continuous explosive growth trend, and social management problems such as traffic congestion, difficult parking, air pollution, car related crimes and so on have become increasingly prominent. The vehicle license plate recognition system based on video technology is one of the important means to realize vehicle management. However, due to the influence of environment, weather and other factors, the license plate recognition effect is difficult to meet the management requirements. In recent years, the functions of rapid identification, effective positioning and statistics of high-speed moving objects using ultra-high frequency radio frequency identification technology (RFID) are becoming more and more mature, making RFID technology one of the main technologies to realize vehicle management and service at home and abroad. Chongqing, Nanjing and other places have carried out vehicle related applications based on RFID and achieved certain management results. However, due to the use of foreign standard chips and incompatible technical schemes, there are great potential safety hazards and can not adapt to the cross regional flow of motor vehicles. After full investigation in the early stage, the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of industry and information technology decided to cooperate to promote the "automobile electronic identification application demonstration project" based on fully independent intellectual property national standard RFID technology. As the first batch of automobile electronic identification pilot application cities in China, Wuxi has been in key vehicle supervision, automobile electronic fence, vehicle inspection and supervision Intelligent parking management has carried out various demonstration applications in the field of traffic management, achieved good results and won the full recognition of all sectors of society. 2、 Characteristics and advantages of automobile electronic identification (1) Performance advantage Ultra high frequency radio frequency identification technology is used for automobile electronic identification, which can remotely and dynamically collect vehicle information under the condition of high-speed driving above 200km / h, and the vehicle identification rate is 99.9%. The chip can be read normally in various environments such as high temperature, low temperature, radiation and haze, and the system still runs stably after a long time of operation. The performance of automotive electronic identification is obviously better than that of video, coil, geomagnetism, microwave and other detection methods in recognition accuracy, stability and environmental adaptability. (2) Security advantage The automobile electronic identification adopts the national secret algorithm and has domestic independent intellectual property rights. It has established a complete set of security application system with two-way security authentication, which realizes the two-way identity authentication and safe reading and writing rules between the electronic identification and the reading and writing equipment, and can prevent cloning, counterfeiting, tampering and illegal reading, so as to ensure information security. It effectively ensures the safety of vehicle related data acquisition and use in the application of vehicle electronic identification. (3) Management advantage The serial number of automobile electronic identification chip is unique and unchangeable. It is bound to the installed vehicle one by one and cannot be disassembled. It can be used as the "electronic ID card" of the vehicle. It has high anti-counterfeiting and can effectively prevent the breeding of illegal acts of false registration. At the same time, the automotive electronic identification chip can write various vehicle information in different areas, has a variety of access control permissions, can meet the security reading permission setting and control requirements of different industries, and is helpful to carry out accurate vehicle control and various industry management applications. (4) Shared advantage Automotive electronic identification can meet the vehicle related applications of public security, environmental protection, transportation, insurance and other industries and departments. Each application has an independent information storage area to realize the reuse of one card; It can easily integrate various vehicle information such as annual review, insurance and environmental protection into electronic signs, realize the integration of multiple certificates and paperless certificates, realize the sharing of vehicle traffic information across regions and industries, and provide "one-stop" services across industries and departments. 3、 Application experience of automobile electronic signs in traffic management (1) Fine supervision of key vehicles Combined with the objectives and requirements of the demonstration application of vehicle electronic identification access supervision, Wuxi traffic police detachment has developed and applied a key vehicle access supervision system based on vehicle electronic identification for 10000 freight vehicles in the city with vehicle electronic identification installed. The system has many functions, such as pass management, vehicle trajectory tracking, high-risk vehicle early warning and so on. 1. Electronic traffic management mode By replacing the traditional paper pass with the vehicle electronic identification with the function of electronic pass, the full electronic operation of truck pass management from application, approval and continuation to daily management, statistics and analysis is effectively realized, and the prominent problems such as cumbersome process, strong randomness and weak supervision of the traditional manual handling mode are solved, so as to make the work process and supervision mechanism more clear, It effectively improves the work efficiency of certificate handling units. 2. Convenient self-service certificate processing service Combined with the concept of "Internet plus government", the online processing system of temporary passes based on vehicle electronic identification is developed. The vehicle route is generated automatically based on the Internet map, and the intelligent avoids the forbidden and restricted sections, and achieves the whole process self-service operation of the pass. Tap your mobile phone to obtain online query, handle one-stop services, and simultaneously carry out dynamic real-time supervision, so as to truly "let the data run more errands and let the people run less errands". 3. Refinement of source management means Carry out classified tracking management for trucks and two passenger and one dangerous vehicles equipped with automobile electronic signs in the city, accurately distinguish different restricted areas and restricted time, carry out vehicle trajectory research and judgment analysis, automatically correlate and compare with the traffic management platform, and establish the blacklist / Red List judgment rule base of units and individuals to which the vehicle belongs, Vehicles with prominent violations or accidents will be automatically disqualified from continuing traffic, early warning will be given to vehicles with prominent violations in the same unit, and source supervision measures such as reducing the proportion of certificate processing, suspending certificate processing and rectifying within a time limit will be implemented, which effectively solves the problem that traditional supervision means pay more attention to form than actual effect. Through fine and electronic supervision means, it has changed many limitations of traditional supervision means, such as experience, artificial and isolation, and has won double praise from the public and front-line police. (2) Accurate detection of illegal vehicles In order to maximize the control efficiency, Wuxi traffic police detachment has installed more than 200 sets of special reading and writing equipment for automobile electronic signs at key sections and entrances of the city, real-time access to the automobile electronic sign application management system and the integrated command platform of the Ministry of public security, and successfully built an automobile electronic fence covering key vehicles and key parts of the city. 1. Investigation and arrest of illegal traffic and illegal acts Accurately grasp the vehicle track through the vehicle electronic identification, and conduct real-time comparison with the permit line, so as to lock the illegal vehicles that do not pass according to the permitted line and time, and then automatically capture the dynamic illegal acts in combination with the existing bayonet, electronic police and other video capture equipment. Since the illegal capture based on automobile electronic signs was carried out, nearly 10000 illegal acts have been seized in only half a year. The illegal acts include breaking into the restricted area, driving not according to the specified line or time, and the deterrent effect is outstanding. 2. Investigation and arrest of serious illegal acts of fake cards Combined with the current situation that all key vehicles such as 10000 trucks, more than 4000 taxis and 2700 buses in the city are equipped with automobile electronic signs, Wuxi traffic police detachment has developed the analysis, research and judgment module of fake vehicles in the automobile electronic sign application system, carried out collision comparison between the read data of automobile electronic signs and video capture data, and established the analysis and judgment model of unmarked vehicles Multiple kinds of research and judgment models with time-space equivalence can quickly identify fake vehicles and carry out arrest and control. At present, Wuxi traffic police detachment has successfully seized one clone taxi through the system. Through accurate and intelligent means of investigation and arrest, it effectively solves the fluke phenomenon of illegal car owners caused by insufficient police force in the past, truly makes illegal acts nowhere to hide, effectively purifies the road traffic order and reduces potential traffic safety hazards. (3) Seamless supervision of automobile inspection In recent years, motor vehicle inspection has fully realized the socialized operation, which not only provides convenience to the public, but also brings some hidden dangers of violations. Due to the lax control or illegal operation of individual inspection institutions, there may be violations that a few vehicles pass the inspection by means of "alternative inspection". In this regard, in addition to strengthening daily inspection and supervision, Wuxi traffic police detachment made full use of the uniqueness and anti transfer characteristics of automobile electronic signs to comprehensively start the automobile inspection and supervision of automobile electronic signs. The specific measures are as follows: install automobile electronic identification reading and writing equipment on each motor vehicle detection line, install automobile electronic identification free of charge on the inspected vehicles, and automatically embed the vehicle number plate information read by the automobile electronic identification reader into the motor vehicle inspection system, and the number plate information can only be read and embedded, and can not be manually input by the staff of the detection line, Completely eliminate the space for human operation. Through the whole cycle accurate supervision of the vehicle on-line detection process, the standardization of vehicle inspection is effectively improved and the regulatory loopholes are blocked. Next, Wuxi traffic police detachment plans to promote the application to all vehicles in the city on the basis of realizing the inspection and supervision of key vehicles in the city. At the same time, in the application process, promote the formulation of local laws and regulations of vehicle electronic signs as vehicle electronic annual inspection signs, and strive to achieve a win-win situation of supervision and convenience. (4) Intelligent operation of parking management In view of the increasing number of users of automobile electronic signs in the city, Wuxi traffic police detachment gives full play to the technical advantages of automobile electronic signs and carries out intelligent parking management. 1. Build an intelligent access control management system based on automobile electronic identification Realize the intelligent management functions such as non parking access, automatic payment and hierarchical authority management of vehicles, reduce the cumbersome formalities of access card issuance, and realize the "all-in-one card" for car consumption such as parking lot / access control, refueling, car washing and insurance by relying on the small payment function of automobile electronic identification. 2. Set up automobile electronic identification reader in large social parking lot to realize effective management of vehicles in and out and real-time guidance of parking information, and reduce parking times The new generation parking lot system based on automobile electronic identification can combine video identification technology and radio frequency identification technology to achieve "double base" identification and achieve the effects of "long-distance", "100% identification", "No Parking" and "no leakage". At present, the system has been officially applied in Wuxi traffic police detachment, citizen center, Wuxi (National) Intelligent Transportation Industrial Park and many residential areas. Next, it will be promoted and installed in the parking lots of more than 50 residential areas, commercial complexes, government agencies and other units. 4、 Application prospect of automobile electronic identification In the next stage, Wuxi traffic police detachment will further strengthen the demonstration application in the fields of information gathering, vehicle control, traffic control, vehicle related services and so on while continuously improving the application demonstration project of vehicle electronic identification; Fully inspect the stability and reliability of automobile electronic signs and readers in installation, reading, operation and other aspects. Make every effort to build a demonstration application brand of automobile electronic logo in Wuxi, so as to lay a solid foundation for large-scale promotion and application across the country. (1) Further promote the integration and aggregation of vehicle related information Relying on the characteristics of vehicle electronic identification zoning data management, further establish and improve the interconnection mechanism of data among vehicle related industries, gather and integrate all vehicle related information such as vehicle basic files, annual inspection, environmental protection, insurance and pass data, and solve the problems of data sharing barriers and information islands between systems in different industries. The traffic big data information gathered and integrated through automobile electronic signs can provide technical support for traffic supervision, road condition monitoring, traffic command, signal timing, arrest and control, traffic planning and information services. At the same time, actively promote the electronization of annual inspection and insurance signs, determine the legal status of automobile electronic signs, and truly realize that one card replaces many kinds of paper signs. (2) Further improve the management and control ability of key vehicles On the basis of the freight vehicle traffic supervision system, the public transport, taxi, two passengers and one danger, official vehicles and all social vehicles with vehicle electronic signs are included in the supervision scope to realize the all-round monitoring of vehicle driving track, area and time period. At the same time, the vehicle electronic identification application management system is deeply integrated with the integrated command platform of the Ministry of public security, so as to realize the real-time cross comparison of vehicle electronic identification collection information and video capture information, early warning of suspicious characteristic behaviors of vehicles, and efficient and accurate research and judgment of fake cards, theft and robbery of vehicles, Through the integrated command platform, the track information of suspected vehicles is distributed to the mobile police platform of front-line police for the first time, so as to effectively improve the investigation efficiency of key illegal vehicles. (3) Further improve the scientific level of traffic control Firstly, it will provide a more scientific basis for traffic signal timing optimization based on the accurate traffic flow data collected by automobile electronic signs, so as to lay a solid foundation for the construction of an upgraded signal control system with single point adaptive and regional coordinated control functions in the future. Realize dynamic adjustment of signal timing and coordinated regional signal control, so as to effectively improve the overall traffic capacity of the road network; Secondly, the bus priority control system based on vehicle electronic identification will be popularized and applied. At present, more than 2700 buses in Wuxi have completed the installation of vehicle electronic signs. In the next stage, we will promote the application of bus priority control system based on vehicle electronic signs in many bus lanes in the city to achieve the urban traffic management goal of public transport priority. In addition, we will further expand the intelligent priority control means of more special vehicles such as first aid, rescue and security by relying on automobile electronic signs, and strive to improve the level of urban public services. (4) Further expand diversified vehicle related service applications We will build a car related comprehensive information service platform for car owners through socialized operation. Further strengthen the integration, aggregation and interconnection of data, and promote the electronic identification of vehicles to residential areas, units, social and commercial parking lots in the city, as well as gas stations, car washes, auto repair shops, insurance companies and other vehicle related service providers. On the basis of realizing the basic functions such as non-stop access and automatic payment, we will continue to expand more service applications such as traffic information release, traffic travel guidance and car related consumption preferences for car owners, and provide services through diversified channels such as app, wechat and website, so as to improve the travel satisfaction rate of citizens and the level of urban traffic management. Responsible editor: CT, read the full text“





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