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    The first smartphone is 13 years earlier than the iPhone because of the advanced results.


    In 1994, a company called General Magic invented the world's first smartphone, named Pocket Crystal, which was 13 years earlier than Apple iPhone. However, because General Magic's products are far beyond its era, this smartphone technology is too advanced, and the price is too expensive, and finally in Shensha. It is reported that this mobile phone built-in emoticon and emoticon use touch screen operation, with email, telephone and calendar. However, because the Internet speed is not fast enough, the consumer does not buy it for its price of $ 800. Although the company's employees were desperate, work overnight, but the company was finally bankrupt. Illustration: General Magic invented the world's first smartphone Pocket Crystal, 13 years earlier than Apple iPhone Although the smartphone has become the most common electronic product, it is in fact after the first smartphone has become mainstream after more than ten years of the world. Mark Porat (MARC PORAT), CEO, General Magic, said he had long foreseen the emergence of smartphones, and made a shock and accurate prediction in the 1990s, call it "to provide a kind of Exquisite jewelry brought people to satisfy. " Although Pocket Crystal failed, General Magic's mental spiritual encouraged the employees, and they became the founder of Silicon Valley's famous technology company, founded eBay, LinkedIn and other websites, and developed the Android operating system. Tony Fadell in 20 years old was the youngest employees of General Magic, and he later joined the team designed iPod and iPhone. In a new documentary that premiered on the Cuibeika Film Festival, the story of General Magic is telling the story of General MAGIC. Diagram: Although Pocket Crystal failed, General Magic's mental spiritual encouraged the employees, and they became the founder of Silicon Valley's famous technology company, founded eBay, LinkedIn and other websites, and developed the Android operating system. The figure shows the prototype of the equipment. The most striking thing is how complete and accurate views of Polate's vision. He explained this vision in John Sculley, an e-mail, an apple CEO. Polat wrote: 'A small computer, a phone, a private item. It is inevitably beautiful, it must provide the individual's personal satisfaction. " "Even if it is not in use, it should have a certain perceived value. It should have the comfort of the trill stone, the tactile feels of the shell, the charm of crystal." "Once you use it, you can't leave it. It is not just a phone call, but what else is." Diagram: However, the technique at the time did not match the smartphone device, and finally General Magic was bankrupt after the unmanned Pocket Crystal. General Magic was originally created by Apple Macintosh computer developers Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson. The company's marketing director is another Mac old hand Joana Hoffman, and its player in the movie "Steve Jobs" is Hollywood famous movie star Kate Winslet. Illustration: Pocket Crystal (left) and the latest iPhone (right) comparison diagram. After General Magic, many candidates are directly sleeping at the company's entrance and want to enter the company. Forte is called to ask questions every day until you are hired by the company. Once their team focuses, they will start working with a hacking psychology, which will become solved in Silicon Valley. General Magic's first employee meeting was held in Mountain View of California. People crowded in a rocking office, wearing sweaters and hoodings, sitting on the floor. The sign of General Magic is a rabbit wearing a magic hat, who makes a real rabbit freely in their office to stimulate creativity. The company name is taken from Arthur C Clarke, that is, "the best new technology and magic". This is not a company that is driven by profit, but a team that wants to create excellent works and breakthrough boundaries. Dialect: After the company was founded, people sat in the door queued to apply. The first employee meeting was held in Mountain View of California. People crowded in a rocking office, wearing sweaters and hoodings, sitting on the floor. In the movie, some engineers are playing a huge touch screen and bulky equipment prototype. The device screen displays a number of icons on a table, including postcards, calendars and phones, looks like the iPhone chart. Illustration: The staff is developing smartphones overnight, some people sleep on the floor of the office. Herzfield describes that General Magic's staff believes that "our art can change everyone's lives." Another front staff said it is "Rocket Tour that can be doing freely." This company is so arrogant, so that they will bring a photography team to shoot job scenarios because they are convinced that they will create amazing things. Diagram: This phone has a series of expression packages, and there is no different smartphone. Since the leakage of product design is so paranoid, General Magic operates in a nearly complete confidentiality. But at that time, Apple's chief executive of Apple put the wind in advance, claiming that they were developing Apple's own handheld equipment and announced they in launching Apple's own handheld equipment NEWTON. In the film, Hzfield said that General Magic feels that "completely sold", although Newton is a completely tailor, General Magic has to release products in advance, because Scarley attracts all the focus. General Magic is also facing pressure from its partners. At that time, they received up to $ 6 million in product prepaid fees for 16 largest companies such as AT & T, Sony, Samsung and Motorola. General Magic also tried to raise funds through listing, and became the first 'concept IPO' in Wall Street after listed. Although its products are not ready, the market value has reached $ 96 million. At the same time, General Magic's engineers are still overcome technical issues, such as slow response speed, slow processor speed. When the dream begins to be sour, the rabbit wanders around their office, everywhere, makes a terrible stink, this malodor is mixed from the taste of programmers from a few days of overtime. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg later called "fast action, breaking the status" hacker spirit, but the product needs to be contradictory as soon as possible. As Herzfield said, they "too dazzled, so that they can't realize that they swallowed more digestive ability." General MAGIC staff work 24 hours a day, sleeping in the office, lying on the mattress or bunk bed in the office. 1993 General Magic finally issued a device they called Magic Communicator, which is equivalent to a small portable TV. In a cheer, Polate said: "My son and daughter will be able to take these wireless devices." General Magic's first equipment was shipped in the second year, but it was defeated. These devices are not demonstrated due to the staff of the Fry's electronic product chain. The price of up to 800 US dollars is also disappointing, and consumers are caught by dazzling buttons. At that time, only one person had a mobile phone, and SMS did two years. This is a disaster. General Magic finally sold 3,000 devices. The company's total legal adviser Michael Stern recalled that they recalled the list of buyers and found most of them were friends and families of company employees. General Magic's stock price plummeted, but Polat is not afraid of his determination, and said at the general meeting, "I will show smartphone and smart watch in the future." General Magic also tried to develop other technologies, but eventually bankrupt in 2004. Staff admits when recalling that they focus on their own equipment, so that the surrounding situation, especially Internet technology around them. The network at the time was the most found, but it has been spread around the world. However, General Magic has established its own closed network with AT & T, which is completely opposite to the Internet. This movie is trying to explain that General Magic's failure is a spark of fire a generation of Silicon Valley, which is correct. The company's technical support engineer Pierre Omidyar also created EBAY in General Magic. He has invited everyone to join, but they all laugh at him. Kevin Lynch later became the designer of Apple Watch, and Andy Rubin developed the Android operating system. As Polate said: "98% of smartphones in the world are ink to Ni Ni (Fadel) and Andy (Rubin). This is very no." But that's not all, some people pay the price very high. Polat describes a "deep shame" in the movie and never completely recovered, especially because his marriage has come to the end. Hoffman said that after receiving the General Magic, there was no return after the company, and the company has entered the non-profit organization after bankruptcy. Even Fuldel has experienced a 10-year low ceremony before helping Jobs design iPhone. He also created his company NEST, eventually acquired with $ 3.2 billion in price. Original address: Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention!





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