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    Wechat and Alipay's mobile payment industry? mistaken! There will be a new black horse!


    "The financial industry pattern is generally more divided, and there is a construction of workers and peasants, nor does it hinder the survival of local city commercials. Most of the fields of mutual gold, like a web loan industry, large scale, and a total transaction over 100 billion companies There have been ten cents. In the field of mutual introduction, the market pattern paid by the third party is the most Internet industry, that is, the first second occupied by the industry has a lot of share, and the share of other companies is small. The pattern of third-party payment industries has not changed much longer. At present, the main manufacturer of the third party pays the market, in addition to Alipay and TenPay, there is a safe 壹 wallet, linkage advantage, Yibao payment, fast money, Jingdong payment, Suning Tibei, Baidu wallet, wing payment, payment, etc. Zhongjin payment, etc., constitute the second echelon of the industry. The share of these companies is relatively small, but they have their own business characteristics. At present, the market pattern has been comparable. What is the characteristics of major third-party payment companies outside Alipay and Tenpay? Is there any change in the industry? What are the characteristics of the second echelon company? Integrated Ai Rui and Yi Guan's market share data, you can enter the top ten in the third party payment field, mainly including Ping An 壹 wallet, linkage advantage, Yibao payment, fast money, Jingdong payment, Suning Tibei, Baidu wallet, etc. In addition to these, there is currently a large payment institution in the market, also includes China Gold Payment, which will be exchanged in the world. In summary, these companies or payment products have the following common: Most of the second echelon payment enterprise business has a certain scale and growth. At present, Ping An wallet in the industry has exceeded 1.93 trillion in the first half of this year, and the growth rate is about 50%. The registered users have over 100 million, and the month is more than 10 million; Suning has not announced the scale of payment business, but it means in the first half of the year. The financial business scale including the payment service increased by 172% year-on-year. Jingdong payment said that during 618 this year, June 1st to 18th, the trading volume under Jingdong payline was 10 times year-on-year. Basically, the payment business of large companies, or large companies hatched, or have been included in the big company. Ping An 壹 wallet is the payment business of the Ping An Group. It is incorporated by the original 原 壹 包 和 通 通 通 平 万 万 万; 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通 通; 通 购;;;;; Baidu's payment business, the linkage advantage is to be acquired by Hai Limeida by listed company. Only Yibao pays currently no big business background. The development of payment enterprises continues to continue two lines, one is from the payment scene of the mother company, gradually expand its business, such as Alipay, Tenjin, Ping An 壹, Suning Touribao, Baidu Wallet; the other is from entrepreneur company Starting home, gradually expanding B-terminal or C-terminating customers, bonding in licenses and certain market share, is acquired by large enterprises, such as linkage advantages, fast money, etc. Compared with WeChat payment and Alipay, a number of second echelon payment companies are more dependent on the B-terminal business, and the C-terminal has little influence. Linkage advantages, payment, Empoo payment, fast money is a typical enterprise payment field manufacturers, to provide industry solutions, biased towards customization. According to official website information, the sectors of Lianlian-Lian payment service industry involves e-commerce, aerobolies, consumption installment, Internet finance, etc .; Yibao payment solutions are mainly in aviation travel, online games, telecommunications, administrative education, insurance, fund, fast-chain, etc .; The linkage dominant service is mainly in the fields of finance, aerobics, e-commerce, logistics, retail catering. Ping An 壹 Money package In addition to the wallet app this service C-terminal user carrier, its payment service also outputs the company of the Ping An Group, and is output to the shopping center (such as Joy City), Internet finance, Internet automobiles, etc. Payment + Marketing Solutions. Jingdong pays, Suning Turbo compared to B-terminal business is not large. The B-terminal business of WeChat payment and Alipay mainly provides an interface for merchants, providing payment, member, integration. The benefit of doing B-terminal business can have more in-depth contacts on the operational conditions of the industry chain, so that the service can extend to supply chain management, supply chain finance, etc., difficulty is that customers have high cost, need a family Talk, go to customization scheme, growth is difficult to render index levels as the C-terminal, and lack of brand perception in C-terminal users. Basically have their own development characteristics and strategic direction. The main features of Ping An 壹 wallet app "points + payment", break the integral barriers of different platforms, create universal integral platforms, drainage users; external payment services, relying on payment basic services, integral operations and points, etc., expand merchants . Take the business circle to expand as an example, different from WeChat Alipay payment, social payment is the first guide, serve merchants, Ping An Hui wallets to expand the payment needs of the shopping center, do payment, members and other business; The linkage advantage is mainly to provide a payment solution for large and medium-sized enterprises. Now it is building a unified SaaS service platform to provide standardized solutions for small and medium-sized customers and traditional enterprises transformation to the Internet. Trying to solve traditional service models by standardized products. Expanding the problem of excess marginal cost; in the business sector, the linkage advantage launched smart POS, integrated Alipay, WeChat payment, Apple Pay, bank card and other payment tools, providing payment, marketing, transfer management, etc. for merchants at the front and rear ends. ; Yibao pays "tailor-made" as a core competitiveness, belongs to a typical B-terminal development idea, currently doing "payment +", combined with customers' financial, financing, marketing, etc., doing wealth management, supply Chain financing, big data marketing, etc .; Continuous payment has always adhered to the positioning of the B-terminal. At present, the main differentiation business is a cross-border payment. Since September 2015, it has become a cooperative enterprise of PayPal Express RMB withdrawal services. Serving cross-border e-commerce, Amazon, ebay, newegg, alibris, etc. The platform of China's cross-border export merchants provide international payment and renminbi recovery services; Jingdong payment, Suning payment, Baidu wallet is mainly based on the parent company trading scene, expands to the outside scene. Jingdong pays outside Jingdong Mall and Jingdong Financial scene, is also covered in shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, cafes and so on. Overall, these second echelon payment enterprises have their own areas, with a group of their own users and customer groups, forming a certain market size, and has formed a certain development idea. But these companies are generally not used in high frequency in the C-terminal like WeChat Alipay. At present, these companies are still not enough to shake WeChat Alipay's status, but if the industry has changed in the future, new in-line companies will basically produce them in this echelon. The company's company also has the possibility of radiant overtaking, where is the industry change? At present, the difference between the second echelon's payment company and the WeChat Alipay is relatively large, but there is also its own business characteristics. At the same time, the payment industry is also windy, and there is often uncertain factors from regulatory to the market. The future will affect the main factors in the industry may be in the following points. Net The emergence of the Net is given to the industry, and it will balance the industry's pattern to a certain extent. Payment companies are no longer a direct connection, but connected to the Net. The small and medium-sized payment organization can connect to various banks through the Net platform, supplemented with a short board, which weakens the advantage of paying the payment of Alipay. The Nets are studying the development of their own QR code standards. If the two-dimensional code standard paying the third party is unified, some opportunities for the SME access to more merchants. Of course, the role of the network is not an excellence, and the network can balance the gap between payment Baofu and small and medium-sized payment agencies to some extent, but will not become a decisive factor. Enterprise payment Can enterprise-level services have been fully developed, and the industry pattern may have certain effects. Enterprise-class payments have long, but the operation mode is similar to the model of enterprise customization software, and the business promotion model is heavier, and it is also subject to traditional corporate information technology and insufficient awareness. Enterprise payment business is in the current opportunity to mobilize, data technology has brought about improvement of traditional enterprise information demand, and advances in payment industry solutions. The level of informationization in the traditional field increases, and the demand for payment solutions is increased, and the rich industrial chain data brought about the solution will be supported for supply chain finance and refined operations. These derivatives are in turn Large B-end payment solutions for traditional enterprises. New B-terminal service modes such as open platforms, SaaS services make B-terminal payment services more standardized and reduce the cost of the spreading business. If the payment company of the second echelon in the future, if there is a greater as the B-terminal, the larger transaction size is formed, which may have certain effects on the market pattern. Payment of financial transactions The payment needs of financial transactions are also the field of paying a large amount of payment transactions, and if there is, it will have an impact on the industry. Alipay is very high in merchants, and merchants belong to the category of consumption. In 2016, my country's total retail sales in China is 33 trillion, while all types of financial transactions are in millions of trillion, including transfer, sales and transactions of various financial products. If more financial transactions are transferred to a third-party payment platform, a relatively large amount is formed. WeChat Alipay strengthens wealth management business, and it is also the advantage of the scale of financial transactions. If the future of the second echelon payment company has an advantage in the field of financial transactions, it is not a way to expand its scale. Of course, whether it is B-terminal payment, or the payment of the financial field, it is not easy. The traditional advantage of banks is difficult to break, and the flow of large capital is more in the banking system. Data show that in 2016, the bank financial institution has dispatched the electronic payment business to 139.561 billion, the amount is 2494.45 trillion yuan, of which the online payment business is 46.178 billion, the amount is 2084.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 26.96% and 3.31%, respectively; The mobile payment business is 25.71 billion, the amount is 157.55 trillion yuan, an increase of 85.82% and 45.59%, respectively. Non-bank payment institutions have a total of 163.94 billion network payment services, with an amount of 99.27 trillion yuan, an increase of 99.53% and 100.65%, respectively. The size of the bank is nearly 25 million, and the non-silver payment party is nearly 100 billion, and the size gap between banks and non-silver payments is very large. New payment mode The QR code payment further consolidates the dominant position of WeChat Alipay. This shows that new payment methods have a great influence on industry patterns. In the future, if a payment means pays more efficient and convenient than QR code, or it brings more utilities to users in other ways, it is possible to replace the QR code. There are technologies and scenarios in such payment methods or will stand out. For example, brushing, if one day users finally get used to brushing face rather than taking out mobile phone scanning QR code, industry advantages will tend to have accumulated companies in brushing. At present, Alipay, Jingdong, Suning, etc. are testing or promoting brush payment. Of course, in terms of current, the status of QR code payment is not shake. Now the brush face payment of the industry solves the payment problem without mobile phones, but the application scenario does not seem to have two-dimensional code, but also needs related Support for hardware devices, the cost is higher than the QR code. Legal digital currency For a third party payment, an invisible change may come from the central bank's digital currency. Yang Bank's Digital Money Research Institute preparatory group leader, and the deputy director of the Science and Technology Division said that the purpose of the central bank issued digital currency is to replace the physical cash, reduce the cost of traditional banknotes, the cost of circulation, and improve the convenience and transparency of economic trading activities. As for when to launch China's legal digital currency, there is no timetable now. However, Yao has revealed that the primary scheme of the central bank issued a statutory digital currency has completed two rounds of revision. According to reports, the core elements of the central bank statutory digital currency system are "one currency, two libraries, three centers", including digital currency distribution libraries, commercial bank libraries, certification centers, registration centers, and large data analysis centers. Users use digital currencies by clients based on security chips. If the digital currency is launched, the convenience of use is better, which may have a impact on third party payments. Theoretical digital currency pays for third-party payment is fully industry, and even affects the bank's payment business. However, relatively, for the C-terminal payment impact, the C-terminal pays more is the payment between people and merchants, and the digital currency will be transferred through the security chip-based client, which may be more convenient. The B-terminal payment is not just the allocation of funds, but an industry solution, which may be small. Although the C end is also attached to the management, life payment, etc., but more scenes, and the statutory digital currency is a national credit in support, which can be applied to various scenarios. Of course, the statutory digital currency concrete will not be good to determine the impact on the formation of third-party payment. Former Bank of China, Li Lihui, head of China Bank of China, China Internet Finance Association, believes that future digital currencies can replace traditional monetary monetary forms, even replacing bank cards and Alipay, WeChat payment, etc., becoming the main currency form and the main payment Tools, depending on the four factors, which are efficient, safe, transaction costs and legal status, respectively. In summary, the company has its own way of playing, there is an opportunity to accumulate in an enterprise payment, and there is a network, but I want to grasp these opportunities, thus shrinking. With the share gap between WeChat Alipay, it is also very difficult. The opportunities shown in the moment are not absolute opportunities. They are not revolutionary opportunities, while the second echelon enterprise can highly efficient, low cost, which is also a problem. . The advantageous WeChat Alipay is also moving quickly, constantly testing on the wrong adjustment. The industry pattern is like a season of European league. It is not only necessary to hold the chance if you need to take the opportunity, but also wait for the team in front, it is certainly not easy. Original link: Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be directly paid] Technology early know: The new mobile phone screen will be detonated: Jingdong's sixth generation flexible OLED panel will be mass production, surpass the international panel big factories can be stayed! Loss and design of electric trucks Worship! God-level DIY: large-scale unattended cars that can be loaded with weapons systems The 5 engineers complained in the Taiguang enterprises in Taikuoguang companies for commercial spies! 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