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    What is the death of death?VR to tell you


    What is death, or what is the end of death? Humans have basically no chance to share this feeling with others, so this mystery has also increased people's fear of death. In order to alleviate the fear of this death, a Dutch's experimental designer Frank Kolkman made a set of medical equipment that can simulate in vitro experiences, which can experience what the soul leaves the body. Camille Charluet Experience what it feels, then records the process, and the article is published in ThenextWeb. Did the idea of ​​death is really scared? If this is the case, you may have a disease called "Existential Death ANXIETY". In order to let people be afraid of death, an experimental designer Frank Kolkman in the Netherlands made a set of medical equipment that can simulate in vitro experiences, which allows people to feel the feeling of the soul. I am curious, I contact Frank and want to know more. He invited me to participate in the first human experiment of Amsterdam to experience this creation. My initial expectations are purely based on advertisement: a photo of Frank wearing VR headset. Therefore, I suspect that this experience is just a VR device, and then simulates the process from the ground from the ground. I am very skeptical, so before trying, I will identify the so-called in vitro experience, and I don't have a great hope for this attempt. However, the actual theory behind this experiment has stimulated my interest. There is a experience that is separated from the body, which can reduce our fear of death, which makes me try it. In advertising, Frank's equipment is inspired by a recent psychological study. It is a study on those weird, mysterious, such as the experience of the soul, regeneration, and proximate death. Moreover, I also carefully studied it, I found that Frank is not the only person who has made such experiments. This makes me have some credit. Frank spent 6 months, and the theoretical research on the end of life. He found an interesting change. Before 40-50 years ago, the death is mainly a family event. Nowadays, about 90% of people in the Western world die in medical institutions. Frank read a book named "Being Mortal", with his own words, "Now doctors do not really master the tools for managing aging, there is no truly managing death, because they are only taught to save And extend life, not let the process of death more comfortable. " For example, in the case of some patients' life and death, the doctor's role is to extend the life of life, usually, can cause the patient to decide to strengthen surgery or taking terrible drugs to extend life. During death, death is considered a loss when the patient finally dies. "The doctor lost, the patient lost, the family lost! So, I am thinking, what is stopping us more comfortable?" Frank asked. It turns out that our "existing death anxiety" is our source of these harsh programs before stopping breathing. If we are not so afraid of death, will we accept death more comfortably? The last firefountain before Frank creation is a psychological study that supports his point of view, that is, most people who have access to death have said they have completely lost fear of death. It is said that when people "almost die", "in vitro experience" is a common phenomenon. Frank decided to imitate this feeling with "Outrespectre" to reduce our fear of death. This device is more refined and professional than I expected. It includes a machine that is placed on the track, there is a car below, which can be rolled back and forth, and is equipped with a purple LED lamp. Participants stand in front of the track, put on the VR helmet and headphones, all machines running on a small computer in front of the track. Before I experience, I found many participants to put on the VR helmet to look around in the room, their head movements were imitated by the robotic head with rubber ears (a little creepy). I will experience the time of Outrespectre finally arrived. This device stopped working before I turned, but Xie Tian Xie, Frank showed the magic, let his robot friend work again. When the wheel arrived, I stood there for the robot, put on the VR helmet and headphones, and started this experiment with visual tips. Soon, I have a strong sense of belonging to the virtual. When the robot's head scrolls backwards on the track, I feel the same for "I", it is like I put my body behind my mind. . When I slowly stay away from my body, I can clearly see myself and the surrounding environment, I wear a microphone, wearing a headset, connecting the camera in the robot's eyes, I am connected to the VR headset, my vision And vision seems to come from the back of my true body, which makes me have a real feeling outside the body. When people whisper in the robot's rubber ears, my headphones came to these voices, which made me lose balance, and let me have some confused, because I don't know where these sounds came from. of. When I slowly rolled back to "I", I feel like my soul returned to my body. When I took the helmet, I was very fortunate that my soul and the body returned together! Frank explanation, from the technical point of view, "We get positional data from the head wear equipment, and the person will turn it into the brain position - so the head has a mobile sense." Then we get from two different stereo cameras. " video. Then, the information is input to the computer so that each eye is the same. We have many Arduino devices connected together, which controls peripherals, such as the movement of the LED lights and machines. Basically, Outrespectre will want to destroy our senses balance as much as possible. Moreover, the design of the device is also affected by X-rays and CT equipment. Frank's past history requires him to test these equipment, and his inspiration comes from the "hospital performance" he calls, and the patient's trust and obedience to these large machines. Frank explanation: "The VR headset is not fresh, but if people can think of ', this is a big machine, I want to know what it is doing, then this will be a completely different experience." He wants this experience to be relatively fast, non-invasive, and make it scalable so that it can be used in public applications. Frank's next thing is to install a hammer bracket during analog process, allowing them to tap the participants. However, it has proved that this is quite successful because it is still unstable, so there is no such part in the first experiment. I can imagine that this feature will further disturb your senses, there is no doubt that this will make you feel more confusing. The technique of Frank is that, like X-rays and CT devices, installing in hospitals, and can even serve as a future treatment. Although I can't say that my in vitro experience will make me more or less fear, but this kind of novel or whimsical design really makes me think, eventually, this is the key to the problem. Just like Frank said, "We need to start thinking about the design, not to extend your life, but let us have more comfortable to admit your death." I don't say to solve this problem, but I want to say, We should have different options. Although I know that death will never be worthy of celebration, but when it comes, I will definitely imagine, there are more things waiting for me, nothing. 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