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    5G era, the door of the opportunity, China is just a supporting role?


    "[invitation] 2018 NI RF test seminar Shanghai station, are you ready for the 5g wave? 5g will change the way the world is connected one 5g subverts life! An engineer uses a mobile phone to control a driverless car What changes can 5g bring to our lives? This is the most frequently asked topic in public by Wu Suo Ning, vice president of China Communication Enterprise Association. "5g is still in the pilot construction stage and has not really been implemented, so ordinary people do not know what concept it is and what it means." Wu Suo Ning told outlook Oriental weekly. And he will explain: 5g will not only improve your mobile phone experience, but also change the way you connect to the world. In short, 5g will subvert your life. "A blind person can live in a world with 5g network without a guide dog. He can go anywhere with the help of driverless technology, and the car will find a parking lot by himself; In the lanes where vehicles cannot enter, he can also avoid obstacles with the help of the Internet of things. " Wu Suo Ning often cited such an example. In his opinion, these are not groundless, but reasonable imagination, "the pace of 5g commercial is getting closer and closer, and more 5g related application scenarios will appear next." Voice calls will become face-to-face chat "Compared with 4G, 5g is characterized by wider bandwidth and faster speed. Therefore, the most intuitive feeling of ordinary people in the 5g era will be the flying Internet speed. " Zhang Ping, director of the State Key Laboratory of network and switching technology of Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, told outlook Oriental weekly. In the documentary brilliant China, there was such a picture: more than 300 tourists live broadcast a local traditional ethnic Festival on 5g network at Tongguan village located in the depths of Kaili mountain in Guizhou. The live signal did not have any Caton, and the peak rate reached more than 1G. In other words, in the 5g era when the network speed is more than ten times or even dozens of times higher than 4G, the phenomenon of live broadcasting Caton will no longer exist, and it is no longer an extravagant hope for dozens or hundreds of people to broadcast live at the same time. Even if you are in a busy street, you don't have to worry about slowing down the Internet due to a large number of people. 5g will also be a "good medicine" for the slow download "stubborn disease" most criticized in the 4G era. "Now it takes us a few minutes or even dozens of minutes to download a high-definition movie; However, it takes only a few seconds for 5G to make complaints about the movie. You will be downloaded by the movie. Li Shaoqian, a professor at the University of Electronic Science and technology, told outlook Oriental weekly. Of course, 5g will also bring unimaginable changes in the most basic call function of communication technology. You just need to put on a pair of VR glasses and dial your friend's mobile phone number, and a holographic three-dimensional portrait will appear. You can not only speak, but also do all kinds of actions, just like communicating face to face with real people. Li Shaoqian bluntly said that in the 5g era, personal entertainment activities based on mobile communication technology such as video call, live online broadcast and playing online games will no longer need to worry about network speed. "People can open 5g network anytime and anywhere to do anything." Driverless cars will yield to pedestrians "The improvement of 5g speed can not only meet the faster and wider information channels and information services between people, but also increase the functions of the Internet of things to realize the connection of people, things and things, which represents that mankind will enter the era of interconnection of all things." Wu Suo Ning said. Zeng Jianqiu, director of the information economy and competitiveness research center of Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, believes that the most typical and promising landing application in the era of 5g Internet of things will be driverless. "The competent authorities are pushing, and many Internet giants have set foot in it." Zeng Jianqiu told outlook Oriental weekly that driverless vehicles will mainly rely on 5g's high network speed and low delay characteristics. "In the 4G era, the network speed and delay are very slow. Unmanned vehicles cannot make timely and rapid response according to road conditions, and are prone to accidents. At most, they can only realize some functions such as constant speed cruise and automatic emergency braking." The 5g bandwidth is wider, the transmission speed of network signal is faster, and the delay can be reduced to 1 millisecond, which is almost equal to real-time response, so that the unmanned system can respond quickly to emergencies in a shorter time. Taking two unmanned vehicles with front and rear running speed of 120km / h as an example, the response time between the two vehicles in case of emergencies is only 15ms, the delay of 4G is about 20mm, and accidents will certainly occur, while 5g network can avoid risks in time and prevent accidents. "In the 5g era, driverless vehicles will no longer be passive means of transportation, equivalent to a 'person', who can accurately feel the situation of roads, other vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights and roadside buildings with the help of the Internet of things, and make correct action responses accordingly." Wu Suo Ning said. In short, these driverless cars will not only be able to read traffic lights and yield to pedestrians in the future, but also identify the flatness of the road, avoid congested sections and plan the best driving route. "If a city realizes the popularization of driverless driving, the traffic lights will no longer be useful and can be cancelled." Zeng Jianqiu said. Doctors in Beijing operate on frontier patients "In addition to unmanned driving, 5g will also bring great changes to the medical field and make telemedicine a reality." Zhu Zhijun, director of wireless optimization in the network Department of Hangzhou branch of China Mobile Communications Group Zhejiang Co., Ltd., told outlook Oriental weekly. For a long time, there has been an imbalance in the distribution of medical resources between regions and between urban and rural areas in China. It is extremely difficult for residents in remote or rural areas to see a doctor in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The contradiction of "difficult and expensive medical treatment" is prominent, and the arrival of telemedicine will alleviate this problem to a great extent. Telemedicine is to enable doctors and patients to achieve diagnosis and treatment without having to be in the same space with the help of the network. In the past few years, the competent authorities have tried telemedicine in some remote areas using Internet technology, but most of them are aimed at common diseases, and only look at the cases for preliminary diagnosis. "In the 5g era, the content of telemedicine will be richer." Zhu Zhijun said. For example, ambulances can maintain real-time communication with hospital staff during the transportation of emergency patients; The staff on the ambulance can also transmit the patient's X-ray film, video and other images to the hospital in real time, so that the doctor can diagnose the patient's condition and make preliminary preparations during the transfer, so as to win valuable time for treating the patient. Not only that, with the help of 5g, doctors can also conduct remote B-ultrasound. Zhu Zhijun said that they have made such a live demonstration: a doctor sitting in front of the computer screen can skillfully do B-ultrasound for the patient at the other end of the screen through the joystick, and the B-ultrasound action at the other end of the lens is completed by the medical robot. "Through the high-speed remote network system established by 5g, the medical robot can follow or copy the doctor's actions almost without time difference, and the two sides can basically achieve complete synchronization." Zhu Zhijun said. In the future, famous doctors in Beijing or Shanghai can also sit in local hospitals and guide doctors or medical robots thousands of miles away in Xinjiang and Tibet to operate on local patients in real time with the help of 5g network. Visitors watch the 5g smart factory model at the booth of China Unicom Industrial robots will become "repairmen" In the industrial field, 5g will also give full play to its network advantages, drive the transformation and upgrading of China's traditional manufacturing industry, make intelligent manufacturing evolve into a more intelligent and intelligent stage, and improve the development level of industrial Internet to a certain extent. "A remarkable feature of intelligent manufacturing is to use industrial robots to replace some manual labor, so that the production efficiency of the factory is higher." Wu Suo Ning told our reporter that in the 4G era, however, intelligent manufacturing is subject to the short board of the network itself and can not give full play to its "skills". When 5g network enters the factory, it will not only reduce the cable cost between machines, but also make use of the continuous coverage of high reliability network, so that the mobile area of the robot is not limited in the process of moving, and the robot can reach each location as needed to work continuously in various scenes and smoothly switch the work content. This is only one aspect. 5g can also build a comprehensive information ecosystem connecting people (including factory employees and consumers) and machines inside and outside the factory, so that anyone and things can share information with each other at any time and anywhere. In this way, consumers can participate in the production process of enterprises through 5g network, including designing products and querying the production status of products in real time. Wu Suo Ning said that more importantly, in the future smart factory, workers, industrial robots, products and raw materials will become individuals with perception and response ability, and they can "talk and communicate" with each other. When an object fails, the problem will be reported to the industrial robot immediately. In general, industrial robots can complete the repair work independently according to the experience database of self-learning; When the industrial robot cannot repair the fault, workers can use VR equipment to remotely guide the operation of the industrial robot. "This will have an extremely far-reaching impact not only on China's manufacturing industry, but also on the global manufacturing industry." Wu Suo Ning said. Watch the game with the referee "Of course, the changes brought by 5g will more involve all levels of ordinary people's daily life." Lu Hengli, system scheme director of the government and Enterprise Department of China Mobile Zhejiang Co., Ltd. Hangzhou branch, told outlook Oriental weekly. Taking takeout as an example, considering the delivery time, at present, the services provided on each takeout platform are to place orders nearby. Users can only choose businesses within a few kilometers around their location to place orders, and cannot order meals across regions. In other words, it is impossible for a person living in Xicheng, Beijing to eat takeout from a restaurant in Fengtai. "With the 5g network, the takeout platform can use faster UAVs to deliver meals, breaking regional restrictions." Lu Hengli said that UAVs have high requirements for network speed and delay. Once the operator or background system cannot change the route in time when they encounter obstacles, the latter is easy to lose direction and have accidents, which cannot be realized in the 4G era. For those who like to stay at home, 5g will provide a more convenient and comfortable life“ More and more things can be easily done at home without going out, and the experience will be better. " Lu Hengli said. For example, you only need to wear a VR helmet at home, and you can enjoy the panorama of the summer palace in Beijing, the West Lake in Hangzhou and Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan in real time, as well as the fish in the lake, through 360 rotating HD cameras in various scenic spots. Similarly, with the help of VR helmets or glasses, fans can watch the world cup, Olympic Games and Asian Games on the 5g network at home in the future, and the effect will be more shocking than going to the scene, because through the cameras distributed at all angles of the venue, you can switch the angles at will, and even watch the ball from the perspective of judges or athletes. Even if you buy a ticket, you don't have to choose a seat against a plan without three-dimensional feeling. You can "stand" in the theater through VR equipment, experience which seat has the best visual effect, and then place an order. This scenario application will be launched as soon as possible during the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games. "These are only part of the changes brought by 5g, not all." Zeng Jianqiu said. two 5g era, the door of opportunity 3G is equivalent to 4 lanes, 4G is equivalent to 40 lanes, and 5g is 400 lanes At the 2017 imt-2020 (5g) summit held in Beijing, the experimenters used VR equipment to watch Huawei 5g test outfield Since three years ago, in the Qingshuihe campus of the University of Electronic Science and technology in Chengdu, students from and to the canteen have passed a modest outdoor test site every day. However, few people know what this testing ground is used for. "It has special significance for the development and application of China's mobile communication technology." Li Shaoqian, a professor at the University of Electronic Science and technology, told outlook Oriental weekly. He is a member of the expert group of the fifth generation mobile communication major project of the national "863" plan. This outdoor test field, which was put into use as early as the second half of 2015, is the first 5g communication system test field in China and even the world jointly established by the University of Electronic Science and technology and Huawei. The first batch of 13 base stations have been built and undertaken the verification of many 5g key technologies. "These technologies can only be commercialized after they have been repeatedly proved to be feasible." Li Shaoqian said that part of the 5g technology used by Chinese people in the future may go out from here, and this time will not be too long. In April 2018, the first 5g telephone in China was successfully dialed in Guangzhou. According to the 5g schedule announced by China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, 5g scale test will continue in 2018, pre commercial in 2019 and officially commercial in 2020. "As a new generation of mobile communication technology, 5g is a rare opportunity for China, because China has the largest number of Internet users and mobile phone users in the world, and 5g has great application potential." Li Shaoqian said. From 1 to 5 31 years ago, in November 1987, China's first TACs analog telephone system was built and put into commercial use in Guangdong. The brick like "big brother" weighing about 1kg was launched, marking the landing of the 1g concept in China, and voice calls began to get rid of the restrictions of fixed telephone lines and enter the mobile era. Since then, mobile communication technology has entered a rapid iterative period. With the signal logo on the mobile phone screen from "e" to "2G", "3G" and then to "4G", the communication equipment has changed from the popular "big brother" to the ubiquitous smart phone, and the mobile communication has "entered the homes of ordinary people and integrated into daily life" step by step. Today, 4G has completely changed people's way of life. The ubiquitous mobile network coverage allows you to watch movies online, open live broadcasts, make video calls, play online games, and so on. "The progress of mobile communication technology not only brings convenience to people's lives, but also has a profound impact on the reform and development of all levels of society. It is the key infrastructure for the development of information technology in a country or region." Zeng Jianqiu, director of the information economy and competitiveness research center of Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, told outlook Oriental weekly. This is also the main reason why countries all over the world, especially the developed countries in Europe and America, have struggled to seize the dominance of mobile communication technology since the 1g era“ Whether from a realistic or long-term perspective, the development of mobile communication technology and its impact can not be underestimated. " Zeng Jianqiu said. In the 1g era, Motorola in the United States stood out and mastered all the core technologies; In the 2G era, Europe, which is trying to break the monopoly of the United States, launched a new standard called GSM (global mobile communication) through the cooperation between operators and equipment manufacturers, and widely distributed GSM base stations around the world, winning a large market share. China did not start to build 2G network until 1995, four years later than Europe. "In these two times, China has always followed the footsteps of Europe and the United States, passively accepted their products and technologies, and does not have relevant capabilities." Zeng Jianqiu said that the turning point occurred in the 3G era. Unwilling to fall behind, China launched its own mobile communication system TD-SCDMA for the first time. W-CDMA jointly launched by TD-SCDMA, the European Union and Japan and CDMA2000 launched by Qualcomm are known as the three major mobile communication standards in the 3G era, which have been recognized by the international community, but the use of TD-SCDMA is limited to China. "In the 4G era, the global mobile communication system has been further unified into two schemes, TD-LTE and fdd-lte. The former evolved based on the TD standard proposed by China." Zeng Jianqiu said that at this time, China is in the development of global mobile communication technology





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