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    5G will push 2C / 2B / 2H innovative business blowout


    "In 2019, the first year of 5g, the industry pays great attention to 5g. Compared with 4G, 5g has the characteristics of 10 times bandwidth, 1 / 10 delay and 100 times the number of connections. Its implementation requires not only 5g base station, but also 5g bearer network and other links. Many people even believe that 5g competition will be the competition of optical fiber broadband basic network. 5g will promote the blowout of 2C / 2B / 2H (individual / enterprise / family) innovative business. However, new services pose greater challenges to the carrier network of operators: the 2C field is facing the dilemma of increasing revenue without increasing revenue; The market space of 2B field is constantly squeezed by cloud service providers; The broadband experience in the 2H field restricts the expansion of emerging services; Network complexity leads to a sharp rise in operation and maintenance costs. "In the past, the development model of bearer network purely driven by bandwidth has been unable to support the effective growth of operators' income. While meeting the bandwidth demand, it needs to transform to experience driven." In a recent interview with reporters, Jin Yuzhi, President of Huawei's transmission and access product line, said. Huawei believes that operators need to open up optical access and optical transmission networks and build an end-to-end all-optical basic network for the 5g era. This is all optical networking 2.0 (on2.0). Wei Leping, director of China Telecom Science and Technology Commission, said earlier that the optical network began to evolve from All-Optical Network 1.0 (all-optical network) to all-optical network 2.0 (all-optical automatic scheduling). We can see that many operators such as China Mobile and FastWeb in Italy have carried out a series of quality business innovations based on all-optical network 2.0, which has effectively supported the value growth of operators. Leading equipment manufacturers such as Huawei also launched on2.0. So, what is all-optical network 2.0? How do operators build all-optical network 2.0? The development model of traditional bearer network encounters challenges According to the prediction data of GSMA, by 2025, 1.3 billion people in the world will use 5g, the 5g network coverage will reach 40%, and the number of 5g mobile terminals will reach 1.4 billion. The arrival of 5g will bring key development opportunities for immersive personal businesses such as VR, AR and live broadcasting. At the same time, it will further stimulate the vitality of the enterprise market and lay a solid foundation for business model innovation in the fields of automobile, UAV and intelligent manufacturing. On the other hand, statistics show that more than 967 million households in the world have access to broadband, and 286 operators in 49 countries have released Gigabit broadband services to support the development of 4K and other services. The emergence of innovative family businesses such as smart home and smart home will also promote the construction of a new business form with family as the core. "Today is an era of full-service competition. If operators can only provide mobile services, they will be in a passive situation in the competition. There are many operators around the world who can not provide fixed line broadband services, so there is still great room for development in the broadband market. " In the face of broadband development in different regions of the world, Jin Yuzhi added. The blowout of 2C / 2B / 2H innovative business will drive the CT industry into a new era of development. However, the explosive growth of business volume also poses greater challenges to the carrier network of operators. In the 2C field, the introduction of unlimited data traffic package makes many mobile operators face the dilemma of increasing revenue. In the 2B field, operators are facing more and more challenges from cloud service providers, especially in the flexible opening of enterprise business and on-demand service. They can not give full play to their network connection advantages, and the strategic market space of enterprise digital transformation is constantly compressed. In the field of 2h, the bandwidth demand of users has maintained rapid growth, but the broadband user experience has not been substantially improved, and users are lack of interest in emerging services of operators. The business model driven by bandwidth can no longer support the effective growth of operators' income, but the shortage of optical fiber resources and insufficient computer room resources caused by the improvement of bandwidth are extremely prominent. At the same time, the diversity of services further improves the complexity of the network, and the operation and maintenance cost of the network is getting higher and higher. OPEX of most operators has accounted for more than 70% of TCO and is still growing. In the face of such challenges, how should operators' bearer networks evolve and develop? From the development and evolution of bearer network, the whole industrial development model has also entered the bottleneck. In the past 10 years, the basic bearer network has upgraded from copper wire network to all fiber network, solved the problem of limited network capacity from the medium, and realized the evolution of home broadband from 512k to 10m, 100m, even 1g and 10g through the comprehensive optical fiber of access network and transmission network. After entering the all fiber network, the development and evolution of optical transmission network is based on the improvement of single wave rate, from 10g, 40g, 100g to 200g / 400g. However, based on Shannon's theorem, the channel capacity (single carrier rate) is limited by signal-to-noise ratio (transmission distance) and channel bandwidth (effective spectral width), and the single carrier rate cannot increase indefinitely, especially after entering 200g / 400g, The balance between transmission rate and transmission distance has been extremely difficult. The development and evolution of optical access network is based on the improvement of family uplink and downlink bandwidth. From EPON / GPON, 10g EPON / 10g PON to xgs-pon, optical access network always focuses on improving greater bandwidth for users, but it can not guarantee the end-to-end service quality. Tracing back to the source, the bandwidth driven development model of bearer network has been unable to effectively support the value growth of operators. On2.0: redefining the next generation all optical network To sum up, the global all-optical network industry has ushered in an inflection point of intergenerational evolution. Similar to 4G moving towards 5g, the upstream and downstream industries of optical network need to jointly think about the development direction of the next generation (the next 10 or even 20 years). It can be seen that building the next generation all-optical network centered on user experience has become the basic consensus of the whole industry. "We believe that we need to open up optical access and optical transmission networks and build an end-to-end all-optical basic network for the 5g era, so as to help operators build an all-optical integrated bearer network with optimal single bit cost and guaranteed E2E service quality, and calmly deal with the business challenges of the 5g era." Huang Zhiyong, chief marketing officer of Huawei's transmission and access product line, told reporters all over the world. Wei Leping also said earlier that all-optical network is the development trend. In Wei Leping's view, all-optical network requires that all transmission, switching and access be realized in the optical domain, and control is allowed to be realized in the electrical domain. When the transmission and access are optical fiber, and the switch layer also introduces ROADM and OXC, it forms the so-called all-optical network in the strict sense. Industrial chain enterprises have considered more links. For example, Huawei believes through research that the next generation all-optical network needs to have the following three key characteristics. First, the bandwidth upgrade is driven by Moore's law. The network needs to introduce Moore's law to accelerate the process of technological innovation, realize the periodic improvement of all-optical network equipment capacity, realize the continuous reduction of single bit cost, and effectively support the bandwidth demands of various innovative services. Second, minimalist sites. The network needs to continuously simplify the network level, improve the site integration, and greatly reduce the network construction cost, including the room space, the power consumption of equipment and air conditioning, and the cost of manual fiber connection and scheduling. Third, it will evolve into an automatic driving network. The network needs to have the ability of automation and intelligence, which can support the agile distribution of new services and shorten the online time of new services; At the same time, it supports intelligent operation and maintenance, effectively reduces OPEX through accurate fault prediction and automatic positioning, and provides end-to-end experience guarantee for end users. "The future all-optical network will be inseparable from the end-user experience. We need to change from the bandwidth driven pipeline thinking in the past to the experience driven user thinking, so that the all-optical network can flexibly allocate network resources according to different user needs, and enable the business success of operators while comprehensively ensuring the user experience." Jin Yuzhi said. This is also the core starting point of Huawei's all-optical network 2.0. The industrial chain promotes the innovative development of all-optical network 2.0 According to Jin Yuzhi, Huawei is committed to building ubiquitous connectivity and hopes that upstream and downstream industries will jointly promote the construction of the next generation all-optical network centered on user experience. Based on this, Huawei has put forward the all-optical network 2.0 strategy to enable the intergenerational evolution of the whole all-optical network industry with new rates, new sites and new operations. Moreover, based on the strategic proposition of "three innovations", during MWC 2019, Huawei comprehensively promoted the solution innovation of all-optical network and systematically supported the implementation of all-optical network 2.0. First, in terms of new rate, Huawei believes that the industry takes single wave 200g / 400g as the standard rate of next-generation optical transmission, and continues to approach the Shannon limit through chip innovation and spectrum innovation, so as to realize the continuous improvement of optical fiber transmission rate; With symmetrical 10g PON as the next-generation optical access standard, based on the continuous innovation of ODN, ont and other last kilometer links, we can realize experience guaranteed home Wi Fi access. In terms of new rate innovation, Huawei launched the industry's first single fiber super C solution to improve the utilization of optical fiber resources by 50%; The super 200g / 400g scheme is based on Huawei's latest optixtreme series odsp chip, and supports multiple adjustable rates of 200g ~ 600g; The industry's first symmetrical 10g PON supporting Wi Fi 6 standard Ont can provide 10Gbit / s two-way high-speed transmission, zero Caton extreme Wi Fi experience, realize no dead corner coverage in the whole house, and create a carrier class home Wi Fi experience for users. Secondly, in terms of new sites, based on the continuous innovation of optical layer and electrical layer, the industry can promote the large-scale application of photoelectric integration and all-optical intersection, simplify the network level of backbone network and metropolitan area network, and realize the unified bearing of 2C / 2B / 2H; Through the innovation of technology and platform, realize the unified access of coaxial cable, copper wire, optical fiber and other media, the integration of multiple PON access modes, and greatly simplify the co site. In this regard, Huawei launched the OXC product of all-optical switching in the industry, realizing zero optical fiber connection in the station, reducing 80% of the room space and 60% of the power consumption; The industry's first self-developed OTN + chip is adopted to realize the integrated bearing of 2B, 2C and 2H different scenarios and multiple service particles in 5g era, reduce the delay by more than 80%, improve the bandwidth utilization by more than 30%, and greatly save the equipment types and operation and maintenance costs of the site; The industry's first 6-in-1 flex pon2.0 solution helps operators protect existing investments, reduce engineering transformation costs, build a minimalist co site and save 20% TCO. Finally, in terms of new operation and maintenance, build a smart optical network, incubate automatic and intelligent solutions for specific business scenarios, promote automatic business distribution and intelligent operation and maintenance of the network, so as to significantly shorten the online time of new services, effectively reduce the network failure rate, improve operation and maintenance efficiency, and improve the user experience. In this regard, Huawei launched the industry's first smart home wide operation and maintenance solution, through segmented demarcation, accurately positioning the location of weak light, and reducing door-to-door rectification by 30%; Through the online analysis of the causes of user failure reporting, the door-to-door processing efficiency is improved by 20%; It supports end-to-end access, network topology restoration, network state playback, and rapid positioning of network faults. At the same time, Huawei has also released a quality dedicated line solution. Through the visualization, management, analysis and prediction of network resources, planning and deployment can be realized, and TTM can be shortened by 20%; Combined with artificial intelligence algorithm and massive fault expert database, deep machine learning is carried out to predictably analyze the hidden dangers of optical network faults, and convert post passive maintenance into pre active prevention; It supports one click intelligent tuning of optical network, combines alarm compression and fault root cause location, greatly shortens the troubleshooting time, and improves the operation and maintenance efficiency by 30%. Huawei released the industry's first network cloud engine (NCE) integrating control and analysis to build a network digital brain to support full life cycle automation. Many operators deployed on2.0 to promote business closed loop In the process of pushing the whole all-optical network industry into the on2.0 era, we see that the industrial chain is also comprehensively promoting the business incubation of all-optical network technology innovation, realizing the closed loop from technical innovation to industrial innovation, and finally realizing commercial innovation. In the field of high-speed transmission, Etisalat, a UAE telecom operator, and Huawei completed the industry's first single wave 600g innovation pilot in February 2019. This pilot established Etisalat's leading edge in transmission network technology innovation, verified that single wave 600g has the ability of large-scale commercial use, and will effectively support the expansion of its emerging services in the future. The innovation pilot successfully completed the verification of the established contents, especially the key indicators of single wave 600g, such as transmission performance, stability and reliability, exceeded expectations. ETIsalat Esmaeel al Hammadi, senior vice president of network, said: "Etisalat has always been committed to providing optimal network services for each customer. In order to meet the needs of network development, optical networks need to have self adaptability and super capacity. The single wave 600g developed by Huawei has greatly improved the spectrum utilization of optical networks." In the field of enterprise dedicated lines, in November 2018, China Mobile joined hands with Huawei to build the world's largest OTN quality dedicated line network. It is reported that Huawei's OTN quality dedicated line solution helps China Mobile build a high-quality dedicated line network with optimal delay, widest coverage, high reliability and support cloud network collaboration, greatly improves the competitiveness of its dedicated line products and helps it effectively expand the government enterprise high-value dedicated line market. In the field of broadband access, in February 2019, China Mobile and Huawei carried out joint innovation and helped China Mobile significantly improve the user experience by introducing Huawei's high-quality broadband intelligent operation and maintenance solution. The scheme will help Beijing Mobile greatly improve the operation and maintenance efficiency, reduce the failure door-to-door rate and significantly reduce customer off network. In addition, Indonesian telecom operator XL axiata innovatively introduced Huawei's all-optical network 2.0 solution to greatly simplify the network level and build an all-optical network for the 5g era. The scheme adopts the industry's first OXC (all-optical crossover) equipment, the industry's most integrated ms-otn product and the industry's first 6-in-1 ma5800 optical access platform. XL axiata CTO MS yessie DIANTY yosetya said: "XL axiata is facing 5g And FMC's bearer network transformation and reconstruction. Huawei's solution supports us to build a bearer network with large bandwidth, low delay and minimalism, which effectively matches the strategic goal of XL axiata to simplify the network. We are confident to provide Indonesian customers with the best network experience in the future and help them better enjoy their digital life. " Facing the future, the world's leading operators are still jointly exploring the business scenario for the next generation all-optical network, carrying out netcity joint innovation, realizing the rapid introduction of innovative solutions in the mode of Devops, and helping operators maximize business value. "We believe that the all-optical network industry still has broad development space, and all-optical network 2.0 will lead the global all-optical network industry into a new era of development. Huawei will join hands with global operators and industrial partners to open a new era of all-optical network and build the interconnection of all things





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