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    Many people may step into the misunderstandings, 90% will step on the thunder!


    When we are assembling computers, CPUs, motherboards and graphics cards are often our most concerned, which is also known as the three major parts of assembling computers. The CPU is the brain of the computer, determines the speed of the computer, the motherboard is the body, determines the ability of the computer, connects to the computer, the graphics card is the decisive factor of running the game, which can be competed for the computer's work These three major pieces often determine the performance of the computer's entire platform. Today, our DIY small classroom will come to talk, buy CPUs, many people may step into the misunderstanding. Is the number of CPU cores, the better? In addition to the core number, the CPU performance will be affected by the CPU frequency, the architecture, whether there is a policy of hyperthreading and acceleration frequency, so the core number of the CPU is not, the better. The more the number of CPUs, the better in some scenarios that require a large amount of calculation tasks, such as rendering, transcoding, and high performance operations, but our ordinary consumer usually use programs and software usually use so many cores. And threads, why do you want this to say this? Previously because Intel dominated the mainstream CPU market, the mainstream of the mainstream, the mainstream is also the most popular use I5 processor has always been 4 core 4 thread processors, and therefore most of the program, the software is in development. Down to 4 core optimization. The core more may even cause the game error, such as recently released 32-core processor threaded torn two generation 2990WX in many games because the core is too much caused to fail. Moreover, the more the coherent core, the higher the cost of the processor model, the more expensive price, so we need to understand its own purpose when buying the CPU, if it is to play games, the pursuit of multi-core high-priced CPU is unnecessary. However, in the past two years, as the market is very voice, Intel has also begun to popularize the 6-core processor. Many new games are very good for multi-core optimization. If you are in order to play games, a 6-core processor has already Enough make most consumers for three or four years. If you have a rendering of the game, you need a lot of CPU operations or multi-exploit programs, you can consider the processor that purchases more cores (8 ~ 16 cores), and rendering, press The creator of the work is the main creator, the more the CPU, the more the CPU, which is naturally purchased. Is the CPU's TDP is the actual power consumption of TA? TDP's English is "Thermal Design Power", Chinese translation as "hot design power consumption", the final version of the corresponding series of CPUs in full load (CPU utilization is 100% theory) may achieve the highest heat dissipation calorie, heat dissipation Must ensure that the temperature of the processor is still within the design range when the processor TDP is the largest. It only represents the cooling and heat dissipation system that is required by the CPU, mainly to provide OEM vendors, heat sink / fan manufacturers, and chassis manufacturers, etc., do not represent the actual power consumption of CPUs. For example, a four TDP did a four TDP for a 65W CPU cross-evaluation. In addition to other parts other than the motherboard and CPU, the maximum platform and the lowest platform platform are still poor at the CPU full load. More than 70 waves. If you want to know each CPU power value, it is best to come to our PCONLINE, review the measured article. However, the smaller the same series of processor TDP, the smaller the heat generation of the CPU, the power consumption is smaller. The higher the frequency of the CPU? The CPU frequency is simple to say that the CPU running speed is much faster, the same reason is due to the factors that affect the performance of the CPU performance, the acceleration frequency strategy, whether there is a hyper-thread and core number, so it is not to say that the frequency of the CPU is more Ok, but when other factors are consistent, the closing the CPU is indeed, the better, the higher the power consumption. Under normal circumstances, everyone believes that the stronger CPU monoconuclear performance is, in fact, this is also very plane. Everyone can remember the following formula, CPU single nuclear performance = IPC (how much is performed in the CPU per clock cycle) × frequency (MHz clock speed), this formula was initially proposed by Intel and was widely recognized by the industry. So we can simply see that in addition to the frequency of the CPU monoconuclear performance, there is also an IPC, so the frequency comparative performance can not be seen between different architecture. Taking the best-selling CPU series, the best CPU series, the second-generation River and 8 generations of Core, a single nuclear performance of 4.0GHz only 3.8GHz (video misf) 8-generation cool single nuclear performance is quite. In addition to the frequency and IPC of CPU multi-core performance, there is also the core number and the efficiency of the hyper-thread. The number of cores is a very good understanding, and what is the ultra-thread efficiency? The CPU multi-core performance with ultra-thread is better than the CPU without hyperthreading, and this difference is determined by the ultra-thread efficiency. The higher the efficiency of hyperthreading, the stronger the multi-core performance after the CPU has the hypermele. Or the best CPU series, the best CPU series, two generations of sharp dragons and 8 generations cool Rui, 8 generations cool turnover efficiency is about 0.25 (ie, a super-line approximately 0.25 physical core), and the second generation Radi Dragon Hyper thread efficiency can reach 0.3. If it is a multi-core processor without a hyper-thread, we can still be derived by the above CPU performance = IPC (how much the instructions performed in the CPU each clock cycle) × frequency (MHz clock speed) is substantially compared, but if it is contrast Have a multi-core performance of hyperthreading, and the situation is often complicated, or it needs to pass the measured test. What is the ghost of the IPC of the CPU? IPC is INSTRUCTION Per Clock, which is the instruction executed in the CPU every hour cycle. It is determined by the architecture design of the CPU, and the correction and change of each architecture will affect the IPC of the CPU. Under normal circumstances, the CPU's IPC has improved in the case where the architecture has no major change. Intel has increased from 4 generations cool to 8 generations of cool IPC to increase more than 20%. According to the current news 9 generations cool Rui is only 8 generations cool The vest, that is, from the 4th generation of Core to 9 generations of cool, separated by five or six years, Intel's Core series processor IPC increases no more than 20%, such as AMD's Zen + architecture, official claims is only more than Zen architecture. IPC increased by 3%. CPU single nuclear performance = IPC (how much instructions performed in each clock cycle of the CPU) × frequency (MHz clock speed), the IPC strong architecture can defeat higher frequencies in the lower frequency, and therefore IPC Weak generally represents the advanced nature of the architecture. If you want to directly compare how much CPU IPC between different architectures is very simple, as long as the two CPUs are limited to the same frequency, they can know the approximate gap between their IPC. Summarize The first point, the number of CPUs is not more, better, we also need to decide according to your own needs At the second point, the CPU's TDP is not directly equivalent to the actual power consumption of the CPU. If you want to know the specific power consumption of a CPU model, you need to see the measured data. In the third point, the higher the frequency of the CPU under the same architecture, the better, but the CPU of different architectures cannot directly compare performance In the fourth point, IPC is determined by the CPU architecture. If you want to know how much the IPC between the CPU is different, look at the single-core gap with the same frequency. Original address: Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be directly paid]





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