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    Now that the domestic epidemic has been controlled whether the infrared is also falling?


    "Source: Chen Wen, trainee reporter of financial media in China's strategic emerging industries According to statistics, as of August 2, China had provided the United States with 26.5 billion masks, 330 million protective clothing, 31 million pairs of goggles, 610 million pairs of surgical gloves and 11500 respirators, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference in Beijing on the 7th. As an important role of epidemic products, infrared temperature measurement equipment has also been pushed to the cusp of the storm. Technology iterates with soaring demand, and opportunities coexist with market chaos. Temperature measurement has been integrated into every stop of our trip in the post epidemic era. At present, spring and autumn are coming, national life is happily on track, and the temperature measurement facilities and systems are also in full operation to ensure high efficiency and usefulness. Infrared temperature measuring gun, infrared thermal imager and other infrared equipment are not only the most convenient temperature measuring instruments at present, but also the decisive equipment for epidemic prevention and control throughout the country. How many hidden surges can the production scheduling of temperature measuring instruments be so smooth due to the appearance of anti epidemic? Now that the domestic epidemic is under control, does this tide also fall? Today, when the global economy is stuck, has the result of emergency treatment in the infrared field during the epidemic also stimulated the development of other manufacturing industries? Entering the game, the chaos of the infrared market comes out The school horn sounded in September, and the sacred animals all over the country returned one after another. According to the news on the website of the National Health Commission on August 13, after the beginning of school in autumn and winter, all primary and secondary school teachers and students enter the school gate to check their body temperature. Now, the habit of wearing masks and measuring body temperature has been integrated into daily life. Looking back on the epidemic period, commodity prices were fierce and difficult to buy, in addition to masks and temperature measuring guns. Infrared temperature measurement equipment has always been a marginal role, and it is also a type of slow action in production and development. However, the epidemic has made this product a pastry, and the non-contact rapid temperature measurement has become a just need for epidemic prevention. As a result, infrared temperature measurement has covered the life of the whole people with lightning speed. There are hundreds of enterprises related to forehead temperature guns newly established this year, but a large number of infrared manufacturing and sales enterprises have poured into the market. Has it also disturbed people's audio-visual? When people can basically go in and out of the community and shopping malls as long as they cooperate with the measurement of body temperature, it is inevitable to doubt the accuracy of the temperature measuring gun gently brushed over their forehead or arms. With the rapid increase of demand and the occurrence of market chaos, the inaccurate temperature measurement results are also related to the loss of a large number of non-medical temperature measuring guns from the market. Relevant experts of beierkang company explained: "the frontal temperature gun needs strict design of mechanical structure, electronic circuit and software algorithm, as well as confirmation of laboratory data and clinical data. Without the support of clinical data, it may not be measured. " In the scheme design of frontal temperature gun equipment, many enterprises have used crooked brains to fill the gap of epidemic production with infrared devices that do not meet the temperature measurement specifications, and this operation can even be regarded as an open secret. A large number of bulk goods and refurbished goods began to appear in the market, which were used as new products for sale, and small and medium-sized cottage manufacturers took the opportunity to obtain benefits. The imbalance between supply and demand will inevitably drive price fluctuations. Subject to the upstream raw materials, even if the regular forehead temperature gun manufacturers work overtime and operate at full load, the temperature measuring equipment has been in short supply from February to early March, and the price is extremely chaotic. During the epidemic period, large-scale production plants were basically subject to the unified allocation of the government. After the production capacity of some original plants was entrusted by the government, some remaining manufacturers began to set prices because of serious shortage. Before the outbreak, the price of an infrared temperature measuring gun ranged from tens to 100 yuan, and then rose to 300 or 400 yuan until it began to fall in late March. Forehead temperature gun belongs to class II medical instruments. According to relevant regulations, if the forehead temperature gun is to be produced, it must have the medical device registration certificate and medical device production license issued by the provincial food and drug administration. If it is to be sold, it shall be filed with the Municipal Food and Drug Administration and meet the requirements of business place, storage conditions, management personnel, etc. Some players who did not get medical approval also began to participate. There were even examples where enterprises that had never produced forehead temperature guns completed sampling and inspection in only 10 days. Chen Hongyan, Secretary General of the medical device branch of China Medical Materials Association, said that during the epidemic, the relevant departments relaxed the approval threshold. In addition, a large number of "three noes" thermometers have emerged on the market recently, accounting for half of the market share. In addition, the production qualification or license issued by the medical device management organization obtained by some manufacturers are actually temporary and valid for a very short period. So, when the tide falls, can the infrared temperature measurement market continue to prosper? This temperature measurement method avoids direct contact between people, equipment and people, and can obtain the key information of body temperature, which plays an important role in the epidemic prevention and control campaign. The epidemic released most of the domestic demand for forehead temperature guns in advance. After the epidemic, the market will have higher requirements for the sustainable development and operation of forehead temperature gun manufacturers, which will exacerbate the industry reshuffle. At low tide, where is the way out for infrared enterprises At present, the production and supply of medical products such as thermometer, ventilator, monitor and oxygen generator are very important, which do not leave the support of sensor technology. According to the prediction of relevant institutions, the scale of China's sensor market will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2021, and the scale of China's sensor market will increase to about 258 billion yuan in 2023, with an average annual compound growth rate of about 11.65% from 2019 to 2023. Chen Nanxiang, executive vice chairman of Wuxi China Resources Huajing Microelectronics Co., Ltd., said: "judging from business common sense, the pain points driven by domestic emergency demand have not been completely solved. For example, there will be a wave of pain points of imbalance between supply and demand at the beginning of primary and secondary schools in the future. After these pain points are solved, China will gradually form the scale and industrial coordination of temperature measurement industry." "The company is opening up full capacity, giving priority to ensuring the domestic epidemic prevention demand and fully meeting the international market demand." Fan Qi, deputy general manager of Dali technology, said. With the rapid development of epidemic situation abroad and the serious shortage of epidemic prevention materials in many countries, the overseas orders of epidemic prevention products of Dali technology continue to grow rapidly. The export directions include Japan and South Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and the Americas, of which more than 1000 units have been delivered to South Korea. Since February, the share prices of automatic infrared thermal imaging thermometer manufacturers, especially Dali technology and Gaode infrared, have reached new highs. Gaode infrared said on the investor interaction platform on February 28 that it planned to put 20000 new products into production, entering the period of rapid production and intensive delivery. Lu Guojian, chairman of Xinhai Technology, said that the accuracy of handheld infrared thermometer is related to four key factors: sensor, ADC accuracy, algorithm, and the structure and production process of frontal temperature gun. The variety of sensor models on the market means that the manufacturers of infrared temperature measuring gun get ADC + MCU chips, but they may not be able to adapt to the sensors in their hands. In order to solve this problem, Xinhai contacted major mainstream sensor manufacturers to start type matching and debugging. From the chief engineer to the engineer, Xinhai is going all out. At present, Xinhai's chip can adapt to most sensors on the market, which reduces the difficulty of customer development and shortens the whole production process of infrared temperature measuring gun. With the popularization of infrared thermal imager in power, construction, law enforcement, fire protection, vehicle and other industries, the civil infrared thermal imager industry will usher in a period of rapid growth in market demand. In the civil infrared market, American enterprise FLIR occupies a dominant position, accounting for about 40% of the global market share. The competitive strength of China's Gaode infrared, Dali technology and RuiChuang Weina companies in the civil infrared market is also increasing. Jin Chaohao, marketing director of Gaode Zhigan, said that Gaode infrared is not a pure sensor chip manufacturer, which is different from the thermopile chip used in ordinary frontal temperature gun. Gaode not only supplies chips to partners, but also sinks to the front line, produces complete machine systems, and provides fully automatic infrared thermal imaging temperature measurement warning products to customers all over the country. In 2008, Gaode has started infrared sensors. After listing in 2010, it invested more than 1 billion with financing money to build three MEMS sensor production lines. Before 2013, the detectors used for infrared human body temperature measurement were imported from France. After 2013, Gaode began to have the ability to produce uncooled detectors. So, after the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, even the 60 thousand stations, the supply of infrared sensor chips can be guaranteed, but there are short time personnel gaps in the whole machine production. The world military infrared market is being dominated by Europe and the United States. Among the top ten suppliers in the global military infrared thermal imager market in 2014, American manufacturers occupied 7 seats. At present, China's military infrared market is developing rapidly. The infrared equipment market, including individual soldiers, tanks, armored vehicles, ships, military aircraft and infrared guidance weapons, will usher in a rapid development stage. New energy, high-speed rail and other strategic emerging industries, food, environmental protection and other industries will also provide a broader platform for the development of intelligent infrared thermometer. The construction of public utilities such as electric power, gas and water treatment in China also needs to use intelligent infrared thermometer. With the transformation and upgrading of China's industry and other industries, more and more attention is paid to automatic production and control, and the requirements for production technology are higher and higher. Therefore, there is a strong demand for intelligent infrared thermometer. Moreover, the rise of the Internet of things has also greatly promoted the development of intelligent infrared thermometer. Intelligent infrared thermometer will play an important role in architecture, home and even people's life. Limited time challenge, free throw is also an opportunity For enterprises producing infrared equipment, the epidemic is not only a survival challenge to comprehensively evaluate the strength of the company, but also a special opportunity for the company to fully show its strength and realize capacity upgrading. With the accumulation of the above technology development and industrial chain cooperation, China's infrared industry performed very well in this fixed-point shooting opportunity, and hit three points in a perfect arc. The reason why the epidemic is called "fixed-point shooting" is that the domestic emergency epidemic prevention materials are subject to unified and accurate allocation and focus on the production with tight time and heavy tasks. At the same time, the anti epidemic demand has correspondingly weakened some adverse factors in the market, and even the situation that the imbalance between supply and demand once led to the rise of prices. However, with the gradual recovery of production capacity of major enterprises, the supply of infrared equipment such as forehead temperature gun is also returning to normal soon. When the temperature measurement market is becoming more and more stable in China, the severe situation of the epidemic abroad has set off a new round of sales growth of relevant enterprises, and the huge gap between supply and demand has made the whole temperature measurement industry experience hot speculation from core components to thermometers. Previously, some large medical terminal enterprises mostly used European and American chips, and the sudden and particularity of the epidemic made the original European and American suppliers encounter problems in production capacity and transportation. Therefore, the chip design and manufacturing base based on Chinese mainland has more obvious advantages. Many enterprises said that in the future, customers will favor domestic chips in the choice of new solutions. The Asia Europe market has become an important overseas position for Chinese enterprises. Based on the overall domestic demand of 350000 sets of infrared temperature measuring equipment, the global configuration of temperature measuring guns will reach 860 million in the long term. Domestic infrared manufacturers have opened the situation, obtained the stepping stone that is difficult to obtain under normal conditions, and laid the foundation for seeking long-term cooperation of medical terminals“ At present, everyone is swarming into the medical market. I'm worried that when the heat subsides, there will eventually be chicken feathers. " Luo weishao, general manager of Hangzhou Jinghua Microelectronics Co., Ltd. However, people's health awareness will continue to improve. The well-known frontal temperature gun may become a family standard, and the infrared function will continue to extend in all directions. Jin Chaohao said that Gaode is firmly developing infrared sensors towards a variety of terminal applications, and developing sensors towards cheapness, miniaturization and low power consumption. In the future, temperature sensor and image sensor will be combined with new technologies AI, 5g, voice and big data. Thermometry may become a big data information source, and promote the market development of upstream sensors. As early as before the epidemic, the technology of civil infrared products had been ripe in the fertile soil of domestic industry, which was not known due to the use scene. Precisely because of the epidemic situation, the non-contact infrared temperature measurement equipment quickly found a broad space for landing and gave full play to the potential of the enterprise. From hand-held equipment to single person detection to area array imaging crowd recognition, temperature measurement technology and equipment are also updated with the increase of demand. It has to be said that the smooth construction of infrared temperature measurement system is a typical model of taking advantage of the east wind. So, is there any potential energy in the Chinese market that has not been fully utilized? 5G。 5g communication is now at the cusp of extremely unstable in the early stage of promotion. It may not be absolutely sheltered like the demand explosion of infrared equipment, but it also involves too many enterprises and gathers enough concerns. Needless to say, 5g infrastructure has been continuously invested and paved in a large area. The instruction to accelerate the expansion of 5g communication area has long been written in the policy issued by China's Ministry of industry and information technology. The continuous popularity of 5g in China will not only benefit the development of smart phones, but also lead the world in other services. Does the current crisis of heavy restrictions and containment hide the power of dike breaking? Perhaps that is just an east wind waiting for China's communication related fields. For manufacturers of infrared products, in the cold winter of the outbreak of the epidemic, enterprises avoid the problem of competition with similar technologies and do not need to consider the marketing of products. Unified scheduling and vertical management greatly improve the organizational efficiency; In this autumn, the epidemic situation has been effectively controlled, the demand for domestic temperature measuring equipment has decreased, and it is difficult to control the levels of homogeneous competition, precision marketing and marketing channels. The pain points of these traditional enterprises immediately surfaced. Here we can refer to the development ideas of Internet enterprises. After users' social, shopping, entertainment, information and other needs tend to be saturated, Internet companies begin to consciously start the digitization of organizations on a large scale to solve problems such as enterprise organization management and business management. It coincides with this new stage of transition from consumer Internet to industrial Internet. The traditional manufacturing industry also has reason to take this opportunity to learn the simplicity and efficiency of Internet enterprise structure and management. Going deep into the industrial chain, we can find that the obscurity of infrared products has something to do with the huge investment in equipment and capital and the slow growth pace of enterprises. It is good to have a stable development of infrared technology, but it also becomes the reason for low product profits and few orders. If you want to still occupy the market after the heat, a series of transformations such as intelligent production, collaborative networking and digital marketing are imminent. It is the general trend to infiltrate Internet thinking into all links of the manufacturing industry, and consumers are also looking forward to more sensitive and Yuan infrared health products. In addition to everything ready, it is also very important to follow the trend. Another product that became a phenomenal explosion during the epidemic is the software nail for online meetings. In fact, the function of nailing is far more than multi person online video calls, but the soaring demand for online office among the whole people, and even the joke of "five points of praise and installment payment" by primary school students, has really made it a fire. On the first day after the Spring Festival holiday on February 3, the demand for massive video conferences and group live broadcasting brought great pressure to the nailing background system. After emergency deployment, nailing urgently expanded 10000 servers through Alibaba cloud that night, and lived up to expectations and withstood the traffic peak. The capacity of 100000 cloud servers will be expanded in 10 days. The closed-loop ecosystem of Alibaba to B service will escort its attack. After the effective attack, nailing can continue to launch its own reputation explosion function. On September 2, Alibaba nailing officially launched "OA approval" today to realize the full link digitization of business processes and solve the problems of enterprise human, financial and material management. In addition, the topic of management can only be regarded as sitting on the sidelines and talking about the core





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