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    The most popular three kinds of LPC1114 development board evaluation


    "I. overview: Recently, the most popular lpc1114 development boards on the network mainly include inbit, Zhou Ligong and NXP. Both adopt the format of simulator and target board for design, and the design is very small and generous. Every engineer wants one. Ha ha, I'm lucky to have one of these three kinds. The following is a picture on the Internet. From the picture alone, it seems to be about the same size. In fact, their sizes are very different. Below, I will put the three development boards together and take some pictures for actual comparison. Lpcxpresso evaluation development board provided by NXP Tinym0 tools development board developed by ZLG Em-lpc1100lk development board developed by imbet 2、 Test environment: 3、 Circuit board comparison: Packaged development board Packing size competition The development board is longer than shorter Family portraits Close up of Zhougong development board Close up of imbet development board NXP development board close up 1. Function ① . NXP development board: The emulator part of NXP development board is developed using their own ARM9 (lpc3154fet) product, and it is BGA encapsulated. The board is more than four layers, which will be more reliable. Maybe the download speed will be faster; The design of the development board is relatively simple, that is, lpc1114, clock circuit and an LED lamp. It is found that the NXP development board has no way to separate the development tools and evaluation board. He is completely connected without any cut marks (it seems to be a global limited edition, good collection!). ② . imbet development board: The emulator part of the Intel development board is developed by NXP m3 (lpc1343f). The board is clean and compact, and a 10 pin ide seat is reserved, which can be used as a development tool alone. Some functions of the development board are relatively strong, including 4 LED LEDs, 1 boot button, 1 reset button, 1 temperature sensor, 1 UART, supporting RS-485 / eia-485, etc. The development board and the simulator are linked by stamp holes, which are easy to separate, pay great attention to practicality, the interface is convenient to connect, and there are relatively more resources. The only regret is that the IO port should have a 2.00mm row pin, which is relatively inconvenient (at least I rarely use this row pin). ③ Zhou Ligong development board: The emulator part of Zhou Ligong's development board uses NXP ARM7 (lpc2141fbd64). The board is ordinary, especially the color of the board is green, so it looks very ordinary. The development board has only the smallest system. The boards are connected through stamp holes and can be easily separated. The board is small and tidy. 2. Workmanship On the whole, the workmanship of the three boards is very good (all products of large companies), the board surface is clean and the workmanship is fine. The design method is the same, Simulator + development board. Only NXP has no screw holes, while the other two have reserved 8 screw holes. ① NXP is quite generous (original factory, willing to work). The disadvantage is that the board is not easy to separate. It seems that I can only collect it. I won't be willing to separate this board by violence (HA HA), and I can only support their own development platform lpcxpress. This is a pity, which greatly reduces the scope of application and popularity of this development board, It has great collection value. ② Imbet's board is more applicable, has sufficient workmanship, and has many attached functions (worthy of being a commodity). It supports a full range of Keil MDK and coocox software. The only drawback is that the distance between IO ports introduced from abroad is not the standard 2.54mm (it seems that you should buy a 2.00mm row needle). ③ Zhou Ligong's development board has always been more distinctive, but this development board is mainly used for promotion (all gifts), so it is relatively small and ordinary. It is said that keil is not supported (it is said that it is supported in the publicity), and only tkscope embedded intelligent simulation development platform is supported. In short, these three development boards can be regarded as the best. I think every engineer wants to have one. 3. Size Development board size competition Development board (size) NXP development board Intel development board Zhou Ligong development board Length (mm) fourteen eleven point two nine point two Width (mm) three point five three point five three The width of the three development boards is almost the same, but the length is NXP > inbette > Zhou Ligong. 4. Attachment NXP and Zhougong's development boards do not bring any accessories, but only the development board. The packaging is soft packaging (I feel good when I see this packaging first!). Imbet's development board comes with a CD, a USB cable and a serial port cable, which are packed in a special plastic box. 4、 Compiler comparison: The NXP development board only supports the lpcxpresso platform, so you can only choose this platform for development evaluation; The development board of Ebert supports keil MDK and coocox. Coocox has not been used before. The evaluation time is limited and I don't want to spend too much time getting familiar with the compiler. Therefore, we choose keil MDK for evaluation here. Although Zhou Ligong's development board supports several popular compilers, it only supports their own tkscope platform, so let's evaluate it under this platform. Lpcxpresso startup interface Keil MDK startup interface Tkscope startup interface For startup, tkscope is the fastest, and lpcxpresso is the slowest in keil MDK. The closing speed is the same, tkscope and keil MDK are fast, and lpcxpresso is slow. 1. IDE appearance Lpcxpress IDE interface Keil MDK IDE interface Tkscope IDE interface In terms of appearance, they are very good and pleasing to the eye (ha ha, I found that everyone has paid great attention to the appearance design of software in recent years, maybe following Vista). The layout is neat and the windows are arranged properly. 2. Code compilation efficiency The code application is the experimental routine provided by the development board (there is no time to write), but the function is the same. The flashing control of LED is realized through timer. Tkscope compilation results Keil MDK compilation results Lpcxpresso compilation results As can be seen from the above compilation results, tkscope and keil MDK are similar. In fact, the Keil compiler is used by tkscope. It is not clear whether there is any improvement. It can be found that the Zi data (uninitialized global variables) part compiled by keil takes up a lot of space. Lpcxpresso may have more libraries, so there are more text parts, but very little memory is temporarily used. 3. Software stability and rich data For stability, I dare not make arbitrary evaluation. After all, lpcxpresso and tkscope have only been used for a short time. For keil MDK, I don't want to say more, we are familiar with it; The lpcxpresso platform has not been used for a long time, only a few months. It feels very good. It has many features. Maybe you will like it after use. There are occasional errors in simulation. Tkscope is only used for evaluation, and the overall feeling is very good. For information, Keil MDK, needless to say, there is a large area on the network. You have all the materials you want, and there are many books. It should be the most popular development environment with the most materials; The lpcxpresso platform was only recently launched by NXP, so there are few materials. Only the official website provided by them is more comprehensive, and they are all in English. Recently, with the vigorous promotion of NXP, many engineers have translated a lot of Chinese materials of lpcxpresso. Users in need can search on the Internet; Tkscope platform is developed by Zhou Ligong company and is a authentic Chinese version. Zhou Ligong's information, without much explanation, is well-known and comprehensive. Therefore, there are still a lot of information about tkscope, and what you need can be found on the website of Zhou Ligong company. 4. Ease of use, number of users, etc ① In terms of ease of use, Keil MDK has always been considered a fool on the Internet. It can get started quickly without reading materials for the first time. The design is more humanized and is the latest compilation platform for entry. However, they are generally English interfaces, which is more troublesome for netizens who prefer Chinese interfaces. However, there are also Chinese versions on the network. I have used the Chinese version of Keil C51, which is easy to make mistakes, so I don't use it anymore. It is recommended to use the English interface. ② For the lpcxpresso platform, the design is more personalized (it is unprecedented to be able to open compressed files, browse web pages, open PDF files, etc.). At first you may not like it, but as you go deeper, you will find that it has many unique advantages and will like it more and more. For example, you can place the cursor on a function or variable and press F2 to see the prototype of the function or variable. Of course, it also has its shortcomings. For example, for a designed project file, you can't directly click the project file to open it like keil. You must open the software before you can import it. ③ The. Tkscope platform is quite convenient to use. After all, it is an all Chinese interface, and the software design is more humanized. The whole is similar to keil and. If you are familiar with KEIL, you can basically see how to use it. However, personally, the settings are still a little complicated. The number of users can only be speculated according to the usual observation. Keil MDK should have the largest number of users; Then tkscope (after all, Zhou Gong pushed it for so many years); Finally, lpcxpresso. I also saw that the NXP development board does not support other compilation environments, and I was reluctant to dismantle it violently, so I hardened my head to learn lpcxpresso. After a week's exploration, it can basically be used, but it is found that this software still has its advantages. If you don't believe you try, you will not be disappointed. 5. Are there ready-made application instances for the resources corresponding to the compiler The three compilers have example programs, which are very standard and can learn a lot. Due to the limited time, using examples can not only improve work efficiency, but also evaluate the compiler well. Therefore, no additional program will be written in this evaluation, and the automatic routines of the development board are used for evaluation. 6. Is it possible to quickly find relevant solutions when problems arise If there is a problem in use, Keil MDK can ask for help on the network because of the large number of users and the common software, which will be solved quickly. After all, tkscope is the software developed by Zhou Gong himself. If there is any problem, it may be solved quickly by asking for help on Zhou Gong's official forum. However, I tried it recently and didn't think of such good support. As for lpcxpresso, after all, it's just started to push, so it's relatively troublesome to solve problems (of course, if your e text is better, you can ask for help on the official NXP online, and maybe you can solve it quickly, but my e text is not very good, so I haven't tried). 5、 Emulator comparison: 1. Support software The simulator supports software. For NXP LPC link of NXP development board, it is seamlessly connected with lpcxpress platform without installing any driver. After installing the software, it can be inserted and recognized; Intel's development board integrates colink2 emulator and can support keil MDK and coocox platforms. In keil MDK, you need to copy the file to keil's installation directory, and you need to change the tools.ini file to use it. Zhou Gong's development board integrates ck100 emulator, only supports tkscope development platform, and also needs to install emulator driver. Moreover, it should be set correctly. Personally, it is troublesome to set. 2. Easy to use ① In terms of ease of use, it should be the most convenient LPC link of NXP. There is no need to install simulator driver or special settings. After directly inserting USB, it will be recognized automatically. During application, as long as the compilation is successful, click the debug or shortcut icon in the lower left foot to automatically connect NXP LPC link. It takes longer to power on at the beginning. LPC link connection ② As for the colink2 emulator of Ebert, not only the driver needs to be installed, but also the file needs to be modified, and then the correct settings can be used. After copying and modifying the file, other configuration methods are the same as those of the ordinary emulator, so it is very easy to use as long as the tools.ini file is correctly installed and modified( If you need more information, you can view it on the website: )。 However, you only need to modify it once. Note that when configuring MDK, you need to copy colink2.dll and colink2-agdi.ll to the bin directory of Keil's installation path. After that, modify the tools.ini file and add the following text under [armads] of the file. The red text below must be the same as the red file name copied above, otherwise it will be wrong. As follows: Tdrv50 = bin \ colink-agdi-lpc1100.dll ("" coocox colink2 debugger "") --- wrong setting After error setting, the following error will be prompted Tdrv50 = bin \ colink2-agdi.dll (coocox colink2 debugger) -- set correctly After correct setting ③ For Zhou Gong's ck100 simulator, you also need to install the driver, and then set it correctly and use it, which is relatively troublesome in configuration. Save hardware settings After configuration, you can judge whether the target board is normal through the hardware self-test program. If it can be connected normally, the following interface will appear: If the connection fails, the following figure will appear. This is the reason why you can check the error. Generally, there are the following points: ① . whether the chip is powered on; ② . whether the chip is encrypted; ③ . whether the simulator is correctly connected with the target board, etc. Hardware self-test failed Hardware self-test failed Therefore, in general, NXP simulator is the most convenient to use. Because I am familiar with MDK, I prefer to use the development board of inbette if I use it. Although Zhou Gong's information is relatively complete, I feel that the operation





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