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    Why do you have a dark network? for freedom


    "Dark net, Chinese readers are generally not very good to impress it, think that there is a crime and crime. These impressions are basically coming from a few hot texts, chasing tracers, these articles are one or two English articles. And re-splicing. But because the content is too hunting, the impression of the person is deeply rooted, so that when I mentioned the previous article, "the network closer to the Internet founders created by the Internet", many people leave a message I was washed with criminals ... It seems that the dark network has been contained in Chinese. In addition, many people think that there are many doubts after reading those articles, and I have asked me how the article is credible, and what the dark network is. To answer this question, do not need background knowledge, just need logical reasoning. Summarize the main points of the articles, roughly: We use the Internet only the surface network, the size of the dark network is much larger than the surface network, even several times large. The dark network is full of vicious crimes, selling arms, hiring killing hands, selling population ... The dark network is very deep, and ordinary people are difficult to access it. These views themselves are contradictory. If 3 is true, ordinary people are difficult to access it, then how can this very few people create a larger network? This is not logical. If you remove 3, leaving only 1, 2, then it means that the dark network is full of vicious crimes, and there is such a huge scale. Isn't it to explain that our crisis is spent, everyone is doing illegal things, then ordinary Is the number of malignant crimes than the chance of brushing a photo of a cat in a friend circle? This does not meet our normal life experience. Why do you have these contradictions? The answer is simple. The author is wrong. From the first one, this kind of argument is the beginning of the English article. The author will mix several concepts, and did not figure out the difference between DarkNet, Deep Web, Dark Web. English these words are very similar, and if you are not careful, you will be wrong, confused. When it turns into Chinese, the situation is even worse, and DarkNet and Dark Web will be translated into dark network if literally translated, and it can't distinguish. The authors of those plagiarism and handling don't know the historical origin. It is easy to treat them as the same thing. It is more exciting to make it in the same article. It is more horrible to hear, and there is a lot of reading. There is almost no shortcomings outside of not true. In this article, I came from history, tried to tell the differencesses, the meaning of these nations, and risk. DarkNet Dark Network DarkNet is the most widely used in these three concepts, the longest history. Its history is much longer than our commercial Internet us. As we all know, ArpaNet is the front of the Internet today. The Arpanet experiment network opened in 1969 is just connected to the four universities in the west. See the figure below: Subsequently, in 1970, in 1975, the University of East, South and North, and research institutions were even connected. In this process, there is still a lot of networks in parallel with Arpanet, which is actually the process of connecting each existing local area network into the fixed protocol. There are some existing networks that have not been accessed or because of various reasons do not want to access, they are called DarkNet, which is the dark network. Its earliest meaning should be to see them on the backbone network of Arpanet, and they are not connected. It is equivalent to the backbone network, it looks "dark", and there is no derivation. As time development, we are now using the Internet sweeping the world. The number of global networks has gradually increased, and people began using telephone lines or wired networks to access the Internet through a commercial Internet operator. But in this way, there are still many other networks, such as the company to establish a local area network in order to reduce costs (early Internet service charges is extremely expensive), to use the LAN for company employees. In order to facilitate employees to use the resources on the company outside the company, some companies have also set up a telephone-based dial-up link. This is as part of the dark network. The Internet continues to develop, networked costs have gradually declined, and they will continue to be possible. At this time, set your own dial-up access system, you don't have it, dialing is very troublesome. So everyone began to link the company LAN to the commercial Internet, allowing employees to connect to the company's interior through VPN. The virtual network linking based on the VPN is still being counted as a dark network. Today, some smaller companies no longer maintain their office networks and no longer use VPN. Their office system is built through the public Internet service components, such as documentation on the network disk, code is placed in Github, communicating with Slack or simply eliminating things with WeChat ... to this stage, the boundaries of enterprise applications and personal applications become blurred, this When this kind of business is no longer relying on your local area network or a virtual network, they are separated from the DarkNet. In addition to office needs, there are still many people who are not satisfied with the current development model of commercial Internet. There are two key roles in the Internet mode. One is the operator responsible for network access (China Unicom, Telecom ...) and the other is services. The business is responsible for providing services (WeChat, Weibo). These two key roles constitute the path of ordinary people to use the Internet, through the access business network, and then use the service provided by a service provider. According to the concept of the Internet creation period, this model is now problematic. It makes the distributed Internet becomes a centralized. People have creating the Internet, creating TCP / IP, is to create a high stability system, which is "Even if some nodes are destroyed, the remaining nodes can still exchange data." Today's commercial Internet has lanes, kills accessers, most people will no longer be able to connect, do away from service providers, and most people don't know what to do online. Classic Internet mode has its own data on each device, the purpose of the network is to exchange data, not to a center to send and accept data. With a more image, the purpose of the network is that I can send you a message, but I am not a network to send a message to you. So some people around the world call to establish a so-called DIY network, approaching community residents through their own erection, or using wireless relay, everyone is independent, and does not access the Internet through operators. Such a network community has existed in major cities around the world, but with the development of the Internet, fewer people are willing to accept such a troubles, so such a community has died one by one. Today, only a few cities have existed, such as San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal ... There are also small-scale "mixed networks", namely the Internet and private network mixed access. Many of the supporters of the early DIY network is because the Internet cost is too expensive. Many of the participants are now for "network neutrality". Network neutral is another topic. This time does not discuss the discussion, just talk about one case. In 2005, one of the three major operators in Canada blocked a website from the Canadian Telecom industry union, the reason is that the other party's call will affect the user's telecommunications. This incident has caused a strong social reflection. People pay attention to whether operators can be in accordance with their own good blocked websites, if possible, operators are not the largest company in the Internet? This incident ended one of the milestones that lay the principle of the Canadian network, but the additional thinking was that the model relying on the operator network is not correct. People should maintain a self-built network that is completely independent of the operator. Based on similar concerns, countless small-scale self-built networks still exist and active, and these networks are part of the dark network (DarkNet). On this level of operators, there are more worry. For example, if we leave the network disk, we can also exchange files. If we leave WeChat, we can also send a message. Leave a few search engines We can also retrieve information? According to the state of the current Internet swept, the answer is probably "can't", at least in most people. In order to avoid the dependence on several major Internet service providers, they begin to find other solutions to the central network. For example, in the NAS in his own home instead of the network disk, use BT software to share large files with friends (note that BT is legal software, it can pass any file, not only to download pirated movies), self-built chat Server ... These services are often built on virtual networks connected to VPN. There are also more advanced applications, some friends even connect their own local area networks and friends home through VPN, using each other's computer to do data backup, access resources and collaboration on the other party online. This process is a bit like the process established in the past, but there is no physical networking, but it is completed on the Internet to establish a layer of virtual network on ordinary commercial Internet. In these networks, the service provider is also a member of the participating network construction. The most ideal situation is that all participants have part of the traffic and storage, which forms a true destination network. Don't worry about the loss of data after being destroyed. Leading the service stop. This is a model that is more in line with the initial Internet design. Today is still using and establishing a DarkNet, most of them are the poor passenger. They are just for their own convenience and preparation, they need these networks, such as in my own case, business services rarely provide the ZFS snapshot backup I need, I can only connect my local area network and friends. , Use the FreeBSD server running on the respective local area to save the snapshot backup. Considering all self-built networks, VPN-based applications, various P2P file sharing applications are considered as part of the DarkNet, which is not surprising, but this traffic is huge and the criminal activities have no relationship. If you are concerned, the biggest illegal activities on the DarkNet should be download pirated film and technology, but this activity is too popular in Chinese Internet. Two Deep Web Deep Network DEEP Web is another way of dividing. It has part of DarkNet, but the direction of attention is different. Deep Web refers to pages that cannot be retrieved by search engines, the relatively late in this word is a general search engine. Before the development of the Internet, the search engine is the largest traffic entry. In that era, people even think that the page searched in the search engine is almost considered nothing. " Without the guidance of search engines, people cannot find the one you need from the web page of astronomical numbers. So because various reasons cannot be indexed by the search engine, another hidden world is constituted. If you regard the page indexed by the search engine as a surface layer, you can't be retrieved is the deep network under the water, and the concept of Deep Web (Deep Network) is from this meaning. Even if the search engine is the biggest flow entrance, there are still many websites who are not willing to be searched. Some are small private interest communities. They are reluctant to be disturbed by outsiders. Some are technical reasons. For example, the content is placed in Flash or completely with JavaScript rendering, the search engine is unable to resolve, but the webmaster does not want to revise. Others are reasons such as permissions, security, law, and interest. For example, the office system that is running on the Internet, this content is required to access the corresponding permissions, and should not be included in the search engine without being related to the authority. If it is really accidentally included, it is the permission system to make a vulnerability, anonymous users can also browse, this is a major security incident. For interest, it is more interesting. For example, almost all SNS systems are reluctant to let search engines retrieve, they want to stay within their own ecosystem, if they want to retrieve content, they want users to replace them through their own station. Facebook prohibits Google to retrieve it in most of the page by setting the default permissions, TWITER has a protocol, allowing Google to index it, but the agreement will no longer continue. Taobao and Tmall prohibited Baidu index a few years ago, and until recently opened a small number of pages to Baidu ... These contents can not be indexed with universal search engines, as part of the deep network. In the era of searching engine development, the web page gradually replaces the software has more content. The service that must be accessed using software clients only accounts for only a few part. The search engine cannot index the contents of these software, nor too much problem. However, after the mobile Internet, the entire situation has changed, and more and more content is closed within the app, the search engine cannot retrieve, these APPs form a block unconnected territory, traditional Internet web "page - The link "The system has completely collapsed. The most typical example, such as the WeChat friends circle, the above photos and characters can not be retrieved by the search engine, even if the parties hope that others can search, it will be powerful. These content are also deposited in the deep network. Of course, the most content contained in the previous DarkNet also belongs to the deep network. Many of the DarkNets are even isolated, and it is natural that it is impossible to be indexed by the search engine. It can be seen that the search engine can retrieve the content, just part of the human creation. Many years ago Search engine index has been rising, more and more pages are included in search engines. However, after the mobile Internet develops, the page has been replaced by the app, which has a significant slow down of this index. People use the frequency of search engines to decline, so far, search engines are still important ways to retrieve information and knowledge, but what will be developed in the future, it is difficult to predict. Three Dark Web This word is also translated in Chinese, which is confusing, so on Dark Web, directly using the original words in this article, do not translate Dark Web and DarkNet and Deep Web have a little association. But it is also a completely different thing. It refers to applications that can be accessed through special agreements or special authorizations. This range is quite large, which includes a variety of P2P services, encrypted currencies such as BT to eDonkey or even Bitcoin, including content on VPN virtual networks that require authorized, including special P2P services, such as onion routing Or Zeronet, almost all things that cannot be accessed directly from the browser can be counted. DarkNet This concept mainly emphasizes the network layer, Dark Web refers to the networkApplication. If the Dark Net corresponds to the operator, the Dark Web can correspond to the Internet service provider. Services running on the DarkNet, even if it is a normal page, you can also count as a Dark Web. In addition, a large part of the DEP Web is also a Dark Web, and the relationship between these three is intricate and overlap. The concept of Dark Web can refer to a small application, making it a gitlab service in your own VPS, and several friends develop a spare project, which is large to Tor onion routing around the world, can be counted as Dark Web. More interesting is that when people invented this concept, I never thought that the global Internet would be divided into several parts. According to today's form, the concept of Dark Web has exceeded the term of the invention. For example, China's mainland users must access foreign Internet services such as Facebook through certain special software, which can also be counted as Dark Web for Chinese users. Converse, China's large number of services must be registered with mobile phone numbers and do not allow anonymous access. The mobile phone number must be purchased in real names. For those of other countries, there is no way to use these services directly, so these services can be considered DARK WEB ... Dark Web is so huge, enough to prove all the demonization of the dark network in Chinese, and the corresponding part is only part of the Dark Web. Accurately, it is a few websites of the Tor onion on onion on the Dark Web. Several websites below this agreement. In all operations of Dark Web, the maximum traffic is still P2P download service, even if the site is built using Tor onion, the most famous should be the piracy of pirated seeds, although this is also in some national laws. It is illegal, but it is not too harmful to death, and it will not talk about any dark world. In addition, there are some gambling services, as well as anonymous explosions of major media. Website also exist in illegal trading, usually called Although most of the Dark Web services do not pursue anonymity, there are indeed some tools designed to be anonymous on the Internet, Tor is the most famous one. However, even if this is, a Tor starts using it on the computer. If you really go to seriously criminal activities, the law enforcement department can arrest it is still easy. To truly reach anonymous, you need to learn specialized usage and a series of strict norms and equipment conditions, it is likely to be "relatively reliable anonymous". For most ordinary users, it is hard to use Tor to really hide your identity. Therefore, even if it is the dark network market, the most common transaction above is the drug-related, which is relatively light and transaction products in illegal activities, and can be based on marijuana that has legal in many countries. For children's erotic, this kind of law enforcement authority is severely hit by Western countries. Most of the dark network markets also prohibit it, this truth is very understanding, after all, everyone is doing "Dark Web Market", the dark network market. Overall, the number of people using TOR for a long time is not much because it is very slow. In addition to some social activists and reporters, there are also ordinary users who pursue anonymous and privacy, which are not the providers of illegal services, and these people are more common users. Be Business, can do low-risk business, why bother to do this highest risk business? As for the hiring killer on the dark, things that kidnapped the population of trafficking are more urban legends, and there is no evidence to prove that they really exist. The founder of the largest dark network market "Silk Road" has been arrested by the US law enforcement agency, and he has not included these items in his crime. These criminal behaviors have long-term existence in the real world, and have been controlled by various gangs. They have long have fixed networks and channels. It is not necessary to spend so strong to use such a good way to attract customers and propaganda. If you say the illegal business on the dark, in addition to trafficking drugs, gambling, fake documents, more common are fraud. That is, I have known that I have killer or pornographic content, and I'm cheating. If someone is transferred by Bitcoin, they will never pay. After all, everyone is anonymous. No one can find anyone, cheating each other, there is no way, can only be self-denial, even can't tell others. Who will complain with a friend to say that he is hired by the homicide in the dark? It's really risky to make money compared to the huge risks. This kind of scam makes it easy. There is no real criminal transaction on the Internet? Of course there is. But these transactions are generally on the Internet, in the Internet, in various forums, SNS, usually in a variety of secrets, just like them in the real world. Many media reported how the Islamic countries recruited the Holy Bihadi and conduct publicity war, and they are most commonly used as the most effective platform. They are groups of Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Telegram, and making a variety of false content webpages waiting for Google to cheat. Hook on people. What is the political situation of Russia? By the Twitter fake account, Facebook advertisement and the water army. Criminal activities also require customers and goals, and it is easy to go to the most place. The most common platform for online crime is definitely the most common people, rather than this kind of appreciation of the net network. Be Even if the major media is available in the Tor onion network, it is actually not received any important clues. The heavyweights received by major media have received an anonymous broke the news, basically someone quietly throws a big envelope into a famous reporter's mailbox, is a real world entity mailbox, not an online mailbox. For ordinary people, with a baseball cap for a piece of clothes, throw the envelope into a mailbox, which is much simpler than the online anonymity. For illegal content and transactions, trading on dark online is often better than using national judicial systems. For example, piracy is generally transaction in Russia because there is the easiest. The service used to download pirated movies is generally in Nordic or Switzerland, because the law is more stringent in privacy protection, and the law does not require service providers to reserve access logs. North America has been the most serious drug crisis in recent years, and the flood of fentanyl is to order from China's minifistrate. The goods enter North America through postal services, because in China, it is only ordinary chemicals ... Some legal business in China It is not legal in the United States, and vice versa, these methods are long-term, stable and reliable and easy to use. Explain these concepts, you can understand the relationship between the dark network and the dark online crime. The dark network is very large, but this dark is not a "dark day" meaning, nor is it created for criminal behavior. The deep network is very deep, but this is a deep understanding of the search engine, not the meaning of the "deep no limit" of ordinary people. Dark Web contains various services, some of which are indeed criminal behavior, but the proportion of crime proposals in the proportion and real world is also difficult to say. Our real world also has a crime, and it is always impossible to put all people into prisons, and even if there is also violent behavior and illegal transactions in prison. Before you install a chip in the future, the crime cannot be banned, and it is natural that it is impossible to demand the dark network or the Internet to destroy crimes. What is the meaning of the dark network? Whether it is a DarkNet or a DEEP Web or a Dark Web, there is a common point, that is, people always want to have a backup solution. What if the operator is blocked? If I conflict with the operator, I will not be able to access the Internet again. On the content published in Facebook, the account is disabled, and the content in Weibo WeChat can be deleted, and the blog on its own VPS is still possible to be turned off. How can a web page not destroyed by external force? Only everyone who makes participants holds a copy, put on their hard drive, but also gives others to visit, that is, everyone is burdening, everyone provides a distributed network system for services, this is the dark network. I have previously mentioned that I have a site on Zeronet to do article backup, and Zeronet is based on this logic product. You browse a site on Zeronet, actually copy a copy of a site from other owners to your computer, in this system, as long as someone is willing to save this content, it will not disappear. Before this network is challenged, the Internet is closest to destruction is the 2012 US SOPA Act. It was originally an anti-piracy bill, but it actually gave the power to third-party review and deletion of content outside the network service provider. It seems that there is a bit familiar ... No matter it, this bill is due to the industry believes that the Internet is seriously threatened. Internet freedom, In the end, it was rescued by the Obama administration. However, threats have not ended, next month (2017.12), the US Federal Communications Commission must finalize whether to abolish the principle of network. This is equivalent to giving the network operators any speed limit and blocked power, thus threatening the freedom of Internet. The major Internet companies and organizations are fierce against it, but it is difficult to predict. Abolition networks also means that operators can set up speed limits for different companies in the future. A large company that spends more money, users have access faster, small companies that have less spending money are slower, and they want to compete with big companies more difficult. How to fight this inequality? The distributed file storage scheme such as IPFS may be a solution, which is also part of the so-called hidden network. Considering that these independent changes, the existence of the dark network is more meaningful, and people can eventually have a parallel network space that can not be reviewed, not deleted, and is not willing to limit speed and blocking. This happens to be something that the founders of the Internet try to create, and it is also the Internet. In these days, everyone has found that many of the circle of articles have been deleted when they open. Have you ever thought that if every person in a friend circle shares an article, you can save a copy of your mobile phone. When his friend circle is visiting this article, you can visit the copy of the sharer's saved instead of Tencent Server. The original version of the above, isn't it? If you can't see it? " That's right, this is a P2P distributed content network, which belongs to the dark network. So why do you have a dark network? for freedom. Original address: Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! [WeChat scanning picture can be paid directly] "





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