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    my country's mass production power battery monomer energy density reaches 265Wh / kg, is gradually reading to the international advanced level


    "Miao Wei, Minister of industry and information technology of the people's Republic of China, said at the forum of China electric vehicle hundred people's Congress (2019) that by the end of 2018, the energy density of China's mass-produced power battery has reached 265wh / kg, and the cost has been controlled below 1 yuan / wh, reaching the goal of 2020 ahead of schedule. Compared with 2012, the energy density increased by 2.2 times and the cost decreased by 75%. In addition, the battery management system, drive motor and vehicle electronic control system have also made considerable progress, and gradually keep pace with the international advanced level. The following is the full text of Miao Wei's speech: Distinguished vice chairman Wan Gang, director Chen Qingtai, distinguished guests and friends, good afternoon! I am very glad to participate in the annual forum of China electric vehicle hundred people's Association again at the beginning of the new year. First of all, on behalf of the Ministry of industry and information technology, I would like to extend warm congratulations on the holding of the forum and take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to friends from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the development of China's automobile industry! This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China, and it is also a key year for a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China's economy has shifted from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage. The automobile industry is also in the key period of improving quality and efficiency, transformation and upgrading. Today, we gather together to discuss the coordinated development of automobile revolution and transportation, energy and cities, which is of more unusual significance. I am looking forward to your insights and valuable opinions and suggestions. I also take this opportunity to give overall consideration to the development situation of China's new energy vehicle industry and the next work. 1、 Work closely to jointly promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry Over the past year, all relevant departments have earnestly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, made concerted efforts and closely cooperated to jointly promote the development of China's new energy vehicle industry. (1) Strengthen departmental coordination and stimulate market vitality. In 2017, in order to establish a market-oriented long-term mechanism to promote the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicle industry, the Ministry of industry and information technology, together with the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of customs, the General Administration of market supervision and other departments, jointly formulated and issued the parallel management measures for average fuel consumption and new energy vehicle points of passenger vehicle enterprises, commonly known as the "double points" management measures, It is a major innovation in China's automobile industry. In the process of formulating the "double points" management method, we not only fully learned from international valuable experience, but also widely solicited the opinions of domestic and foreign parties, including the United States and the European Union. 2018 is the first year for the implementation of China's double points management measures. During this year, the five departments cooperated with each other to jointly build a double points system and clarify the rules of points trading, so as to successfully complete the points accounting and trading in 2016 and 2017. A total of 118 passenger car enterprises participated in the transaction. Among them, 94 domestic production enterprises (including Sino foreign joint ventures) and 24 imported vehicle enterprises have completed 107 points transactions, with a transaction amount of more than 700 million yuan. Driven by the double integral management method, the whole industry pays more attention to the energy conservation of traditional vehicles and the coordinated development of new energy vehicles. Increased investment in technology research and development, accelerated the launch speed of models, improved product performance and quality, stimulated the vitality of market subjects, and made market competition more full. The sound development trend of China's new energy vehicle industry has been further consolidated and achieved the expected policy objectives. (2) Layout intelligent networking and promote cross-border integration. China's intelligent networked vehicles have entered a new stage of rapid development. Technological innovation is becoming more and more active, new applications are booming, and the industrial scale is expanding, resulting in industrial chain reconstruction and cross-border integration. In April 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology, together with the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of transport, issued the specification for road test management of intelligent networked vehicles (for Trial Implementation). Up to now, 11 provinces and cities have issued detailed rules of test specifications and more than 60 test licenses, which has taken a solid step in the industrialization of intelligent Internet connection. In July 2018, witnessed by the Chinese and German prime ministers, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the German Ministry of economy and energy and the Ministry of transport and digital infrastructure signed the joint statement of intent on cooperation in the field of automatic networked driving, and held a special event for China Germany intelligent networked vehicles, which displayed the image of Chinese enterprises and promoted the common development of the intelligent networked vehicle industry of both sides and even the world. In October 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology and the Beijing Municipal People's Government jointly held the world intelligent networked automobile conference, built a high-end exchange platform for politics, industry, University and research, and effectively promoted industrial integration and innovative development. In December 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology released the action plan for the development of the Internet of vehicles (smart connected vehicles) industry, which strengthened the top-level design and created a new engine for industrial development. (3) Pay close attention to quality and safety to ensure stable development. Automobile products are related to people's life safety and public safety, especially new energy vehicles are in the initial stage of industrial development, and safety is the basic bottom line and fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of the industry. Since 2018, safety accidents of new energy vehicles have shown an upward trend. In view of this situation, on the one hand, organize experts to deeply analyze the causes of the problems. Overall, the understanding of the internal mechanism and management experience of safety problems in product design, manufacturing and use needs to be deepened. In order to pursue short-term interests, individual enterprises have directly pushed products with insufficient verification to the market, and some users' charging operation and maintenance of new energy vehicles are not standardized. With the expansion of promotion scale and the increase of vehicle service life, the safety risk of new energy vehicles can not be underestimated. On the other hand, the accident investigation mechanism was launched. We interviewed key enterprises for the first time, issued notices twice, organized the industry to carry out safety hazard investigation covering all models and products, strengthened the special spot check on the production consistency of new energy vehicles, and established an expert group to go deep into the front line to carry out field investigation. At the same time, we also accelerated the formulation of mandatory national standards for electric vehicle safety, organized the industry to formulate and release the safety guide for electric vehicles, and took multiple measures to resolutely curb the rising trend of accidents and effectively ensure the stable development of the industry. (4) Deepen opening-up and cooperation and promote common development. Looking back on the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, among many industries and industries, China's automobile industry is a pioneer, pioneer and explorer of opening to the outside world. Especially since China's accession to the world trade organization, almost all the major automobile enterprises in the world have invested in China. The joint venture and cooperation between Chinese and foreign automobile enterprises has not only promoted the development of China's automobile industry, but also benefited foreign enterprises investing in China, achieving the effect of win-win cooperation. In order to adapt to the new situation, grasp the new characteristics and promote the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up, in early 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology organized a symposium on further opening-up of the automotive industry, pooled wisdom and consensus, systematically planned various work of expanding opening-up of the automotive industry, and provided an important basis for the formulation of relevant policies. The release of the timetable for liberalizing foreign investment restrictions and reducing automobile import tariffs, including vehicle tariffs and parts tariffs, showed the world the breadth and intensity of China's automobile industry's opening-up. China's automobile industry has also ushered in new development opportunities. Here, I would like to reiterate that China's automobile industry has always adhered to and will continue to adhere to the principle of open development. All our policies treat all enterprises investing in China equally, and there are no mandatory technology transfer requirements. 2、 Industrial development has achieved remarkable results, but it also faces challenges In 2018, the automobile industry experienced a market decline due to various factors, but the long-term good development prospect remained unchanged. Especially with the joint efforts of everyone, the development of China's new energy automobile industry still maintained a good momentum. (1) The scale of the industry continues to expand. In 2018, China's production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 1.27 million and 1.256 million respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 59.9% and 61.7% respectively; Among them, 986000 and 984000 pure electric vehicles were produced and sold respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 47.9% and 50.8% respectively; The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 283000 and 271000 respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 122% and 118% respectively. Through structural analysis, it is found that the proportion of plug-in hybrid vehicles in the whole new energy vehicles is increasing. Plug in hybrid electric vehicle can better balance the mileage anxiety and the rising cost of pure electric vehicle, improve the use efficiency of traditional internal combustion engine and vehicle energy efficiency, and reduce the use of battery, vehicle weight and vehicle cost. In the whole cost of electric vehicles, power batteries account for a very high proportion, so this is a development trend, which is worthy of our common attention and research. In particular, some newly developed electric drive platforms use Atkinson engines to generate electricity and match with far fewer battery packs than pure electric vehicles to drive the motor and drive the whole vehicle. This is a trend that has been put on the market last year, which is different from the traditional incremental and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which develop in series mode. (2) The technical level has been steadily improved. By the end of 2018, the energy density of mass-produced power batteries in China has reached 265wh / kg, and the cost has been controlled below 1 yuan / wh, reaching the goal of 2020 ahead of schedule. Compared with 2012, the energy density increased by 2.2 times and the cost decreased by 75%. In addition, the battery management system, drive motor and vehicle electronic control system have also made considerable progress, and gradually keep pace with the international advanced level. For the existing permanent magnet synchronous motor products in China, its maximum revolution has reached 16000 revolutions. Although there is still a gap with the most advanced 18000 revolutions in the world, the gap is not large. (3) The competitiveness of enterprises has been significantly enhanced. The product performance and quality of backbone vehicle enterprises have reached a new level. The new pure electric drive platform models represented by SAIC Marvel X have been listed one after another and have been recognized by users. The commercial vehicle products of BYD, Yutong and other enterprises are sold to more than 40 countries and regions around the world. (4) The supporting environment is improving day by day. Steady progress was made in the construction of charging network. By the end of November 2018, nearly 290000 public charging piles and 438000 private charging piles had been built in China, and the total number of charging facilities had reached 728000; Local protection activities have been curbed and a national unified market has basically taken shape; Special license plates are popularized and used throughout the country; Speed up the construction of power battery recycling system. Of course, there are still problems such as uneven distribution of charging facilities and difficulty in entering the community. The maintenance of new energy vehicles and the construction of second-hand car circulation system also need to be further improved. (5) Industrial spillover effect is obvious. Industrial development has obviously driven the growth of investment, employment and taxation. The total investment in the whole industrial chain of new energy vehicles has exceeded 2 trillion yuan, which has bred new momentum for future development. The vigorous development of new energy vehicles in China has also effectively accelerated the transformation of global mainstream automobile enterprises. For example, Volkswagen, GM, Toyota and other world-famous traditional automobile enterprises have increased their investment and issued their own new energy vehicle product development plans. (6) Challenges facing industrial development. While fully affirming the achievements, we should also see that under the background of the gradual withdrawal of financial subsidies and the environment of intensified market competition, how to maintain the hard won achievements of the new energy vehicle industry and maintain the healthy and sustainable development of the industry is the challenge at present and in the future. Relevant departments are paying close attention to studying and formulating subsidy policies in 2019. The general principle is to ensure that after all subsidies are withdrawn in 2021, there will be no major fluctuations in the industry, release the pressure caused by the decline in stages, and prevent the large decline after the big rise. 3、 Make persistent efforts to achieve high-quality industrial development In the next step, we will continue to take the supply side structural reform as the main line, coordinate and implement comprehensive policies to promote the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry. (1) Consolidate the joint forces of development and strengthen overall planning and coordination. Give full play to the role of the inter ministerial joint meeting, strengthen inter departmental cooperation, and strive to solve the prominent problems such as the difficulty of charging piles entering the community and local protection. We should also timely establish a production capacity information release mechanism to guide social rational investment. In 2018, we issued the administrative measures for the access of road motor vehicle manufacturers and products, which specifically stipulates the entrusted processing (OEM mode), encourages capacity cooperation among enterprises and stimulates market vitality. At the same time, we should also coordinate the development of lithium, cobalt and other resources and the construction of power battery recycling system, so as to promote the integrated development of automobile and energy, transportation and communication industries. Now the new energy vehicles delivered to users have achieved more than 80% online real-time monitoring through the real-time online monitoring system. The Ministry of industry and information technology is promoting the real-time online monitoring system for power batteries. At the same time, battery enterprises and vehicle enterprises should be encouraged to pay enough attention to battery disassembly and recycling in the future at the design stage. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the formulation of operation instructions so that users, echelon utilization enterprises and disassembly and recycling enterprises can get effective technical guidance. (2) Enhance the driving force of development and strengthen the driving force of innovation. We should improve the technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented and in-depth integration of industry, University and research. Consolidate the benign development trend of the national manufacturing innovation center for power batteries, accelerate the construction of the national manufacturing innovation center for intelligent networked vehicles, and improve the performance of power batteries and the level of vehicle intelligence. Accelerate the R & D and industrialization of key technologies of fuel cell vehicles, carry out demonstration operation in areas with good economic foundation and high local enthusiasm, and open up the industrial chain and hydrogen energy supply chain. (3) Optimize the development environment and continuously improve the policy system. Optimize fiscal and tax policies, increase support for use links, and maintain the steady growth of new energy vehicle industry. Formulate and release the requirements for the integral proportion of new energy vehicles from 2021 to 2023, improve the double integral system, and make preparations for the withdrawal of all financial subsidies. Improve the interconnection level of charging facilities and accelerate the construction of convenient and efficient charging network. Continue to carry out special investigation on potential safety hazards of new energy vehicles, improve the standard system, establish and improve safety inspection, product recall and other systems, and improve the level of safe operation. (4) Expand opening up and cooperation and cultivate international leading enterprises. Accelerate the pace of opening up the field of new energy vehicle manufacturing to the outside world, and promote industrial cooperation to expand to joint R & D and brand cultivation. Actively participate in the formulation of international standards and improve the voice and influence of international standards. Guide and support advantageous enterprises to make overseas layout, integrate deeper and wider into the global supply system, and cultivate leading enterprises with international competitiveness. There is an old saying in China that "the sea contains hundreds of rivers, there is capacity, standing on a thousand feet, and being strong without desire". An important reason for the brilliant achievements of China's automobile industry benefits from reform and opening up. In the future, we should not only dare to take the lead and try, but also be positive and steady, step fast and steadily, strengthen communication and dialogue with an open and inclusive attitude and fair and just rules, seek win-win cooperation, actively innovate, overcome difficulties, and jointly seek high-quality and sustainable development of the new energy vehicle industry., Read the full text“





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