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    The real cerebral cave is open: future machine brain interconnection, "sharing" brain is coming. Personal thinking will end!


    "According to foreign media reports, the latest research shows that the current latest science and technology can achieve communication between the brain, will it end? Is it ending personal thinking, realizing the shared brain? At present, Canada sci-fi author Peter Watts wrote one The research report has been deeply analyzed for human brain interconnection technology. It is reported that he has been a marine biologist. He recently wrote a novel in 2014 "Echopraxia". You have already known that human beings can use brain wave control machines, which is the old news in the past ten years ago. At that time, the scientist experiments show that the monkey can obtain food by active thinking with the robotic arm. Today, news reports on human nerve limbs are not surprising, from prosthesis visual to video games (some ideas control games, where the most famous ideas control game developers are Emotiv and Concept Technology), and novel "" Cat, "When your mind is active, the cat ear wearing will be automatically touched or swing. But we have surpassed mechanical thinking, no longer just satisfied with the machine downwards, and we currently try to connect these machines with the living human brain. In 2016, the University of Barcelona, ​​Carles Grau, led a European Neurologist, studied the "Mail-Order Telepathy", "mail order soul" can record someone in India In the heart, you want to greet the brain wave activity, then send, decoded and implanted into Spanish and French recipients, when the remote off-site recipient receives brain waves from India, "Mail order" equipment Flash will appear. You may remember an important study of Duke University, North Carolina, North Carolina, 2013, report, researchers Miguel Pais-Vieira and his colleagues will be two mice The brain is joined together, when a mouse is stimulated, another mouse will receive induction, press the joystick. This headline is very shocked, making people thinking that a person's thinking can enter another person, meaning that others can consider the behavior, like Alien Paw Syndrome. It is undeniable that some news media may be actually, but you carefully read these headline news reports, you will notice that the laboratory is accepted before the training, whenever its sports skin is particularly itchy When you press the joystick. The awareness of the two mice did not integrate, this study is a technological progress, but you can't be stimulated because of itching inside the brain, claims that he is "Borg Collective", Borgman It is a universe race of "Star Trek" fiction, and they live in the Galaxy Delta quadrant, which is a semi-organic semi-mechanical biochemical person. However, as long ago, the University of Washington, the University of Washington, the Sports Nerve Engineering Center, Roger Rio, reported the study of the real version of the "Director Network", and he is a higher level of the study of Era, It is built on top of human awareness. Someone thinks about an instruction, then send it out, and another person will press the button unconsciously. At present, the human brain interconnect technology has made a certain progress. A machine in the University of California Berkeley Branch can read the human visual leather information and analyze what you are watching, all this is only based on human brain activity. Kendrick Kay is one of the designers of the machine. In 2008, he pointed out that we can ultimately read dreams, and we can further observe some unpraciated private issues. He used to guess, this situation is likely to be achieved within decades! However, only 4 years later, Japanese laboratory successfully developed a machine, which is completely based on functional magnetic resonance imaging data (FMRI), which can predict that people fall before falling asleep, and their accuracy reaches 60%, and the illusion in the sleep. It is a dream that is not fast. Moore's law has greatly shortened the time of expert prediction, and now it is time to consider the impact and consequences of this technology, and what will this impote in the science and technology that focuses on sharing? If people know what the awareness is, it is easy to answer these questions, and the theory of consciousness is not lacking. Giulio Toni, a neurist of Wisconsin, pointed out that consciousness reacted the integration of brain distributed functions. US San Francisco State University Iqikil Mosella has designed a model that describes the regulator between the conflictless motorization commands, and the common sense will conscious as the basic properties of the substance, like charge and quality. And the theory believes that the human brain does not have too many awareness, just like a certain "organ consciousness catcher" filtering the awareness. The neurological field leaders, California University San Diego scientist VS Ramachandran believes that everything is the problem of mirror neurons, and the University of Princeton Michael Graziano will consider a consciousness as a Experience map. Research Report The author Wats pointed out that I think these experts are taking us, these theoretical models are just an estimate, not awareness. There is no mysterious intelligence, it is easy to see how natural choices promote flexible solving problems, classify the feeling input, and obtain high-level related data. But why are these are self-conscious? If physics is correct, if anything is attributed to substances, energy and numbers, any copy of any full-precise replication will display the true characteristics of the matter. Therefore, the physical structure of any copy of the brain-related characteristics can appear wisdom. We may confirm this, "Adaptive plastic scalable electronic nervous system chip (SYNAPSE) is a US Defense Senior Research Project (DARPA) and IT Co-design, and currently they are being committed to reconstructing human brain hardware design It is expected to run before 2019. If physics is correct, use "wake-up" human brain hardware per proliferation. Moreover, if physics is correct, then our human beings should not exist. You can observe that ions span neurological synaptic, follow the nerve from the nose to the toe, but any one of these processes will make you expect the appearance of subjective awareness, physics describe a whole "smart zombie" The world, the way they do anything is the same as humans, but they don't conscious, don't know what they are doing. This is what we should do, with flesh and computing power, the flesh is awakened in some way, what is going on? Octopus has "close to the awareness of human level." "Experts believe that many non-human species also have self-awareness." We can handle problems related to wisdom, accompanying ideology of nerve characteristics. At least for humans, awareness is a subcutaneous structure (brain dry, brain, hypothalamus, and front buckle) and cerebral predecessor interaction, the integration process is a key link. The above extensive distribution area must be simultaneously discharged, which is a coordinated reaction with a signal delay of no more than 400 milliseconds. Tony is using this insight to obtain a integrated indicator he called, which can not only detect awareness, but also quantitative awareness: from all biological self-awareness of pests to humanity. If everything is attributed to the integration of nerve - hypothesis self-awareness is a degree of problem, even if there is some basic level of ideology, then we may discuss the specific structure of the brain, at least 2012 The so-called "Cambridge Declaration" announced at the Francis Crek Memorial Conference is said. The signator of the "Cambridge Declaration" believes that many non-human species also have self-awareness. It is reported that the signatories of this declaration include: cognitive neurologists, neurologists, neur physiologists, neuronics and computer neurologists. Wait. I don't know how to treat this problem carefully. This is not to say that I think it is not credible. I just think that human beings tend to underestimate the complexity of cognition of other species, but this is not a breakthrough new experimental result of the declaration. I can solve the problem in all. Instead, its signature is basically sitting down and drinking beer, while holding a hand to make a delegation to open a member of the chimpanzee is one of the members of the wise man (some things look a little uncertain: Stephen Hawki witnessed the declaration in the scene All the storms set off, but he is neither neurologist, nor is the signator of a declaration). However, we are still talking about a group of famous neuroscientists, and the most famous scientists are more qualified to comment on this topic than I. One problem they discussed is that the formation of natural awareness does not depend on a specific brain structure. "Cambridge Declaration" admitted that parrots (there is no brain new cortex) and octopus (their brain is basically a neuronal cell that is suspended, and there is no anatomy with our body) "close to human level Consciousness. " Neurological complexity is critical to the ideology. This is just a sequence, which is part of the beginning of the question: What is the implicity of the brain connection? At least in theory, is there any cellular awareness? In fact, you know more than you might think of! Krista Tower, British Columbia, Canada__ 根 (Krista Hogan) and Tatiana Hogan is a pair of seven-year-old sisters, with other peers and children, This is connected to the head of the sister. "You are already a 'honeycomb aware", starting from the beginning. " This is your idea: consciousness is distributed over two brain hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum, and the body is a fat meat tube structure with a thickness equivalent to 200 million axons. Suppose I use a knife to cut the body, everything is binary (this is not just a thinking experiment: cutting the squat is the final means of treating certain epilepsy). After the violent cut, each brain hemisphere was separated. It will form a unique style, music taste, and even religious beliefs. Ramama Demn has mentioned a brain split patient, and his brain hemisphere belief Christianity, and the other brain hemisphere insists. You may listen to the integrated syndrome, or read the movie "Wonderful Love Dr.", in the protagonist of the movie, want to wear a shirt, and "the hand" will tear the clothes; the protagonist tried to think about a favorite Pen, "Evil Hand" will throw the pen, and let him take a marker pen. Of course, in addition to it is no longer your hand, it belongs to another "self" in your brain. This "self" is part of your overall brain before the sphere of cerebral hemisphere. "A shy person will become very sentimental. A discussionable woman will become picky to dig others. But the other half of you wakes up, and the new entity will disappear." At least in terms of speaking, you still have normal, even if you cut it, the two brain hemisphere can communicate through the brain. However, this channel is longer, narrower pass space: similar to the difference between dial-up and broadband, delay and bandwidth existence. When the channel is complete, the signal can be quickly transmitted throughout the brain, and even the system is integrated as a whole, exists in the form of "I". But if you have a hard signal to transmit a remote path, two brain hemispheres cannot be synchronized, lose their connectivity. I am scattered as "we". You may think that the personality feature that spends a life-saving, it is one minute to two, which may need to use a lot of time to form a distinct personality entity. However, we can also pass chemical methods, paralyzed one of whirlpins, and achieve the independence of the brain hemisphere. At the same time, the brain hemisphere that is not paralyzed will be freed from the corresponding brain structure, sometimes a new personal characteristic. A shy, introvert "whole brain" will turn a light floating, the oil is slippery; a cute, women who can adapt the environment will become scattered, full of hostility for others. However, after another brain hemisphere wake up, this new entity will quickly disappear. Therefore, things existing in the form of "self" are in the form of a dual-core system, but it is fully capable of running in a single core system. Take an ordinary person as an example, if your brain is in dual-core operation mode, is it a second individual? Is there two of you, and every you are thinking: Hey, is I am part of the whole? Not like this, in contrast, local personality will gradually disappear and integrate into greater overall. Recently, the University of Helsinki, Finnish, Kaj Sotara, Kaj Sotara and Alto University, Harri Valpola, published research reports in "Machine Meeting International Magazine" pointed out that bioal brains cannot be in the same brain The attention process of multiple independent awareness is supported in the medium. Krista Hogan, Krista Hogan, Agriculture, British Columbia, Canada, is a seven-year-old sister, with other children and the unique, this is The head of the sister is connected. In any case, the endless double tires are very rare, but Hogan sisters seem more to be more unique, but they are not only connected together, but also the brain mix together, more specifically to the brain, the hyperthermithoid is the brain. Feeling relay. This is also shared a group of related sensory input systems, meaning if a person is scratched, then the other will laugh. They can see what they see, taste each other's food, they can cry together, laugh together. The evidence of anecdote suggests that they can share their thinking, although they have different personality, but everyone uses "I" when it comes to the other party. Hogan sisters are two souls that have a sense of central, so they share a feeling relay. But the hypertrophitis is a low brain circuit, and its communication speed is equivalent to dialing Internet, not broadband, if this is the foregoing of twin sisters, how do they achieve? If the two brain hemisphere can run independently (still fused to form a connected entity), what is the big brain that is integrated? Is a single continuous neuron system amnessed in two brains? Considering that the left brain has a revelation adjustment, will we discuss two souls, or a single aware, have a neuron of twice the normal human brain? As early as 2011, Gegil showed a manual memory synthetic hippocampus for the mice. The memory form encoded in the device can be accessed by the organic mouse brain, which can also be transplanted into other mice. . Soon, these prosthesis will expand them to the human body."Whether you enter visual information, sound, political point of view, or the preference to a brand beer, it will blamed where the brain is transmitted." There are other methods to achieve human brain interconnection, such as neurosilicon interfaces. Ten years ago, we have mastered this technology. In experiments around the world, neuron cultures can detect the structural performance of robots through robots, and use brain tissue to drive analog aircraft. In Clemsen University in South Carolina, Ganesh Venayagamoorth, Ganesh Venayagamoorth, is busy improving neurons, making it applied in all areas such as power grids to stock markets. In addition, the US Defense Senior Research Program (DARPA) has been committed to the development of "cortical modem", which is a direct nervous system interface that can be connected to human brain gray (we have used implants in other primate animals) Special neurons are reprogrammed). However, the US Senior Research Program may have taken one step by Sisodore Girr, Southern California University. As early as 2011, Gegil showed a manual memory synthetic hippocampus for the mice. The memory form encoded in the device can be accessed by the organic mouse brain, which can also be transplanted into other mice. . Soon, these prosthesis will expand the application to the human body (actually this is the ultimate goal of Ggl). If you are difficult to accept the surgical implantation, Sony will bring you as a gospel, the company has registered "Blue Sky" technical patent, which can use radio waves and compressed ultrasound to enter the human brain directly. They believe that from the game to remote surgical treatment, this technology is a major progress (for me, I can't remember all things, whether it is processing sensation input or religious beliefs, most of the neurons will pass information in the same way. Input image, sound and political views, even if it is irresistible preference to a beer brand, all this is attributed to where the ever-wave transmission is transmitted). These studies have not explicitly designed to link a person's thoughts with another person. They started to transfer the idea from the flesh to the mechanical device and transfer it again. In other words, what we see is to get rid of a single brain limit, and further extends the brain awareness. We are now equivalent to the "Cambrian Period", Barcelona University Carres Grape's Mail Transmission Brain Wave is a strange signal type, Pastvira's "honeycomb" "It is two independent rat brains, and he promotes this point of view, claiming that one of the rat brain is stimulated, and another rat will respond. If the received signal is not accepted for reactions, then the stimulus is meaningless. This is not an overall consciousness, or even the feeling of mind. This difference is like a person who is experiencing orgasm, while another person watches the signal information on the remote mountain, and uses the Morse code: "Oh! Heaven! Hey! My God!" Therefore, such research still needs to do a lot of efforts, but this technique may come more late than you. Wen Doctorow said in 2003, "The Poverty Dead Magic Kingdom" said that in the near future, everyone will connect the Internet 24 hours a day in the cerebral cortex, current development Trend, this is not out of reach. Connect many people's brains into a universal network, this idea is extremely attractive. Compared with ordinary people, patients with brain split have strong advantages in image search and pattern recognition, because two thinking is better than a thinking, even when two thinking are in a brain, even their communication speed is only equivalent Dial the speed of the Internet. So, if there are countless high-speed thinking to communicate, you may say: "It's great! Let it continue!" However, we don't sure this will happen. I don't necessarily use "awakening" to rhetoric, and I don't exclude. Google's "DeepMind" is a universal artificial intelligence design aimed at simulating the human brain. It is a bit close to the functionality of brain synapses. If the interference and redundant synapses are calculated, the running speed of the phone is close to the brain body. At present, we still need to make certain progress in theory, truly achieve consciousness, we are still looking forward to the ultrasonic "nerve dust" interface proposed by the University of California, Berkeley, or Les University researchers further improve their carbon nano The tube electrode, but this carbon nanotube is wide and can be fully loaded. Perfecting these theoretical perspectives may not be as difficult as you think, when involving some unfamiliar parts, the brain will complete these complicated tasks. A pair of simple electrodes as a geomagnetic inducer for blind mice, which can use the magnetic field to navigate in the maze, just like other mice with normal vision. If the mouse can learn to use a new induction method (some species have never experienced in their evolutionary process), then what reason believes that our brain will prove the ability to integrate new forms? Even if you are skeptic, you don't have to deny the possibility of "thinking to steal technology". They just firmly believe that this technology cannot be achieved for decades. If we can't achieve a hive awareness, it is unlikely because we lack the technology, it is likely to be due to lack of nerves. Therefore, I think if one day, Netflix may be renamed "Mindflix" and provides the first person's experience to the sensory cortex. I guess that there is no unreasonable imagination, people will strive for registration and use such a service project, and Moore's law will exert its "magic". What will I mean for us? If their brain is slightly fused, Hogan twins may have a super self, we can ask one of the brain hemispheres: What will happen if their brain fuses? We can also ask the poor insects that only wake up a brain hemisphere. In the drug failure, the other brain hemisphere is re-engaged as a whole, he will experience the life of the split. No, you can't ask him, he does not exist at all, and his personality is very close to you. Consciousness is still very mysterious, but we have no reason to think that it is incredible, unpredictable, there is no evidence that a soul can only be limited to a big brain, and it is impossible to enter the brain of others. One thing we know is that the spread of consciousness is to fill the available space. Small self-integration into large self, two brain hemispheres merged into one. If the Neurologist Julio Tony, the University of Wisconsin is right, and the Cambridge declaration has a foot, then the structural characteristics of the brain are not so important. You don't need brain cortex or hypothalamus. What you need is just the complexity and adequacy of the fat pipe. When the way of thinking path is route to another, can it return to the initial brain? Does the electronic information know the difference between the 胼 胝 胝 and the brain interface? A article titled "Google Search will become a big brain" is very popular, scientists believe that people will continue to exist as a separate entity, but the brain can support a variety of different conscious attention in the same media. "The bandwidth is too low, you will lose the fun, the edge is too high, you will lose yourself." Throughout the history, we communicate through language, text, and image information on the screen, a sufficiently wide nerve interface allows all exchanges to achieve broadband, just like a new generation of 胼 胝, can integrate us into a kind Unprecedented new self. Of course, we will take appropriate safety measures to take all steps to ensure that it will not be wrong, may not have any problems. Keep your dial-up transmission rate is wide enough, you will be fine. But there will always be some challenge the limit, and they may actively promote the consensus of thinking. This kind of person is a lot in the circle of super humanism. Some people think that if you want to get aware of the new carrier, you will get a longer life, and it is essential to abandon the flesh. For others, this is a way to communicate with other species, you can share conscious thinking with cats or octopus. Despite this is a very good idea, but thinking with a wide low, you will lose the experience; thinking with a wide high, you lose yourself. Even if you don't like something like this, you are also using the internet. Even in today, neurologists and game developers are also considering re-transforming the Internet, making it a "explicit avatar" of neurological intelligence. The complex index of the network will only rise, not to fall, the server sometimes crashes, the electric lock will sometimes fail, what is likely to happen. As Batman's housekeeper pointed out, some people are afraid of the world. Some people may get tired of distributed denial of service attacks, tired of leaking emails of well-known people, they may attack "Mindflix" in a name. These are what we need to think now, because some network security failures, or someone who makes it broke through the bottleneck restrictions to persuade you to try complete thinking, these things have not considered the value of you. . You may not care about what potential for new consciousness composed of silicon or 1000 brain, or whether it is defined from a new integrated honeycomb thinking as a murder or simple cerebral leaf removal surgery. After immersing in the honeycomb awareness - peeling from independent awareness into a neural program, you may not have enough self. Original link: Search for the panel network, pay attention, daily update development board, intelligent hardware, open source hardware, activity and other information can make you master. Recommended attention! 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